Chapter 58 Going Out (5)

Qiao Ran was dazzled by the warm smile on Rongxi's face.

Sure enough, Senior Sister Rongxi like this is normal, she must have had an illusion that day!

"Qiao Ran, you can't do this, you are so fierce to me, so warm to Rongxi? You need to know Rongxi..."

Before Gu Lingyun finished speaking, he was kicked firmly on the leg.

He cried out in pain and looked at Rongxi, who was still looking at him with a smile on his face, but his eyes were threatening.

Gu Lingyun curled his lips, and swallowed back the words he hadn't finished speaking. There was no way, he couldn't beat her.

Then fell into silence again, Gu Lingyun was a person who couldn't sit still, so he said:

"How much do you know about Youzhou?"

Qiao Ran was the first to shake her head. Although she knew, she "didn't know".

Speaking of this matter, several people's faces were more dignified.

Leng Ruozhu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:
"Recently, women in Youzhou have been missing."

Her voice was cold, with a sense of hazy loveliness.

Gu Lingyun couldn't help but said: "If a woman disappears, can it be concluded that it is the work of the demons?"

"Those women were all born when the moon was cloudy and the sun was cloudy. I once saw a kind of sorcery in an ancient book. Using the blood of seven or forty-nine full-yin women to refine medicine, one can practice a kind of magic called yin. Dan, has the effect of resurrecting the flesh and bones of the dead, but this method of refining medicine is extremely cruel, and the side effects are naturally serious. In addition to using this medicine, the person must be extremely powerful, and must be someone who is not afraid of depleting merit. .”

For the demons, merit is a joke.

This is probably the first time that Leng Ruozhu has said such a big paragraph. She herself loves refining medicine very much, so it is only when she talks about these things that she is interested in saying so much.

Rong Xi couldn't help frowning when she heard this, she said:

"Could it be that the demons want to revive Demon Venerable Li Xuan?"

Leng Ruozhu didn't speak anymore, she was not interested in anything other than refining medicine and practicing.

Gu Lingyun was happy, he said:
"People don't want to live anymore, what's the point of them resurrecting others?"


Qiao Ran was full of question marks.

"1000 years ago, the demons and the realm of comprehension were comparable in strength, and the two often fought wars, winning and losing, until one day the demon king Li Xuan suddenly disappeared, and the demons searched desperately, but only found what Li Xuan left behind. The land of inheritance, every great power can leave the land of inheritance after death. Since then, the demons have no strength to fight against the cultivation world, and they have been suppressed in the demon realm."

Knowing that she didn't understand, Feng Beiye said calmly.

Qiao Ran understood. Doesn't this mean that Li Xuan died?And looking at it like this, maybe I still don't want to live.

This Li Xuan is really amazing.

"If it's as Junior Sister Leng predicted, then no matter what, we can't let the demons' plan succeed."

Everyone seconded the proposal one after another, only Xuanyuan Miao huddled in a corner with an unclear expression.

However, Qiao Ran guessed that he didn't want the Demon Lord to be resurrected, after all, maybe this person already had the idea of ​​becoming a Demon Lord.

This point didn't seem to be mentioned in the original book, it just said that there are demons in Youzhou. From this point of view, there are also omissions in the original book, and she can't be careless just because she knows the plot.

As the place under the jurisdiction of the Kunlun Sect, Youzhou can only be regarded as a small place, and the only characteristic is probably the colorful lake.

There is also a beautiful legend about the colorful lake. There was once a protoss and a demon who fell in love. Due to the obstruction of the tribe, the two eloped here and jumped into the lake together.

The moment they jumped in, the lake water emitted a burst of colorful light, so it is called colorful lake.

In fact, the lake is not colorful, but a very ordinary blue.

(End of this chapter)

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