The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 17 Suddenly there is an extra brother? !

Chapter 17 Suddenly there is an extra brother? ! (7)

Thinking of her parents, Qiao Ran nodded sadly and angrily. In order to go home, she must work harder and harder!
But when her eyes shifted to the pile of heavy books beside her, she became discouraged again. Can she really memorize so many books in a month?

As she was thinking, she picked up one of the books and opened it, and then she was dumbfounded.

Why do these words look so innocent and unpretentious, completely different from those modern flirtatious sluts.

In fact, she couldn't read and didn't know how to read.

Qiao Ran wanted to cry, but she said, "I don't even know how to memorize words!"

[The host can exchange for a translator. ] 038 suggested.

Qiao Ran was even more depressed, "How can I redeem my points?"

[Although there is no such thing now, the host can earn points. 】

"How to make money? I can't even get out of here, let alone add trouble to the hero."

[The host can start with Feng Beiye. 】

Qiao Ran was confused, "Who is Feng Beiye?"

038: ...

[The one who lives next door to you. 】

Qiao Ran was confused again, "My next door? There was no such person next door to my house before, and even if there was, how could we do it a world away?"

038 felt that it was a bit broken, so he could only explain again:
【I mean, just now I asked you to memorize the book, gave you medicine, and was also the one who brought you here when he saw that you were dying. 】

In order to prevent Qiao Ran from being stupid again, 038 couldn't explain clearly.

Qiao Ran suddenly realized, "Oh, it's him, what are we going to do? Hit him?"

【...Have you forgotten what happened after you hit him last time? 】

last time?She thought about it, she mistakenly thought that this person was the male lead, then hit him, and then...

The hero's coolness has increased by 5000, causing her to have 0 points now! ! !

"Then what am I going to do?"

[Since beating him can increase the coolness, if he is better, can't the coolness be reduced? 】

Qiao Ran patted his head and understood instantly, but...

"But you still haven't said what you're going to do?"

This time 038 no longer gave her advice, but said coldly:
[The task requires the host to complete, and we are only responsible for assisting the host. 】

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and asked pitifully:

"But I want to memorize these books within a month. How can I memorize them even if I don't know the words? I definitely can't go to Feng Beiye. Then won't he discover my abnormality? If you don't help me, I will I definitely can't think of a way, and when the one-month deadline expires, I'm done!!"

038 thought about her IQ, felt a little worried, and reluctantly gave another reminder:

【Feng Beiye is Lei Linggen. 】

Leilingen?What happened to Leilingen?

For Qiao Ran, who was unresponsive and nervous, she had already forgotten about the things in the novice gift bag.

Seeing her like this, 038 knew that she must have not expected it, but he refused to give her any more hints.

At the same time, it is also a little worried, what if this host is always so stupid, it really breaks my heart.

Fortunately, although Qiao Ran was very nervous, she was not weak. She quickly remembered the things she had obtained that were useful for cultivation.

Anyway, she can't use it, and it will definitely be useful to Feng Beiye. Then when his cultivation base improves, will he be able to reduce the hero's happiness?
Thinking of this, Qiao Ran asked, "How many points does the translator cost?"

[The translator is already an obsolete item for our y18 planet, so it only needs one hundred points. 】

If the setting of 038 is not a mechanical sound, then its tone at the moment must be full of pride.

(End of this chapter)

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