Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 365 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 365 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (41)

After the original owner was killed, this nanny was found by Linglong and completely silenced. Since then, no one has known Linglong's identity.

It's just that Linglong hasn't found out where the nanny is yet.

The nanny was also shrewd, knowing that the two sisters were separated and had lived very different lives, so she disappeared without any trouble.

If Linglong hadn't found the nanny's son in an accident, maybe she could hide for a lifetime.

Bai Xixi ordered someone to pick up the nanny and go out to testify when necessary.

In fact, the national teacher also has a way to determine who is the real goddess, but the national teacher did not suspect that such a young child would deceive people.

When he had doubts, Linglong had already thought of a way to transfer all the luck of the original owner to herself.

Bai Xixi laying in the bedroom was very tangled, she was not particularly suitable for the position of door master, so she handed over all the affairs to Hei Jin Hei Yin.

As a result, black gold, black and silver were full of resentment. At first, it was fine, but they were surprised that the sect master entrusted them with such an important matter. Later, when they were too busy, they almost scolded Bai Xixi to death in their hearts.

She really wasn't afraid that the two of them would put her on hold.

Of course, what Bai Xixi was struggling with was not the sect master's problem, but Mo Xiao's problem.

So in the struggle, she would sneak into Mo Xiao's room in the priest's mansion every night to chat.

Anyway, Mo Xiao said that to follow the plot, the role-playing must be played well, so she also harshly asked Mo Xiao to play well because the priest is a mortal who does not know martial arts.

Bai Xixi dragged her chin and sat there facing Mo Xiao: "God, do you think this is interesting?

Otherwise, don't follow the plot and just make trouble, okay?I think it would be more fun to make trouble directly. "

Mo Xiao: "..."

"Otherwise, I'll kill Linglong directly, and we can go to another place in this plane for a couple of laps, or just commit suicide and come back to the world of time and space."

Mo Xiao: "What gave you the illusion?"

Bai Xixi groaned: "Illusion? What illusion?"

"Why would I go on messing around with you? Now that I'm here, I'm going to make a good plot. This is what I said before. If you come every day, you can be sure that I won't yell and let people catch you out?"

Bai Xixi chuckled, and didn't care at all: "No, if you want to yell, you can yell whatever you want, anyway, the people in your priest's palace are not my opponents, even if I take you away, no one will stop you Me, so it really doesn’t matter if you call me or not.”

Mo Xiao: "..."

Bai Xixi suddenly rolled his eyes, thought of something, stood up and walked in front of him, and once again swayed his arm without any scruples: "Oh, male god, I did my best to go through the plot for you. Zhong Dou, look, I’ll go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire for you with just one word from you, don’t you feel moved?”

The girl blinked her eyes, a little cute, acting cute on purpose.

Mo Xiao pulled out his arm lightly: "I don't think so."

"Tch, it's really boring."

Bai Xixi returned to her seat, picked up the apple on the table, took a bite, and complained: "Your apple is so sour, bad review."

Mo Xiao: "You can choose not to eat."

Bai Xixi raised her head and squinted her eyes and smiled: "I like sour food too."

Seeing the girl eating the apple, the man's eyes darkened.

The girl opened her mouth, her lips were moist and bright red, and she really wanted to be kissed to taste what it felt like.

(End of this chapter)

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