Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 363 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 363 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (39)

The door owner was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Can you see clearly?"

The man said: "I can see clearly, I'm coming here now."

The door owner fell into deep thought and let him go down first.

Didn't Tiannv Lingtong say that Linglong was chased and fell off the cliff with no bones left?
The girl Zhang Yang came in indifferently, completely different from what the door owner had imagined.

But the sect master is the sect master after all, and he has never seen all kinds of storms and waves.

Majesticly said: "Linglong, have you completed your mission?"

Bai Xixi chuckled lightly: "Master, shouldn't you care if I'm still alive?"

The door master frowned, and slapped him suddenly: "Presumptuous! Linglong, it's a lot more courageous not to see you for a few days."

Bai Xixi said mockingly: "Courage, I don't know if I'm brave or not, but I know that your position as sect master may only be for a while."

The head of the door turned dark, and sternly reprimanded: "Linglong, I think you have been out for a few days and you don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and your brain is burnt out. Since you are rebellious and committed crimes, don't blame the head of the door, come here! Send Linglong to the punishment room !"

Suddenly two men in black appeared at the door and were about to step forward to arrest her.

But in a moment of breathing, the girl disappeared in front of her eyes.

"Bold! Linglong, you don't want to die!"

Then, when they heard the door master in the first position being hijacked by Bai Xixi with a blushing face, the two subordinates were stunned.

When did Linglong's skill become so powerful that even the sect master couldn't escape.

Bai Xixi smiled, and Bao Liang said dangerously: "Now you should be the one who should worry about your life. Look, although you are the master of the sect, your neck is as fragile as ordinary people."

The cold dagger cut a scratch on the door owner's neck, and blood gushed out immediately.

The door owner's forehead was covered with cold sweat, he didn't expect Linglong to dare to do such a thing, it was like a different person.

After all, the sect master is also the sect master of an assassin organization, and he has long been indifferent to life and death, but he was hijacked and threatened by people in his sect. It is a great shame to lose this face.

"Linglong, I will give you a chance. As long as you let me go, I can immediately promote you to the position of hall master."

Bai Xixi: "Tsk tsk tsk, hall master, why don't you give me the position of sect master, I might let you go."

The two subordinates below looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The door master was annoyed: "Don't go too far!"

Bai Xixi shook her head regretfully: "Then I'm sorry."

If it wasn't for the male god who insisted on doing things, she wouldn't take your position as sect master.

Stop talking nonsense with this sect master, and broke the sect master's neck with a stern blow in his hand. The sect master immediately spurted blood on the spot, staring wide-eyed and dying, never expecting that she would not play cards according to common sense, and just kill him like this Yes, no conditions at all.

Isn't she afraid of revenge from all over the house?

It's a pity that no one will help him answer these questions.

The two subordinates were also confused on the spot, this...

Bai Xixi casually pushed the door owner's body down, even wiped off the blood on the chair with the door owner's body, and sat down without dislike at all.

Looking at the two people below, he smiled slightly: "You two can be regarded as the brothers I have trained together. I will give you a chance. The sect master died in an assassin's sneak attack. Before he died, he passed on the position of sect master to me."

(End of this chapter)

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