The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 12 Suddenly there is an extra brother? !

Chapter 12 Suddenly there is an extra brother? ! ( 2)

Feng Beiye gave her a strange look, Qiao Ran was a little puzzled.

She shouldn't have said anything wrong, right?I think should not be?

Then she heard Feng Beiye say:


underfoot?What's under your feet?
Qiao Ran glanced down blankly, and then she froze.

She's on the ground now!

Qiao Ran couldn't help but want to cover her face, it was so embarrassing.

And Feng Beiye's face was calm, without any superfluous expression, he didn't even give Qiao Ran a wink, and walked straight to the bamboo house in front of him.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran hurriedly followed.

Feng Beiye walked into a room, which looked like a study room, and there were all kinds of books neatly placed in it.

Seeing this, Qiao Ran stopped the steps she had just stepped into the door.

Isn't there important secrets in the study room on TV?Would it be bad for her to rush in?
Seeing her standing stupidly at the door, Feng Beiye frowned and said:

"Come in."

Qiao Ran looked at him suspiciously, wondering if she should avoid suspicion at this moment?

However, it was obvious that Feng Beiye's patience was limited. Seeing that Qiao Ran was standing still, her voice became a little colder:
"Do you want to be sent to see the suzerain by me?"

Hearing this, Qiao Ran shrank her neck a little scared, and asked in a low voice:
"What happened to me?"

Seeing her like this, Feng Beiye was speechless, so he had to repeat patiently:
"I let you in."

Qiao Ran stretched out one foot cautiously, looked at Feng Beiye's face, then stretched out the second foot, and looked at Feng Beiye again, seeing that there was no displeasure on his face, she slowly moved. walk towards him.

Seeing this, Feng Beiye frowned, moved her lips slightly, and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

And Qiao Ran, who had been paying close attention to him, naturally noticed that he was hesitant to speak, so she hurriedly said:
"Don't scold me, I will be obedient!"

"...I won't scold you."

However, Qiao Ran looked at him suspiciously and said:

"You don't scold me, you don't want to hit me, do you?"

Feng Beiye: "..." What else could he say?
At this moment, Feng Beiye decided to wait for his master, the master of Dingjian Peak, Luo Li, to return, then throw Qiao Ran to him, and he refused to have any more contact with Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran, who didn't know that she was rejected at all, still looked aggrieved, and she said:

"I thought you didn't dare to come in because you had something important in your study, but you still wanted to hit me..."

"..." When did he say he was going to beat her?
Feng Beiye turned to face the bookshelf indifferently, took out a few books from it and threw them to Qiao Ran, but...

Qiao Ran, whose face was hit by the book, had red eyes, and looked at Feng Beiye accusingly, all eyes revealing the meaning of "you really want to hit me".

Feng Beiye didn't seem to see it, he said calmly:

"I'll give you a month to memorize these."

Qiao Ran pitifully picked up the book on the floor, one book was thick enough, let alone several books, and it was memorized, not finished!How can she do it? !

However, Qiao Ran only dared to secretly wipe away bitter tears, and did not dare to raise any objection to Feng Beiye's words.

But Feng Beiye looked at her and frowned, then he said to Qiao Ran:

"You wait here."

Although Qiao Ran didn't know why she was waiting here, she nodded obediently.

Not long after, Feng Beiye came back, threw the clothes in his hand to Qiao Ran, and said lightly:

"Take it and put it on."

(End of this chapter)

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