Chapter 600

There are tens of thousands of races in the world, and the human race, the god race, and the demon race were the most famous back then, because they defeated the giant race, but there are many other races.

The half-orcs are also one of the races that cannot be ignored. Their strength is probably only a little weaker than the giants.

They are the seeds of humans and monsters. Due to their different body structures, the chances of giving birth to children are very small, and these people who are born are called half-orcs. They have the two powers of humans and monsters, and they are a very terrifying existence. .

Of course, it is strictly limited to the first bloodline. The further the bloodline is, the weaker it will be. No matter whether the half-orc is the offspring of the human race or the orc race, his strength will be greatly weakened.

Now there are only a handful of half-orcs in the first line. After all, there are not many orcs who can cultivate into adults, and for the sake of the purity of their blood, they will not choose humans to carefully reproduce their offspring.

Compared with the power of the half-orcs, they felt that the power of their blood would be very strong.

Looking at the mayor's smug smile, Yu Wentian raised the corners of his mouth in disdain. Although the orcs are very powerful, the mayor is a little different from them.

"It's just a poor man who turned into a half-orc through the conversion of blood. Compared with the real half-orc, you don't look enough at all."

Hearing Yu Wentian's words, the mayor's expression changed immediately, his eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what was thought in his mind.

But now his heart is full of turmoil, Yu Wentian is right, he did become a half-orc through blood conversion, and compared with the real half-orc, there is still a big gap.

Half-orcs are divided into congenital half-orcs and acquired half-orcs. Innate half-orcs refer to those who are born as half-orcs.And the half-orcs of the day after tomorrow are like him. Through various methods, they can be exchanged for human or orc races with half-orc status.

There are very few half-orcs in the day after tomorrow. After all, the chance of success is very low. If it is not successful, there is only one consequence, and that is death, and there are very few people who experiment.

When he was young and frivolous, he was seriously injured, and he was almost about to die. At that time, he couldn't control so much, so he exchanged blood with a black-horned rhinoceros. He didn't expect to have the blood of a half-beast, so powerful. know how much.

"Since he knows the identity of the half-orc, will he know how to defeat the half-orc?"

The mayor felt flustered, if Yu Wentian knew the way to fight the orcs, he would definitely not be Yu Wentian's opponent, so now he is very concerned about this matter.

Immediately, the mayor shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much, "Only half-orcs know the secret of half-orcs, and the old man also did many experiments before he knew this secret. This Yu Wentian is only in his 20s. How could you know so many secrets at such an age?"

The mayor didn't believe that Yu Wentian could move the mouth of the half-orcs. You must know that this is a secret about the whole half-orcs, how could it be easy to tell others?
The mayor guessed it right this time, Yu Wentian really didn't know where the orc's weakness was, he just knew that the orc had a weakness.

But to deal with the mayor, he felt that as long as he used the power in his body, it would be enough to deal with it, and there was no need to inquire about the weakness of the orc.

"Boy, the old man also thought that if you are really capable this time, I can let you go, but now that you know the old man's secret, the old man can't tolerate you."

The mayor looked at Yu Wentian, his eyes were full of devouring look, he wanted to devour Yu Wentian, such a smart person must be delicious.

Everyone who knew the identity of the half-orc was going to die. The mayor secretly glanced at the direction of Boss Kui. The same was true for Boss Kui.

"Don't worry, after you die today, no one will know your identity as a half-orc after you die today, and even you will disappear in Huangsha Town with time."

"Elder Regent, arrogance is not something a leader should have. This thing will cause you serious harm. Haven't you figured it out yet?"

Yu Wentian didn't talk to the mayor, and the mayor didn't talk to Yu Wentian. The two competed again in the small space.

The fists touched each other, and both of them took five steps back. They almost hit the wall, so they had to stop and did not continue to retreat.

Both Yu Wentian and the mayor were fighting each other while guarding against each other vigilantly.

"I didn't expect that even the power of the acquired half-orcs would be so powerful, and they didn't train deliberately. They are much stronger than Raksha ghosts and Yasha ghosts."

Yu Wentian didn't dare to underestimate the mayor anymore. The mayor's physical strength was stronger than him, but the mayor didn't seem to deliberately cultivate his physical strength, so he had a tie with him.

The longer the delay, the easier it is for the mayor to take advantage of the loopholes. After all, the mayor will become more and more proficient. After the mayor is proficient in using rhymes, it will not be an easy matter to defeat the mayor.

The mayor's evaluation of Yu Wentian was not low either, "This kid's physical strength is really strong. If the old man is not a half-orc, I am afraid there is no way to win him in terms of strength."

The mayor frowned, looked at Yu Wentian, and finally made a decision, "I'm afraid there is no way to make a quick decision. We can only delay as long as possible to find his flaws."

With such thoughts in mind, the two fought for hundreds of moves, but there was still no winner. The strength of the two seemed to be about the same, and there was no way to judge who was superior.

Everything in the secret room was messed up by the two people, and there was no way to organize it. Even the formation that the witch had set up in the secret room to protect the secret room was destroyed by the two people.

Boss Kui spread out his hands, stunned, his legs were still wrapped around his head. His open hands were originally holding a pillar, but now the pillar has turned into a pile of gravel under his feet.

Even the gravel seems to have cracks on it, and it will shatter into powder at any time.

"Be good, fortunately, there is a pillar in front of me, otherwise, it would not be this pillar that turned into scum, but Laozi."

Looking at the gravel under his feet, Boss Kui patted his chest, still in shock, he was just a little bit close to dying at the hands of Yu Wentian and the mayor.

Suddenly, Boss Kui saw a very unusual place, and secretly and slowly moved towards that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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