The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 59 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 59 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (1)

When Qiao Ran and the others arrived in Youzhou, all the immortal cultivating families greeted them at the city gate early on.

Most of these families are attached to the Kunlun Sect. In fact, most of the disciples selected by the Kunlun Sect are selected from these aristocratic families every year.

Qiao Ran followed Feng Beiye silently, looking around secretly, she had never come out to look around, so she was naturally curious now.

The leader has white hair and beard, and is dressed in white with a fairy-like appearance.

He cupped his hands and said politely:

"I'm going to trouble you all about the Youzhou incident this time."

Feng Beiye nodded indifferently, moved his lips and said two words:

"No problem."

Seeing Feng Beiye being so negligent, Xun Zhen was a little displeased in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and politely greeted the group of people to enter the city.

Youzhou is not considered a rich place, even a place bordering on the Demon Realm, but since the Demon Race was suppressed in the Demon Realm and could not appear easily, it is considered peaceful.

And this Xun family can be regarded as the emperor of the land here. In addition, there are two other families, Luo and Qiao. Compared with Xun Yueyin of the Xun family, it gradually became unable to compete with the Xun family.

"Everyone, come with me. I'm afraid I will wrong you to live in my house for a while."

It has to be said that Xun Zhen was very happy to ask for credit. He took the Kunlun sect members away so eagerly, and he didn't give the other two families a chance to come forward to talk.

When the people of Kunlun Sect came outside, they basically put on a haughty attitude.

They are disciples of the number one sect, so there is no need to bow down and flatter them.

When he arrived at Xun's house, Xun Zhen asked people to take the Kunlun sect people to rest:
"Everyone came from afar, and the journey must have been extremely difficult. Let's take a good rest today, and come back tomorrow to discuss how to deal with this strange incident."

Then, a maid came and led them to a resting place.

The ten inner disciples were taken away first, and the remaining six were left. A maid gave them a slight salute and said with a smile:

"The three fairies, please come with your servants."

Qiao Ran:? ? ?
So she is also a little fairy now?

But is this to separate her from her senior brother?
Thinking of this, she glanced at Feng Beiye, hoping for a reaction from the other party.

Qiao Ran waited for a long time, but the latter didn't even give her a look, so the maid urged:
"Fairy come with the slaves."

Qiao Ran thought about it, anyway, there were Rongxi and Leng Ruozhu, so nothing would happen, so she didn't hesitate anymore and followed the maid.

At this time, Feng Beiye suddenly said:

"She lives with me."

Everyone present froze, Feng Beiye is protecting his little junior sister like this?Not even allowed out of sight?

The maid showed a look of embarrassment, "This... this is probably not very good."

Qiao Ran heard this and looked at Feng Beiye. Maybe this is really not good?
After all, a lonely man and a widow, dry firewood... Ahh, where did you think? !
Qiao Ran silently muttered in her mind: "Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Feng Beiye said calmly with his usual expression:

"Master specially told me to take good care of my junior sister before going out. If something happens to my junior sister because of my negligence, I am afraid that my master will not forgive me."

Qiao Ran looked at him suspiciously, is this really what Master said?She felt that Master didn't seem to like her very much...

(End of this chapter)

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