Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 364 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 364 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (40)

One of them called Hei Jin said: "Linglong! Do you think we are blind? If you kill the sect master, you will be hunted down by the Quansha sect and die!"

Heiyin obviously had some thoughts, so he didn't say anything, listening to Bai Xixi continue.

Bai Xixi knocked on the chair, and said slowly: "I believe you have a deep resentment towards the former door owner, Hei Jin, have you forgotten how he forced you to kill your most beloved woman with your own hands?
Have you forgotten how he forced you to kill your brother who fought side by side in the slaughterhouse?

Of course, if you forget me, it’s hard to say anything. By the way, I would like to congratulate you. You have successfully become as cold-blooded and ruthless as the former door owner hoped.

Perhaps, if the two of you can't get out today, then no one will know who killed the former sect master. "

Heijin's complexion was painful and tangled, recalling the past.

At this time, Heiyin suddenly knelt down and said, "The former sect master was killed by an assassin, and he personally passed the position of sect master to the sect master when he was dying. I saw it with my own eyes. Hei Yin paid homage to Linglong sect master."

Hei Jin finally let out his breath and also knelt down: "Hei Jin, meet the sect master!"

Bai Xixi hooked her lips, it seemed that she was still on the right track.

After Hei Jin Hei Yin went out and announced the news of Bai Xixi's succession as the head of the sect, many people in the Killing Sect were dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do.

Bai Xixi promised black gold, black silver and some things in the hall, and they will take care of the rest of the Killing Sect.

When this news spread to the National Teacher's Mansion, the fake Lingtong and the real Linglong threw the cup in frustration.

"This is impossible! The Killing Sect serves the National Teacher's Mansion. It is impossible for the Sect Master not to know that the woman will die for me in the future. How could it be possible to pass the position to her! Are you wrong about the news?"

"The news that the servants heard is absolutely true. The secret chatter in the Killing Sect came to report that the former Sect Master died strangely, but they had to agree that the woman became the new Sect Master.

She has the sect master's order, and the antidote to kill everyone in the sect, if you don't agree, then..."

Linglong's eyes were gloomy, full of murderous intent, Lingtong!

Even if you are a sister, it doesn't matter if you don't die, she will die, so, sister, you should continue to sacrifice for your sister.

"Go, tell the national teacher, Linglong may not be able to control it, let him find a way as soon as possible."


After Bai Xixi took over the Killing Gate, she directly instigated a bunch of people. Now her opponent is not only the State Teacher's Mansion, but also the Priest's Mansion.

The national teacher thought about her paving the way for Linglong, and Mo Xiao at the priest's mansion was still doing things, and suddenly felt that it was not easy for him.

[Actually, I think it's good for you to expose your identity, and say that you are Lingtong, and everything will be solved easily. 】

Are you stupid? If I say I am Lingtong, others will believe it. Why didn't you say it a few years ago? Why did you default to being Linglong? If you say you are Lingtong, go find someone to prove it.

【I'm not stupid!Of course, someone proved that the original owner and Linglong each had a birthmark on their chests. The original owner's birthmark was a white lotus flower, while Linglong's birthmark was a red oval. Moreover, Linglong and Lingtong had a nanny who was not dead yet. Proof. 】

Bai Xixi: " didn't pass on this plot to me, how would I know?"

【It's obviously you who didn't read the plot after the death of the original owner, how can you blame me! 】

"It doesn't matter, it's all your problem anyway."

[…] Scoundrel!

(End of this chapter)

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