The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 215 The Shadow Disappears

Chapter 215 The Shadow Disappears
From the formation, thousands of transparent rays of light suddenly appeared, and they were like vines, tightly wrapped around the Chaos Beast's body.

The energy in the Chaos Beast's body was returning to the formation along with the white and transparent vines. Its eyes were full of horror, and it obviously knew what was happening to him at this moment.

It struggles hard, even if it breaks free from one strand, it is very likely to be able to get rid of the shackles of this formation.Helpless, this formation itself is used to deal with them, no matter how hard it struggles, it will be useless.

Or it was just imagining the struggle in its mind, because its body couldn't move at all.

"Chaos Beast, Chaos Beast, it seems that there is no way for you to take my life."

Yu Wentian looked at the Chaos Beast in front of him and said coldly.Sitting on the ground facing the Chaos Beast, a circle of khaki light flashed at the position of his arm. This was the Huntian Roulette, which was activated by him.

The energy in the formation entered Yu Wentian's body along his arm, and he could see the silver-white light continuously wandering around in his body along his meridians, circle after circle.

Gradually, Yu Wentian absorbed the power in the formation faster and faster, and similarly, the energy in Chaos' body was absorbed faster and faster.

It was three days later when Yu Wentian opened his eyes again, the Chaos Beast in front of him had already died, and when he was dying, he still did not forget it, staring at it with its eyes as big as copper bells. with him.

Close your eyes again and feel carefully, the devouring magic skill has reached the middle stage of the first stage, relying on the chaotic atmosphere here, you should probably be able to cultivate the devouring magic skill to the second level.

It's just that the two forces are now in an unbalanced state again. Yuwentian dare not rashly absorb the power in the formation. If the balance of the two forces is broken again, it is very likely that he will also become the leader of the formation. part of the law.

"Huh, even the descendants of the ancient beasts, there is no way to stop my footsteps."

Yu Wentian stood up, looked at the dead Chaos Beast prostrated at his feet at the moment, a light flashed in his hand, and the body of the Chaos Beast turned into an ice cube and was frozen.

At this moment, he really wanted to burn the corpse of the Chaos Beast into a mass of ashes, but the Chaos Beast was too rare, and keeping its corpse might be useful in the future.

After finishing all this, Yu Wentian raised his right hand and exuded a force to look at it. He is not a monk who cultivates water attribute and ice attribute. It is inevitable to use the power of these two attributes complicated. After cultivating chaotic energy, Yu Wentian felt that it was a piece of cake to use the power of other attributes.

Walking out of the secret room, the shadow didn't leave, just guarding the door.However, he has no place to go. The current him has not yet condensed the entity, so he cannot leave the underground palace at all.

Seeing Yu Wentian coming out of the secret room, the shadow suddenly stood up and rushed towards Yu Wentian.

"Did you really kill the Chaos Beast? I knew you would be able to do it."

Yu Wentian glanced at the shadow coldly, "I've been here for three days, and I need to go out and explain something."

Shadow nodded again and again. He had already seen Yu Wentian's strength at this moment. There was nothing he would not agree to. Let alone Yu Wentian just wanted to go out for a walk. I will agree at once.

The stronger Yu Wentian's power was, the shorter the time before he left this ghostly place.

Yu Wentian, who had already left for several steps, suddenly thought of something and turned around.The shadow who was still immersed in joy at this moment, seeing Yu Wentian's expression at this moment, felt a faint uneasiness in his heart, subconsciously stepped back, but within a few steps, he had already retreated to the wall.

Secretly glanced at the passages on both sides from the corner of the eye, as long as there was something wrong with Yu Wentian, he would definitely run away immediately.

It's a pity that Yu Wentian didn't give him a chance at all.

"Sun Fist: Sunshine Radiance."

A ball of light burning with raging flames immediately enveloped the shadow inside. No matter how he rushed, he couldn't shake the ball of energy in the slightest.

He felt that Yu Wentian wanted to kill him, and he felt a deep fear, and he struggled even harder, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

"You don't have to struggle anymore. This move is actually not very effective. Instead, it is a martial skill to protect others. It's a pity that you are a shadow. If it is used on you, there is absolutely no way for you to escape."

Yu Wentian clasped his hands together, and looked at the shadow in the energy ball that gradually faded without any waves. He had already guessed that the reason why the shadow didn't come out here was probably because he didn't have the strength himself , which is now confirmed.

Now he has a clear idea of ​​the route of the underground palace, and the shadow outside can't get out. He really doesn't know what else he can do to leave this shadow behind.
What's more, this shadow has the memory of Wuya's era. Who knows who separated him from the body of a senior from the Heavenly Demon Sect. He must have deep thoughts. Let him go out, isn't he asking for trouble?

Seeing the shadow that had disappeared into the ball of light, Yu Wentian smiled coldly, scattered the energy of the ball of light with a wave of his hand, turned and left the secret room.

According to the route in memory, Yu Wentian returned to the first hall without any delay, followed by the passage without the ever-burning light, and finally returned to the study.

Yu Wentian roughly knew that he had entered the underground palace for almost three days, but he really didn't know how long it was. When he walked out of the room, a strong sunlight shone on his face, making people feel warm. of a slice.

It was still noon.

Yu Wentian was not in a hurry to find Mr. Qin, but first checked the formation. Sure enough, someone had moved the formation, but he seemed to just want to see the power of the formation, and did not wantonly destroy it.

Judging from the remaining power on the formation, it should belong to the high priest.

This fact surprised Yu Wentian, he didn't expect the Great Elder to take action in person, he thought it was Mo Yun who came here to find out the truth.

During this period of time, I heard that Mo Yun was very popular beside the Great Elder. Many people wondered whether Mo Yun had degenerated to become the pillow of the Great Elder. It is not surprising that such a thing is done.

(End of this chapter)

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