The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 16 Suddenly there is an extra brother? !

Chapter 16 Suddenly there is an extra brother? ! (6)

[The original book "Mo Dao Supreme" requires the host to exchange the coolness of the male protagonist Xuanyuan Miao. In view of the previous host's mistakes, the male protagonist's coolness increased. Therefore, the current host's points are: -5000. 】

When Qiao Ran heard that -5000, she was stunned, -5000? ! !So now she not only has nothing but also has huge debts?

Feeling Qiao Ran's frustration, 038 said again:
[Since the system detects that the host falls within the scope of "incapable of self-protection", "unable to complete the task alone", "incapable of confronting the male lead", etc., the host will be given a novice gift package to help the host complete the task as soon as possible . 】

Qiao Ran didn't know what mood she was in now, whether she should be thankful that she got the gift package for beginners because of her various incompetence, or should she be depressed that she was equivalent to a useless person in the eyes of the system.

[May I ask if the host will open the novice gift package now? 】

Qiao Ran thought for a while and asked, "What's in the novice gift bag?"

[The items in the novice gift pack are random, some people are very rich, and some people have nothing. 】

When Qiao Ran heard this, she had a bad premonition. She felt that it must be bad luck that she was brought here. Could it be that she couldn't drive anything?
[May I ask if the host has opened the novice gift package now? ] 038 asked again.

Qiao Ran gritted her teeth, "Go."

[Opening the novice gift package... successfully opened, congratulations to the host for obtaining the following items:

Kaleidoscopic Mask*1
Death Free Gold Medal*1
Supernatural Jade*3
Fire Phoenix Feather*10
Thunder Pearl*1
Ju Lingzhu*1]

Qiao Ran heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there are still so many things.

Then, she heard 038 continue to explain:
[Kaleidoscopic mask: Wearing it on the face can change the appearance of people to the appearance of one's own imagination at will

Death-free Gold Medal: It can continue to travel after the host dies unfortunately, and there is no limit to its use. 】

Speaking of this, 038 paused for a while, then said in its cold mechanical voice:
[Congratulations to the host for becoming the first person to draw a death-prevention gold medal. The function of the death-prevention gold medal is the same as the "host protection" function that the host has experienced before, but the "host protection" function requires a lot of energy and cannot be used all the time. 】

Although Qiao Ran didn't quite understand what it meant, the only thing she knew was that as long as she had this thing, she wouldn't have to be afraid to die in this world!

[Supernatural Jade: It can withstand the full blow of monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

Fire Phoenix Feather: A good material that refiners dream of, capable of refining weapons above immortal weapons.

Thunder Lingzhu: Contains rich thunder elements, which is of great benefit to people with thunder spirit roots.

Gathering stone: Gather spiritual energy and help practice. 】

After listening to a lot of introductions, Qiao Ran was a little dizzy, but she also understood that most of the things were not useful to her now, so she was not very entangled.

The only things that are useful are the ever-changing mask, the gold medal for avoiding death, and the magical jade. As for the points...

It just makes her change from a negative number to 0, but it doesn't have much practical use.

She asked, "How many points do you need to redeem the original book?"

[Ten thousand points. 】

Upon hearing this number, Qiao Ran's eyes turned dark, [-] points!
In order not to hurt Qiao Ran's self-confidence, 038 said:
[Although there are many, the host must work hard!Think about your parents in modern times, come on girls! 】

(End of this chapter)

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