Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 368 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 368 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (44)

"You say, if I scratch your face now, and then go out and say that I am the real Lingtong, will anyone believe me?"

Linglong's nerves tightened: "Don't mess around."

Bai Xixi walked past her and whispered in her ear: "Of course I won't mess around, but if you have a next time, I'm not sure.

Oh, by the way, by the way, you should be mentally prepared, I will take back everything you stole from me. "

Linglong ran away with her skirt in the end. This is not the Lingtong in her impression, absolutely not!
At night, it was rare for Bai Xixi not to go to Mo Xiao's to find a sense of presence, and when he was about to sleep peacefully, he found someone in the room.

When I got up and looked around, I saw the man who looked like a god under the candlelight, his profile flickering against the light.

Bai Xixi's mouth twitched.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll call you an assassin when you come here like this?"

Mo Xiao: "If you want to shout, no one will stop you."

Bai Xixi pouted her lips and rolled her eyes. Who the hell is using bugs through the back door.

Mo Xiao obviously used his spiritual power, and no one could see him except the people in the space-time world.

Unfair, differential treatment!

"So, what's the matter with the male god coming to see me tonight?" Bai Xixi pretended.

Mo Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly. The girl was wearing a white undershirt, which looked quite standard, but his eyes were still dark.

"Xi Xi, how about making a bet with me."

Bai Xixi was stunned, and an inexplicable feeling emerged in his heart, why the name he called out from his mouth sounded so much better than others.

But why did he call her by her name directly today?

"What bet?"

Mo Xiao: "Three years, bet on whether you will change me."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

What's the mess?

Mo Xiao said coldly: "You don't need to know what it means, I hope you can change me during the three years in this plane."

After all, Mo Xiao was no longer in the house.

Bai Xixi's face was full of question marks, she had no idea why Mo Xiao came and why he left.

And that bet, I don't know anything.

Make wool.

The next day, an unexpected person came.

The national teacher of the dynasty was also the one who predicted that the original owner and Linglong would be saved.

There is also a man beside the national teacher, named Xiao Qingfeng, the son of the current emperor, ranked fifth, the male protagonist who finally ascended the throne to inherit the throne, and married Linglong.

This is the first time Xiao Qingfeng saw this legendary younger sister who looks exactly like Linglong. After carefully sizing her up, she commented calmly. This girl looks more eye-catching than Lingtong, with a fierce and lazy look on her body. The aura of each other is mixed together, it is completely natural.

The national teacher has a pair of sword eyebrows. He is about 50 or [-] years old, but he looks like he is in his thirties. He is not handsome, but he is not ugly either.

"Linglong, I think you know the reason why I came to see you today. I won't beat around the bush with you, give up the position of sect master, and I'll take you back to Guoshifu."

Bai Xixi looked at him with a smile, his expression was unclear: "I like the position of sect master very much, why do you want to return to the National Teacher's Mansion?"

The national teacher's face darkened: "You should know what your own mission is! Don't forget, if you didn't have me back then, you wouldn't be in this world long ago!"

"Really, so you mean I should thank you? Then follow you back and make sacrifices for your chosen goddess?"

Xiao Qingfeng secretly thought from behind, this girl's trajectory has been determined by them, it's a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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