The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 20 Those things about old sesame seeds and rotten millet

Chapter 20 Those things about old sesame seeds and rotten millet (2)

So that later, in order to prevent the third young master from continuing to mess around, the Patriarch arranged a marriage for him and forced him to marry him.

And the wife of the third young master is not easy to mess with. This third wife is also from a family, and she is also the daughter of the family, so why would she marry the third young master?
Naturally, it was because of her notoriety, beating up her father's concubine and ruining the maid's appearance was a piece of cake for her, so that no one dared to marry her.

And after marrying the third young master, the third young master was still daring. Not long after getting married, he started his rich night life again, but this time, he went out vertically and came back horizontally.

Naturally, he was beaten by the third lady, and threatened to break his legs if he dared to go to places like brothel Chu Guan again.

Since then, the third young master has never dared to offend his wife, and even obeyed the third wife.

So here comes the question, since the third young master has a wife, how will Bai Wan'er marry him?

The head of the family said that Bai Wan'er was to be a concubine, and bluntly said that Bai Wan'er's status was not worthy of their family.

Of course Bai Wan'er's father disagreed, but after the Patriarch promised that they would not treat their family badly, and that Bai Wan'er would never be wronged, Bai Wan'er's father was still shaken.

As for Bai Wan'er, although she has feelings for Beiqing, she hesitated and agreed when she thought that not only would she not have a good life after marrying Beiqing, she would have to suffer with him.

Afterwards, the Bai family went to the Bei family and told them that the engagement was cancelled. The Bei family didn't know the Bai family's plan at the time, so they kept saying good things, but the Bai family didn't waver in their determination. Let Beiqing's father agree in a huff.

Not long after, Bai Wan'er's marriage was in full swing, and the Bei family knew the truth of the matter. They were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

After that, Bei Qing left home to wander around, and was finally accepted as an apprentice by an expert, and he had extremely high attainments in cultivating immortals.

Besides, Bai Wan'er, she was quite pretty. After marrying the third young master, the third young master endured the anger of her own tigress and spent a while with Bai Wan'er, but it didn't take long before she got bored.

Then Bai Waner's life will be difficult. The third wife is targeting her in various ways, and the third young master is too lazy to care about her life. The most ridiculous thing is that she was raped by a man when she went out to relax, and she didn't even see his face clearly. .

What was even more frightening was that she felt nauseous and often vomited, and asked her father to find a reliable doctor to check, and it turned out that she was pregnant! !
This news was like a bolt from the blue, she naturally wanted to get rid of the child, but by some coincidence, she thought of another way.

As long as the third young master is lured to flirt with her again, she will then excuse that the child is his, so that if she gives birth to a boy, she will definitely be more expensive than the mother.

Things went smoothly as she designed, but she missed one point, the third young master was sterilized.

Even he himself didn't know about this matter, because the person who gave him the medicine was the third wife. Because of Xiaoxiang's domineering childhood, the third wife accidentally fell off the horse's back, and since then she has no fertility.

In order to prevent her future status, she drugged the third young master as soon as she became ruthless.

And Bai Wan'er said that the child belonged to the third young master, and the third wife had found a doctor to take the third young master's pulse at that time, and the result was naturally that there was no possibility of childbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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