The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 21 Those things about old sesame seeds and rotten millet

Chapter 21 Those things about old sesame seeds and rotten millet (3)

Now Bai Wan'er was dumbfounded, and what was even more frightening was that she was divorced directly, and even her family was implicated by her, and in the end her reputation was rotten, and the aristocratic family didn't care about them. People left there in disgrace.

Originally, Bai Wan'er still insisted on killing the child, but Bai Wan'er's father stopped her. The old couple only had one daughter, and it would be impossible for them to remarry. Their Bai family has no successors.

After the child was born, Bai Wan'er didn't like the child, and often scolded and beat her. As the child grew up, Bai's father and mother became old, and finally passed away, leaving the mother and son behind.

By chance, Bei Qing passed by this place on a wandering trip, Bai Wan'er recognized him, and found out that he had become the elder of the Kunlun Sect.

At that time, Bai Wan'er was really regretful and hated, but she was a smart person, she deliberately pretended to be pitiful and approached Bei Qing, and concealed the reason for her being divorced, in a daze to say that the family member was heinous.

In the end, it actually meant the same thing. She was divorced, and it was hard to live with a child. Seeing that Beiqing had developed, she wanted to develop with him again.

That's not what she said at the time, she said this:

"Back then, Wan'er was young and betrayed all of your wishes, but Wan'er was also forced to do nothing. If it wasn't for her father's hard work, Wan'er would have been willing to marry you even if Qing Lang had done nothing for you all her life. How could the governor backfire? Now Wan'er knows that she is not good enough for you, but she still wants to follow you, and if Qing Lang doesn't dislike her, Wan'er is willing to serve you for the rest of her life."

The words are nice, and you say that you are young and ignorant, and your love is stronger than gold, but is Beiqing still the same Beiqing back then?

After so many years, he has also seen many dirty things, so he naturally had doubts about Bai Wan'er's words, so he contacted his old friend to find out what happened back then.

If this is the case, it's fine, it's nothing more than finding out that Bai Wan'er is lying, and Bei Qing can just walk away with a wave of his sleeves.

But that was not the case, Beiqing's enemies approached the door, and the two fought, but Bai Wan'er, the unlucky one, ran to Beiqing, and was finally cannon fodder.

Beiqing's enemies saw that innocent people were hurt, so they stopped entangled with Beiqing and left with Yujian.

But Beiqing felt that he had harmed Bai Wan'er, so he blamed himself a little. Finally, he found Bai Wan'er's child and raised him on his behalf. At that time, the child was already ten years old.

As for Bai Wan'er's lying, it didn't take long for Beiqing to find out, but since the death was the worst, he didn't want to pursue it further.

As for Bai Wan'er's child, Bei Qing wanted him to forget about the past, so he gave him a new name.

Xuanyuan was used as a surname because Beiqing hoped that his character would not be influenced by his parents, and he also hoped that he could achieve something. Xuanyuan means integrity and brilliance.

As for Miao and Sanshui, it is because the child lacks water in the five elements, and water also represents tolerance.

I have to say that Beiqing thought very well, but Xuanyuanmiao was already ten years old at that time, and his personality had already formed, because Bai Wan'er often beat and scolded him, which made his personality dark, and he also knew that his mother was troubled by Beiqing. dead.

Ten-year-old children don't know how to hide their emotions. Since you killed my mother, I can't give you a good face, so every time Beiqing wants to teach him or care about him, Xuanyuan Miao will be a little crazy .

As time passed, Beiqing stopped thinking and left Xuanyuan Miao in the care of his disciples, but he kept paying attention to him.

(End of this chapter)

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