Chapter 214 Crisis
The long knife was stuck upside down in the ground, and Yu Wentian held the tail of the long knife tightly, panting heavily.If it's just that the realm is the same, he will not be afraid at all, but this chaotic beast not only has innate skills, but also has a thick blood volume, which is really hard for him to parry.

It's just that now that the Chaos Beast has fallen into a pool of blood on the ground, he should be able to breathe a sigh of relief, right?

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is skinny. Just as a thought flashed in Yu Wentian's mind, the Chaos Beast on the ground got up from the ground again.

Yu Wentian looked around, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to have changed, including the power in the formation, the power of the entire secret room was gathering around the Chaos Beast.

The wounds on the Chaos Beast were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Yu Wentian took a closer look and finally remembered why he was so familiar. He was in the same situation on the altar before.

His complexion became more and more ugly, and he finally found a formation with powerful energy, and there was still so much chaotic energy, and now it was all cheaper than this chaotic beast.

"Old Qin, old Qin, it's not good, I just saw the Great Elder of Tianmo Sect walking towards the small courtyard."

Elder Qin, who was drinking tea leisurely in the yard, suddenly became restless. It must not be a good thing for the Great Elder to come here secretly.

"When did you see it?"

Hastily put down the tea in his hand, not caring that the tea had already soaked a large area of ​​clothes, Qin Lao took Lao Hu's hand, and asked nervously.

"Just now I went to the kitchen in the backyard to check. Just as I was about to come out, I saw the Great Elder of the Tianmo Sect coming here. The direction he was going was the small courtyard of the city lord."

"Come on, let's go and see..."

Elder Qin struggled for a long time, and decided to take a look. Although he knew that with his level, it was impossible to defeat the Great Elder, even with Yu Wentian, but he couldn't just sit here and wait for death. Now he is A grasshopper tied to the same rope as Yu Wentian.

Lao Hu was dragged by Mr. Qin wanting to cry, he just didn't have any ability to dare to go there, so he came to find Mr. Qin, but he didn't expect to be dragged by Mr. Qin to the direction of the small courtyard in the end.

However, halfway through the walk, Elder Qin suddenly stopped, put down his old beard, pinched a tuft of beard on his chin, and laughed loudly.

"Let's go, we don't have to go, the city lord is fine, the great elder can't hurt him."

Lao Hu looked at Mr. Qin who turned and left, and then looked at the direction of Yu Wentian's yard. Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, but he didn't talk too much, and finally escaped. He didn't want to go back in a hurry .

When the Great Elder went outside the courtyard, he felt the existence of the enchantment. Mo Yun had already said before that Yu Wentian had set up a formation here.

He guessed that Yuwentian must be cultivating in it, and if he could destroy Yuwentian's cultivation, he would be able to buy more time for Mo Yun, but he didn't expect that with his ability, there was still no way to destroy the formation.

He didn't dare to rush in casually, if Zi Xuan found out, he might come to suppress him again.Just when the Great Elder touched the formation, the colorful light was seen by Elder Qin.

Yu Wentian is so shrewd, even he is willing to be tricked, so how could he let the elder take advantage of the loophole?He was in a hurry and forgot to think.

At this time, Yu Wentian also felt the fluctuation of the enchantment, but he didn't care about it because it didn't substantially hurt the enchantment. Now this is a big trouble.

"Damn it, you dare to touch the young master's things, and you don't even look at how much you weigh."

Now his power has been almost exhausted. If the Chaos Beast recovers, it will be difficult for him to suppress it again. He must destroy it before it recovers.

Yu Wentian has no time to think now, how much backlash will be brought to him by attacking at this time, time is life, and the only thing to do is to get rid of chaos.

The broadsword touched the layer of swirling aura and chaotic energy wrapped around the Chaos Beast, and the two forces collided powerfully.

Yu Wentian had already poured all his strength into the long sword, but he still couldn't make any progress, and he was even in a faintly disadvantaged position.

After a stick of incense, the wounds on Chaos Beast's body had almost recovered. Yu Wentian said inwardly that it was bad, but before he could withdraw the power on the long knife, Chaos Beast fluttered its wings, Immediately, a more powerful energy of chaos roared towards his face.

With a bang, the long knife fell to the ground, making a hideous sound.And Yu Wentian was thrown into the formation, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

Wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. In fact, he didn't suffer any serious injuries from this blow, but now his strength has almost been exhausted, and the Chaos Beast has recovered [-]% of its strength again. The disparity in strength is no longer necessary compared.

Yu Wentian touched the Wanli Escape Talisman in his bosom, he had only accumulated bits and pieces of energy, and he couldn't even escape from this secret room.

"No, I can't panic, I have to calm down. I am the most powerful villain in this world, how could I just die here for no reason?"

While forcing himself to calm down, Yu Wentian's mind was running fast, thinking of ways to defeat Chaos, even if he couldn't completely defeat it, at least he couldn't die in this place.

Suddenly Yu Wentian's eyes fixed on his body, the formation that was still shining with a faint white light suddenly had a plan in his mind.

Since this is a formation that absorbs the energy of Chaos Beasts, it should be able to absorb all the energy of Chaos Beasts, right?
According to what I saw on the road before, this formation is to absorb the energy of the chaotic beasts trapped in the passages outside, and now I can only gamble on whether it can absorb the energy of the chaotic beasts outside.

Apart from anything else, Yu Wentian immediately straightened up like a carp, sat cross-legged in the center of the formation, closed his eyes, followed the direction of the formation in his mind, and instilled the weak remaining power in his body into the formation .

Yu Wentian could already feel the breath of the Chaos Beast, and he would be able to reach him in the next moment.At this moment, a powerful light appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

But there was no need to open his eyes anymore, he felt that the Chaos Beast seemed to have been frozen, unable to move forward, and could faintly feel the Chaos Beast's struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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