Chapter 248 Unscrupulous
Yunshuang could only go to the street with Ren Xiaoyao to buy breakfast.

"Yunshuang, I think we should pay attention to the black-faced person around us, I think he should be right next to us."

Ren Xiaoyao's most helpless thing is the invisible enemy, Kong has all the skills but can't attack.

"Xiaoyao, do you think he will show his true colors to others?"

Yunshuang replied lightly.Judging from the previous attacks, this enemy is extremely cunning, and this dark skin is probably the image he deliberately left for himself.And the information about height is useless at all, most people here are about seven feet, according to Xiaoer, it is a man, and I can't rule out the possibility of a woman, in short, there is no clue.

The two watched the steaming steamed buns being made, and Ren Xiaoyao was almost drooling watching.At this moment, a man rushed over, sprinkled a handful of sand on these steamed buns, and then ran towards the alley.


Ren Xiaoyao broke down, and chased after him in twos and twos. He was about to kick the man to death, but he didn't expect the man to kneel down first.

"Master, please forgive me, please forgive me, I am also forced to do nothing, someone kidnapped my son and asked me to do this!"

Yunshuang and Ren Xiaoyao were very angry, but they could only let the man go.Judging from the current situation, the opponent didn't play cards unreasonably, but unscrupulously. The two hated it.

"Yunshuang, this person is secretly trying to play us to death!"

Ren Xiaoyao finally understood that the two of them were surrounded by people like mice.

"Grab him and kill him!"

Yunshuang is also full of anger, which is not the case for playing people.

At the end of the day, the two finally ate delicious buns next to a stall.During the period, Ren Xiaoyao also took out a silver needle, tested the poison, and carefully opened the bun, being very careful, and finally confirmed that it was not poisonous before eating it.

"The other party must be observing us in a corner!"

Ren Xiaoyao said swearingly, and kept looking around.

Yunshuang thinks that the other party is not so stupid, there are so many people in the streets and alleys, the other party must have bought a lot of eyeliner to check her.It's useless to track down, let alone separate the two, Ren Xiaoyao will definitely be played to death by the other party.

Just when the two were suspicious, a little boy about ten years old walked up to Yunshuang.

"Sister, there is an uncle over there who asked me to deliver a letter to you."

The little boy handed over the envelope in his hand, and Yunshuang took it immediately.The little boy ran away without looking back.

"Yunshuang, quickly take it apart and see what's inside?"

Ren Xiaoyao was angry and curious at the same time, wanting to see what the other party was playing.

Yunshuang placed the letter on the ground very carefully, then walked three meters away, cut open the envelope with an ice blade, and found that there was indeed no trap inside, so she walked over, ready to pick it up and read.

"Yunshuang, wait, this letter paper may be poisonous!"

Ren Xiaoyao was frightened, he was careful to make the Wannian ship, and said something worried.

When Yunshuang saw the letter, she was furious, and immediately set the letter paper ablaze with dragon fire energy, and the envelope next to it was also set ablaze, and a few white bugs the size of rice grains were on the letter paper, burnt to death. Crackling.

"Yunshuang, what did you say in the letter?"

Ren Xiaoyao was very curious, why the other party was so attentive.If a normal person opened the letter, they would definitely be stained by these Gu insects.

"He said he wanted to avenge his apprentice, and let us die tragically in the capital!"

Yunshuang clenched her fists tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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