Chapter 601
In Yuwentian's mansion, after Yuwentian left, the formation was opened again, and Yuwentian also strengthened the power of the formation. Now even if it is between heaven and earth, two people come together, in a short time Inside, there is no way to break through the formation.

The people in the mansion almost closed the doors, and retreated to repair the damage they suffered from the hands of the earth. The power of the earth is really strong, and even Mr. Wu was injured this time.

However, when everything was silent, suddenly a door opened quietly, and a young man crept out of the room, poked his head and looked around, and only after there was no one, he sneaked in. After closing the door, he walked towards a rockery in the backyard.

Every few steps he took, He Feifei had to look behind him a few times, but it was a pity that he never realized that there was already someone secretly following behind him.

When He Feifei walked out of the room and quickly closed the room, there was a person following behind He Feifei, she kept a certain distance from He Feifei, even He Feifei couldn't easily find her existence.

In the backyard, there are a total of seven rockeries, the most peculiar one in the middle, like a sword being stuck in the soil.

The rockery in the front left is the most ordinary, it is really just a cylindrical stone covered with moss, but the surface is not so smooth.

He Feifei fiddled with the rockery for a while, and a teleportation formation appeared on the rockery. He didn't know where it could teleport people. He Feifei looked around again, and then cautiously entered the rockery. In the array.

The people following He Feifei were immediately shocked. Even Yu Wentian didn't know that there would be weirdness here. Where did He Feifei know about it?Could it be that he had already met Yu Wentian before?

The answer is naturally impossible. After all, Yuwentian has been in the wilderness for too short a time, and he doesn't know the situation in the wilderness as well as he imagined.

At this time, in the witch's secret room, Yu Wentian and the mayor were still fighting fiercely. In the time of two cups of tea, both of them fought hundreds of moves, and they were both a little out of breath.

"Elder Regent, have you misunderstood something? The old man has never dealt with the elder regent, and even gave the old man's house to the elder regent. I am afraid that the elder regent's doing so is not justified?"

The mayor kept attacking, but stopped first, looked at Yu Wentian opposite, originally wanted to kill Yu Wentian, but Yu Wentian not only knew his secret, but also opposed him everywhere, only death Talent is the safest.

But now he realizes that he underestimates Yu Wentian too much, Yu Wentian is more powerful than he imagined, after such a long time, he has already used the third time to change shape, and the spiritual power in his body has been exhausted almost.

Now, he only has talent skills, this secret weapon, and he doesn't know if he can deal with Yu Wentian. If he can't deal with Yu Wentian, there is only one death left.

Keeping the green hills, there is no need to worry about no firewood. The mayor of this point is very thorough. There are still many opportunities to get rid of Yu Wentian. As long as Yu Wentian can be stabilized now, and Yu Wentian is not allowed to tell his secret. up.

No matter where they are, half-orcs are discriminated against. After all, they are not pure-bred orcs, nor are they pure-bred human races. The two powerful races do not recognize them. They just grow in the cracks. .

What's more, he is an acquired half-orc, which means that he has chosen to give up his identity as a human race. If these people in the wilderness know his identity, no matter how good he was before, he will be treated as a bastard by others , no one would look up to him, or even feel ashamed for having lived under him.

"I just thought of asking for mercy now? Mayor, don't you think it's too late?"

Yu Wentian looked at the mayor, his body was still full of murderous intent, if it was normal, he would have let the mayor go, but this time the mayor plotted against Yan Moxue, and even let Yan Mo Snow was hurt.

He didn't dare to imagine, if he dealt with Tianzhi for a longer time, what kind of scene would he see after he came out?
Yan Moxue has a strong temper, if she really got her way, she would probably kill herself on the spot, and she would definitely not linger on in this world.

Both Heaven and Earth were sent by the Duan family, but the mayor also has an inseparable relationship with his mansion, this time he will never let the mayor go.

Thinking of this, Yu Wentian became even more agitated. He wished that the mayor would die in front of him now. As for the Duan family, he would take revenge in the future, and once again attacked the mayor with his fist.

The fists that were as dense as raindrops became stronger each time. Yu Wentian was almost overloaded, but the anger in his heart made him persevere.

The mayor resisted with difficulty, his face full of bitterness, it could be said that he was about to cry, but he didn't understand, it was just begging for mercy, why Yu Wentian was working harder than before, he couldn't bear it.

"Elder Regent, it's a bit too busy and reckless for you to act without asking indiscriminately. If it's a conspiracy designed by others, wouldn't we be tricked?"

The mayor fought very hard, the fists he touched with Yu Wentian, his bones were about to break, his forehead was covered with sweat, it was because the pain was too much, if it continued, his right hand might not be able to survive.

The only way now is to shift the responsibility to others, such as the Duan family. After all, the heaven and the earth belong to the Duan family. When the time comes, Yuwentian can just find the Duan family for revenge.

But what he didn't expect was that Yu Wentian had already roughly calculated the ins and outs of the incident, the Duan family would naturally have to pay the price, but the mayor must not let it go easily.

Yu Wentian didn't pay attention to what the mayor was saying at all, and just desperately attacked the mayor. After all, the mayor was not of the blood of the authentic half-orc, and in terms of defense, compared with the half-orc, it was far worse , apart from the innate skills of the half-beast clan, Yu Wentian really doesn't care about the mayor.

Generally speaking, Houtian half-orcs do not have innate skills, but there are always accidents. The mayor succeeded in becoming Houtian half-orcs, and possessing such powerful power is a very strange thing in itself, even if he has Natural skills are not impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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