The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 13 Suddenly there is an extra brother? !

Chapter 13 Suddenly there is an extra brother? ! (3)

Qiao Ran took the clothes and stared blankly at Feng Beiye.

Feng Beiye thought she disliked that the clothes were worn by others, so she explained:
"I don't have anything you can wear here. These are Junior Sister Rongxi's clothes. If you don't like them, then don't wear them..."

Having said that, he glanced at Qiao Ran indifferently, and said in a low tone:

"But you must not go out dressed like this." He didn't want their Ding Jianfeng to be discredited.

Qiao Ran looked at the bear pajamas on her body, and she was also a little bit broken. I can't blame her for transmigrating after falling asleep...

Qiao Ran twitched the corners of her mouth, showing a smile uglier than crying, and asked, "I want to ask, where should I go to change clothes?"

"...Go out and turn left into the second room."

Qiao Ran nodded and was about to change clothes when she suddenly turned around and asked curiously:
"Whose first house is it?"

Feng Beiye gave her a cold look, and Qiao Ran rushed out immediately, not daring to ask any more questions.

Seeing her like this, Feng Beiye felt a little headache, always felt that the days to come would not be peaceful, and suddenly regretted his decision to bring her back.

After changing her clothes, Qiao Ran felt that her hair was a bit messy again, so she randomly grabbed it twice with her hands and tied it up.

The clothes are a bit too big, so that they are a bit loose on her body, but compared to pajamas, she thinks this is much better. The only downside is that the clothes are white. She doesn't like white, and she always thinks it is too clean. It looks a bit monotonous and gets dirty easily...

After changing, Qiao Ran hurried to see Feng Beiye, afraid that she would be scolded again if she was too late.

However, because he was running too fast, he accidentally tripped over the hem of the skirt when he reached the door, and fell face down with a plop, which hurt even when he heard it.

It's over, it's really dirty now.

This was Qiao Ran's first thought, and then she felt pain all over her body. Fortunately, her face hadn't directly touched the ground, and she just hit her forehead.

Hearing the sound, Feng Beiye put down the scroll in his hand and went out to have a look. As soon as he went out, he saw Qiao Ran sitting at the door, with dirty white clothes and a big bag on his forehead, looking at Feng Beiye pitifully. .

Qiao Ran, who tidied up, was very different from the previous one.

A head of jet-black and soft hair is tied behind his head, with a few strands of hair left in front of his forehead, a full and smooth forehead, big black grape-like eyes shining brightly, a small and delicate nose, pale pink lips, and cheeks with some Baby fat, although there is a big bag on her forehead, it does not affect her appearance. Although she is not an alluring figure, she has her own characteristics.

Feng Beiye frowned slightly, and asked, "How did you do it?"

Qiao Ran reached out and touched the big bump on her head, "Hiss~" He gasped in pain, pursed his mouth and said, "It fell."

Although it hurts so much that she wants to cry, but she is not at home at this time, crying is useless, no one will care about her, and no one will feel bad...

I can't think about it anymore, I want to cry even more.

Feng Beiye moved her lips and said a word: "Stupid."

Qiao Ran didn't speak, but kept rubbing the bag on her head with her hands, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it even though it hurt.

In the end, Feng Beiye couldn't stand it anymore, and he didn't know where to conjure up a jade bottle and throw it to Qiao Ran.

Qiao Ran then looked at Feng Beiye for no reason.

Feng Beiye said, "Medicine."

Qiao Ran dubiously poured a little from the bottle onto her hand. It was a crystal clear liquid with a faint fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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