Chapter 249 Endless
Yunshuang watched Ren Xiaoyao tell what happened before.

"Good job! Everyone can kill such a wicked person!"

Hearing about Luo Chuanfeng's various behaviors, Ren Xiaoyao believed that he would kill more vigorously when he was present.

"call out!"

As soon as Ren Xiaoyao finished speaking, a silver needle flew over.

Yunshuang instinctively condensed an ice shield in front of Ren Xiaoyao, and successfully blocked the silver needle.

Not far in front of the two of them, a short man ran away, how could Yun Shuang and Ren Xiaoyao let him go, they instinctively chased after him with light kung fu.The little man couldn't outrun Yun Shuang and Ren Xiaoyao, and he was directly forced into a dead end.

Ren Xiaoyao couldn't help saying that he tapped an acupuncture point directly, and fixed the man there.

"Are you messing with us? Is it you!"

Clap, two slaps across the face, the little man's face immediately swelled up, but he still didn't speak, his throat was bulging.

"Stop hitting Xiaoyao, wait a minute!"

Xiaoyao was about to slap a few more times but was stopped by Yunshuang.

"Xiaoyao, you can see that his eyes are dull and his eyes are dull, which is a sign of being infected by a Gu! Then look at his palms are very clean, and his fingers are slender. This man is also a victim. He should have been a tailor in the first place."

Yun Shuang drew a knife from her body, approached him directly, and put the knife across the man's neck.

"Yunshuang, do you want to kill him?"

Xiaoyao asked hesitantly, and was immediately stared at by Lai Yunshuang and the little white fox.

Yunshuang cut lightly along his swollen neck, a stream of black juice sprayed out immediately, and a small bug as thick as a thumb crawled out, took a breath, and was about to spread its wings and take off.

Yunshuang grabbed the bug with gauze and arrested it.

"Yunshuang, then someone is coming, let's go!"

Ren Xiaoyao poked around at the entrance of the alley, and spoke anxiously to Yunshuang.

Yunshuang nodded, and the two walked out of the alley as if nothing had happened.

"The other party doesn't seem to want to kill us all at once, it's more like trying to kill us!"

Yunshuang worried about the current situation. Judging from these several attacks, the man behind the scenes was trying to challenge Yunshuang's patience.

As soon as Yunshuang said it, Ren Xiaoyao immediately understood.He remembered the game of cat catching mice. He often saw cats catching mice in Shaolin Temple when he was a child.The cat always catches and releases the mouse, catches and releases it again, and when it is half dead, it slaps the mouse to death and swallows it in one gulp.But now Xiaoyao feels that he and Yunshuang are like two mice, who have been played with for so long but haven't even seen anyone.

"Yunshuang, is there a way to find the other party?"

Yunshuang thought for a while, then released the black Gu worm he caught just now, ready to see which direction it would fly.Things didn't go as expected, as soon as the Gu worm broke free from the gauze, it flew towards the two of them at a very fast speed.


Around Ren Xiaoyao's sleeves, a sharp palm wind came down, the Gu worms were knocked down to the ground, and Ren Xiaoyao directly lifted his feet and crushed them into powder.

"Fortunately, Xiaoyao reacted quickly. I didn't expect this person to make the Gu so aggressive. It seems impossible to rely on the Gu to lead the way."

This method was ineffective, Yunshuang frowned and was at a loss for a while.

"Yunshuang, this person has not shown up for a long time, isn't he just going to play with us? Let's stay the same and wait for his arrival!"

Xiaoyao interjected in time, and immediately unraveled the fog in Yunshuang's heart.

"Yes, prepare food, let's find an empty and deserted environment and wait for him to come!"

(End of this chapter)

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