Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 367 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 367 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (43)

"My God, I'm sorry, she has a mission. If you have something to do, just wander around the door by yourself. I'm sorry to leave first."

After speaking, the male killer also left.

Linglong was so angry that she almost gritted her silver teeth.

But I can't catch up, and I can't swear like a shrew here, she is a noble goddess!

When she finishes fooling Lingtong, let's see who dares to disrespect her.

Linglong was also strange along the way. Most of the people in the Killing Gate saw her not only being rude, but ignoring her. She was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

When she finally reached Bai Xixi's door, she secretly thought that sooner or later she would make those people pay the price.

After opening the door and entering, I saw Bai Xixi sitting on a stool eating without any image.

There was a trace of contempt and vulgarity in his eyes. How could this kind of person be her twin sister, who even had the same face as her.

"What kind of wind brought you here today? We haven't seen each other for more than a month."

Bai Xixi put down the things in his hand and said.

Linglong closed the door, then turned around and looked at her inquiringly, and said: "Sister, you are fine, you really scared me to death, you know, I heard people say that you are dead, and you can't do it after crying for several days. believe."

Her throat was fine, she obviously watched her drink the poison with her own eyes.

Bai Xixi chuckled lightly: "Then you didn't come to see me until more than a month after my resurrection."

Linglong's face stiffened, and then said: "Sister, I can't help it, you know, I am a goddess, and my every move attracts attention, the national teacher doesn't let me come to this kind of place often, otherwise I will be punished, I ..."

Bai Xixi thought in his heart, pretending to be real, it's too showy.

What is the original owner's wish?

To kill her is to kill her, or... let's kill her now.

[Miss, be careful!You are going so fast!Can you continue to fight hard and earnestly! 】

Koukou, do you have any level of education? This is called Zhaidou?Where do you live?
[Slip of the tongue!Anyway, that's what it means!If she dies immediately, your task will be considered complete, but at the same time the plane will be broken to varying degrees, you don't know this, ancestor! 】

Bai Xixi snorted in her heart, she wanted to go back, if it wasn't for showing the male god to see her, she wouldn't come in to do the mission again.

Forget it, if you don't kill him, don't kill him, and it's the same if you kill him later, anyway, she really doesn't like her at this level.

"Okay, don't cry like me, Linglong, after this catastrophe, I've figured out a lot of things. You used to play me for a fool, do you still want to treat me for a fool now!"

Linglong's heart tightened, what did she know?
Impossible, Lingtong has been stupider than her since she was a child, so it is impossible for her to know.

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

Bai Xixi suddenly hooked her lips, and at some point a dagger appeared in her hand, spinning and playing with it.

"Linglong, remember your name clearly, don't think you are really a goddess, I can take back everything you have now at any time."

Linglong didn't know why, she still had the same face and the same person, but it gave her a completely different feeling.

"What are you... talking about? How can I... ah!"

The cold dagger instantly enlarged and appeared in front of her eyes. At that moment, she almost thought she was going to die.

The dagger brushed against her ear, causing a gust of evil wind.

Linglong broke out in cold sweat and almost wet her pants.

He swallowed in fear.

Bai Xixi smiled sweetly, she also found this face an eyesore.

(End of this chapter)

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