Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 375 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 375 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (51)

There are rumors that Xiao Qingfeng has a beloved woman and wants to marry her. Unfortunately, the identity of this woman is quite complicated. Everyone was wondering what kind of woman was able to catch the eyes of the prince.

At this time, Xiao Qingfeng was looking at the woman in front of him in a dazed manner in his own mansion.

I was tied to a stool, and I didn't know what kind of material the rope was made of. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get rid of it.

Xiao Qingfeng was a little helpless, and sighed: "What does Miss Lingtong mean? I haven't offended you, have I?"

Bai Xixi stepped on another stool with one foot, swiped the dagger in front of her eyes with the other hand, and smiled.

"I can only blame you for bumping into me. You didn't offend me, but I need your identity to do something. I'm sorry."

Xiao Qingfeng: "Girl, can you tell me what's going on? If I'm required to cooperate, I will definitely cooperate. Why tie me up?"

He could see that she didn't have any malicious intentions, but he felt a strange sense of evil.

Bai Xixi: "I don't need your help, I can figure it out myself."

For some reason, Xiao Qingfeng always felt that every word this girl said was full of anger.

No, the point is whether you can untie him first!
Outside, the people in Xiao Qingfeng's house had no idea that their master was tied up in their house.

Bai Xixi has not returned to the Priest's Mansion for five days. Because of Mo Xiao's status, she cannot see Mo Xiao's status, and can only check other places in the Priest's Mansion except Mo Xiao.

But Bai Xixi observed through the system for five days, and there was no commotion at all.

The dagger was stuck on the table, Xiao Qingfeng shuddered, and complained in his heart, if he had known that stopping this girl would turn out like this, he would have stopped it again!

"Damn! Is this old lady so unattractive?!"

Bai Xixi glanced at Xiao Qingfeng who was being helped and was still thinking about retreating, approached him and asked viciously: "I ask you, am I not good-looking?"

Xiao Qingfeng swallowed his saliva: " looks good."

"Am I not attractive enough?"

"You... are attractive."

"Then why didn't he respond at all!"

Although Xiao Qingfeng didn't know who Bai Xixi was asking, it was always right to follow this aunt at this time.

"He's blind."

"Boom—" The table was kicked by her, and it fell apart immediately.

"Who are you calling blind! How dare you call my male god blind! Do you still want to die!"

Xiao Qingfeng: "!!! I'm blind! I'm blind!!!"

Bai Xixi gritted her teeth and ignored Xiao Qingfeng, the flames in her eyes were about to burst out.

No, she still doesn't believe it!
He squatted down, pulled out the dagger from the broken table, and went straight out.

"Woman! You let me go first!"

Xiao Qingfeng yelled in the back and his voice became quieter, when there was no one in sight.

Xiao Qingfeng: "..." What evil did he do?

Bai Xixi rushed back to the priest's mansion, found Mo Xiao, and jumped in front of him without any warning: "Mo Xiao, let me tell you! I have someone I like, and I want to take him to the space-time plane.

For five or ten years, it is impossible for me to continue living with you, or he misunderstood me and it is hard to explain.

So, today I am here to tell you that after this plane ends, we will go our separate ways and have nothing to do with each other! "

The man looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of him, and after talking a lot, his eyes narrowed slightly for some reason, and an unknown emotion of a wild wolf was pounding in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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