The most powerful villain in the heavens

Chapter 216 The Great Elder's Calculation

Chapter 216 The Great Elder's Calculation
Qin Lao and Lao Hu seemed to be playing pretty well these few days. When Yu Wentian found them, they were drinking small tea in Qin Lao's yard with a set of Go in front of them.

Looking at the situation at the moment, it is not surprising that Mr. Qin is the one who is more skilled. After all, Mr. Qin is more than ten times older than Mr. Hu.

It's just that what Yu Wentian didn't expect was that Lao Hu could play chess. He always thought that Lao Hu was just a flattering existence, and it seemed that he still had a small way to climb up.

"Old man Qin, you are quite old, and you still bully a junior, do you think you have a lot of face if you win?"

The old man Qin dropped a chess piece, success or failure has become a foregone conclusion, Yu Wentian didn't wait too much, and directly opened his mouth to remind the two of them.

But it never occurred to them that after seeing him, the two of them, who were originally calm, suddenly panicked, as if something very anxious had happened.

"City Lord, you are finally back. If you don't come back, something big will happen here."

After all, Mr. Qin is a trainer. Even though he is not young, his speed is not comparable to that of Lao Hu. He rushed to Yu Wentian in a flash, very anxious.

Yu Wentian frowned, could it be that the elder elder did something to the City Lord's Mansion when he came to investigate the barrier last time?
Elder Qin shook his head, "It's not that I did something to the City Lord's Mansion, but I did something to you."

Yu Wentian was at a loss, he was in the underground palace, the Great Elder couldn't even see his face, what could he do to him?
Elder Qin sighed, "Originally, according to the practice of the Tianmo Sect, the time for the registration of the devil should be two months later, leaving a month for preparation. But this time, I don't know what the elder said to the Sect Master. , The registration time has actually moved forward.”

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Qin and I are neither members of the Heavenly Demon Sect. There is no way to go up and help you sign up. Today is the last day. If you don't come out again, we are really going to die of anxiety." At this time, Lao Hu finally inserted a word.

Yu Wentian himself didn't realize that he had already clenched his fists at some point. The Great Elder must have felt that he would not come out during this period of time, so he moved the registration time forward to prevent him from signing up.

However, the Elder's estimation was accurate, he really wanted to participate in this devil's fight.

"Okay, you two don't care about this matter, guard the city lord's mansion well, and I will meet the great elder."

In the blink of an eye, Lao Hu, Yu Wentian disappeared into the courtyard. Lao Hu looked very envious. If he was not born in Huntian City at that time, he should be able to have similar power now.

Elder Qin has already read it for him. Although his aptitude is mediocre, he can still cultivate. It's a pity that he has reached this age now, and he has more energy than energy.

The first elder handed over the financial power, and the things on his body were reduced by half immediately. This time, the fight for the devil was very important, so the first elder was in charge of it himself, and the second and fourth elders assisted him.

Almost all the disciples of the three elders are in the front row. Even if some people are not strong enough, they can help consume some of their combat power, which is also a good tactic for them.

This is not a very difficult task. In the past, even if he asked the Great Elder to come here to preside over the registration, he would not come, but this year is different, he does not want Yu Wentian to participate in the battle of the devil .

It's not that he thinks that the disciples under the three of them are inferior to Yu Wentian. Now that the highest strength of his disciples has reached the ninth level of Nascent Soul, they are about to follow in his footsteps.

Although that disciple is not too young now and cannot participate in the battle of the devil, being there is also a deterrent.

It's just that he felt that Yu Wentian was too evil, just like Wu Ya in the records, and he couldn't figure him out at all. He was really worried that Yu Wentian would hurt Mo Yun during the game.

Seeing that the final registration time is coming to an end, the Great Elder is getting more and more nervous, as long as he can survive the remaining half an hour, all this will be over, even Zixuan has no way to secretly give Yu Wentian a quota.

But I don't know what's going on, the closer it is to the last moment, the more uneasy the Great Elder feels in his heart.

"Brother, there is still half an hour left. That brat will definitely not be able to come, so don't worry about it." The Second Elder saw that the First Elder's expression was not very good, and hurriedly persuaded him.

"That's right, big brother, second brother is right, I'm afraid that kid won't be able to come, besides, even if he comes, we only need to delay this half an hour, so won't he be able to participate in the same way?" ?”

The First Elder took a deep look at the Fourth Elder. It seemed that the injuries suffered by the Fourth Elder a few days ago were not in vain. Now he can talk a lot. Hearing what the Fourth Elder said, the First Elder immediately relaxed a lot.

But no one noticed the haze in the eyes of the Fourth Elder when the First Elder turned around.

Yu Wentian rushed straight up from the City Lord's Mansion, and saw the registration place halfway up the mountain. Only when he reached the Jindan stage could he become an inner disciple, and only inner disciples could sign up.

The people below halfway up the mountain are outer sect disciples, and earth-level disciples cannot climb to high places, so the place for registration this time is set for inner sect disciples, the lowest level of cultivation.

From a distance, there were not many people left, about a dozen or so, but Yu Wentian was not in such a hurry. He saw the First Elder, Second Elder, and Fourth Elder, and they would not let him sign up easily. Simply look at it from a distance to see what to do.

In front of the three elders, there is a transparent crystal ball. Every registered disciple will raise his arms and put his hands on the crystal ball. age, these are mandatory conditions for registration.

Yu Wentian repeatedly expressed his surprise. He never thought that there would be such a strange treasure in the Tianmo Sect. It is really surprising.

Everyone's speed is very fast, within a cup of tea, more than a dozen people have already signed up. Their level is too low, but they are just here to join in the fun, so it won't be too difficult for them.

"It seems that there are no signups, so let's call it a day."

The Great Elder was still uneasy, there was no one in front of him, and suddenly he had an idea, that is to leave early, even if Yu Wentian came, it would be useless.

(End of this chapter)

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