Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 362 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 362 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (38)

After yelling two or three times, there was no response, Bai Xixi was a little strange, didn't it pass on?

So I started to pass on two more sentences.

"Are you trying to keep me from sleeping?"

The sudden voice behind her startled her, and when she turned around, she found a handsome man behind her.

Bai Xixi squinted her eyes, and hugged her very happily: "Wow, male god, you look like this in this plane, and you look pretty good."

Mo Xiao gave her a cool look and said, "You just want to bring me to this kind of place?"

Bai Xixi: "Yes, yes, don't you think it's very interesting?"

Mo Xiao: "I don't think so."

Bai Xixi was embarrassed, well, she didn't think so, but she brought him in because others found it interesting.

If I had known earlier, I might as well just stay obediently in the world of time and space, what a waste of emotion.

Rescue: "Actually, otherwise, alas, I can't go back anyway if you think it's not good, or if you can go back, you can go back first!"

It can't be saved!
Mo Xiao glanced at her casually, then left with his hands behind his back: "Since you're here, let it take its course."

Bai Xixi's eyes lit up: "Male god! You are so caring!"

I feel more and more that the male god is so handsome, what should I do, my heart is trembling!

【…】No way, how did it detect that Xixi's cerebral cortex was a bit overactive?

If you look at it according to the emotional settings in the database, it looks a bit like...

No, no, no, it must have detected it wrong, how could it be, it definitely detected it wrong!
Bai Xixi followed behind Mo Xiao nervously, and asked, "God, what is your status in this world? Priest?"

"Or someone else in the priest's mansion, it must not be a young man, I guess it is the high priest himself?"

Bai Xixi kept talking, she didn't know she could talk like that.

But why does Mo Xiao always have the same expression?

"By the way, male god, I have nowhere to go now, please take care of me!"

Bai Xixi looked at Mo Xiao helplessly, the latter showed no expression at all, and said without sympathy at all: "Why should I take you in?"

Now it's Bai Xixi's turn to be confused: "No, aren't we on the same front?"

Mo Xiao said in a nonchalant way: "Since you're here, follow the plot carefully, and play the role more seriously. Otherwise, what's the point?"

Bai Xixi: "..."

She walked around in front of Mo Xiao: "Male god, are you kidding me? If you follow the normal route, you're the one who wants to kill me!"

Don't make trouble, she doesn't like to follow the plot at all.

Mo Xiao curled his lips into a slight smile, and stretched out his hand to help her hair: "I'm not joking, today I'll treat you as a catch-up, and from tomorrow onwards, I will follow the plot in my mind step by step."

Bai Xixi is messy in the wind, what the hell, why did it become like this, this is not what she imagined, God, play her to death.

Mo Xiao did what he said, and on the second day, he directly called the guards outside that someone had broken in and demanded to arrest him. Bai Xixi was so frightened that he hurried over the wall and went out again.

Come on, come on really.

Okay, if you come, I will really play with you!

She wanted to see who was the best.

Bai Xixi first returned to the killer organization that trained the original owner. When the people in the organization saw her coming back, they all felt like they had seen a ghost.

Someone went to communicate with the head of the Killing Sect: "Master, Linglong is back."

(End of this chapter)

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