The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 67 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 67 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (9)

Qiao Ran's eyes lit up immediately, and she nodded hurriedly.

The two entered the restaurant and found a place to sit down.

Qiao Ran hadn't tasted oil and water for a long time, and ordered a whole table of dishes on a whim.

She touched her belly, thinking that she should be able to finish eating, she felt that she could swallow a cow...

When all the dishes were served, Qiao Ran struggled to feast, and when she was halfway through eating, she suddenly found that Feng Beiye next to her hadn't even moved her chopsticks.

Then she raised her head from the bowl, looked at Feng Beiye and asked:

"Why don't you eat, brother?"

Feng Beiye didn't have much appetite, but when Qiao Ran asked him, she had to move her chopsticks symbolically and started eating like chewing wax.

Seeing him eating, Qiao Ran lowered her head and started to work hard again. She ate very fast and picked up the vegetables very fast, but the way she ate was not rude, and she didn't know how she did it.

After eating almost, Qiao Ran put down her chopsticks and sat lazily on her seat.

"Don't move." Feng Beiye suddenly said.

"Huh?" Qiao Ran looked at him blankly.

Feng Beiye's elegant and handsome face slowly approached Qiao Ran's face with a focused expression.

Qiao Ran leaned back reflexively, but there was nothing behind her, and she almost fell headfirst to the ground.

Feng Beiye grabbed her hand in time and pulled her up.

Qiao Ran, who was safe, breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Feng Beiye and said:
"Brother, what are you doing so close all of a sudden?"

Feng Beiye glanced at her expressionlessly, then stretched out his long and white fingers like jade to brush her face lightly, and there was a grain of rice in his hand.

Qiao Ran's face turned red in an instant, it was really embarrassing, it's okay to think about it, but she didn't even know there were rice grains on her face? !
Taking a few deep breaths to adjust her state, Qiao Ran looked at the table again, looked at the empty plates on the table, and silently counted how much money she ate...

etc!Where does she get the money from? !
Although Feng Beiye was still there, Qiao Ran felt that how could such a person full of immortality carry money?
Thinking of this, Qiao Ran asked hesitantly:

"Brother... do you have money?"

Hearing this, Feng Beiye's expression was normal, but the fingers in his sleeves were slightly stiff.


Qiao Ran suddenly had a bad premonition. Seeing the waiter walking towards this side, she suddenly felt a little timid, and her toes hidden under the table touched the ground one after another.

The waiter walked up to Qiao Ran and the others with a smile on his face, and asked:
"You two guest officers spent a total of five taels of silver."


Qiao Ran looked at Feng Beiye, who was undisturbed, and felt that she was still too bad. Seeing how calm his senior was, he didn't feel guilty at all.

The shop waiter asked again: "Which of you two will pay the bill?"


Feng Beiye, who had been silent all this time, suddenly uttered a word.

Qiao Ran looked at Feng Beiye in disbelief, she didn't expect you to be such a senior brother!

"Girl, give me the money." The waiter looked at Qiao Ran with a smile.

Qiao Ran twitched the corner of her mouth and said with a dry smile: "Then what... I don't have any money with me."

The smile on the waiter's face disappeared immediately, and he said with a straight face: "Girl, don't tease the little one."

Qiao Ran wanted to cry, "What I said is true."

The waiter's face became completely livid, and he said:
"If you don't have money, what are you going to eat?!"

Qiao Ran really wanted to get herself into the hole, and finally she thought about taking out something from the storage bracelet, and asked:

"Is this okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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