Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 376 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 376 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (52)

"Really, they have nothing to do with each other?" Every word seemed to be twitched several times before being uttered.

Bai Xixi felt that something was wrong, but she didn't see what was wrong specifically.

A dangerous premonition emerged from the bottom of her heart, but she ignored it.

"Yeah, they have nothing to do with each other. As for the old monster, you don't need to explain, I... ah..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Xixi felt his body rise into the air, floating in the air.

She tried to use her spiritual power to put herself down, but found it was futile, and glared at Mo Xiao.

"What are you doing? Let me down!"

Mo Xiao sneered, feeling chilly.

"Go down and find someone you like?
Since Jinghan handed you over to me, it is impossible for you to leave my sight before I get tired of playing. "

Bai Xixi was about to become so angry that she knew that Mo Xiao was just using her as a toy, similar to a boring thing to relieve boredom, but it sounded like it aroused reverie.

"What nonsense are you talking about, let me go down quickly, otherwise... Hey! Hey! Come back!"

Still thinking about how to speak harshly later, Mo Xiao sneered at him, turned and left.

Bai Xixi, who was floating in the air, stared at her in disbelief, what the hell is this special!

She came here to stimulate people, not to be stimulated, and the result was reversed!
damn it!How the hell did this get down!

Button, can you help me?
【sorry, I do not have. 】Are you kidding me? How could it be possible for Mo Xiao to do it.

Bai Xixi rolled several times in the air, very annoyed, it looked quite funny.

Because it was floating in the air, Bai Xixi felt particularly insecure.

But the only thing is that even if she is floating in the air, there is no need to worry about falling.

It didn't even matter that she was sleeping.

So when Bai Xixi woke up after falling asleep and found that she was still floating in the air, maybe she didn't feel much anymore.

Mo Xiao is planning to keep her trapped here and never come back, right?

Although she is attached to the original owner, she doesn't need to eat, and her own spiritual power is enough to keep it going.

But it can't be like this, so she will die of boredom if she doesn't starve to death.

Koukou, Mo Xiao, forget it, don't show me Mo Xiao, can you contact Yan Mo?

[I will try my best. 】

A moment later, the voice in the head appeared.

[Sorry, no, but if you help me, there may be hope. Mo Xiao has set up an enchantment around this room, and my radio waves cannot pass through the plane to reach the world of time and space. 】

Bai Xixi thought about it and let it go, she felt that Mo Xiao should not let her go like this all the time.

Sure enough, three days later, Mo Xiao appeared.

With an elegant and sinister smile on his lips, he said, "Have you figured it out?"

Bai Xixi: "Think about what?"

"Be obediently by my side and stay away from other people, otherwise I don't mind keeping you trapped here."

Bai Xixi sighed: "You asked me if I thought it through clearly, but I also want to ask you this question, even if you want to keep me here forever, what is your purpose?

Promise to my parents' conditions?

I don't know what agreement you have, but I dare say that there is absolutely nothing that traps me in your conditions.

So what are you thinking about? "

She could tell that this man of God didn't know what liking was at all, he only had blind possession, and desire was at work.

(End of this chapter)

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