The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 68 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 68 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (10)

What she holds in her hand is a spirit stone. As far as she knows in the original book, this kind of spirit stone is very precious. It contains rich spiritual energy and is used as currency among monks. They are divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and extreme-grade, and what she holds in her hand is a middle-grade spirit stone.

The whole body of the spirit stone is crystal clear and transparent. The less impurities in the spirit stone, the higher the grade, and there is a vague aura around it.

However, this aura can only be seen by monks. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a stone that looks better.

Therefore, Qiao Ran's act of taking out the spirit stone was teasing him in the eyes of the waiter.

"If you can't get the money, don't even think about leaving here today. You just want to pay off the debt with a broken stone? Just dream!"

With that said, the waiter opened the spirit stone in Qiao Ran's hand.

An unstable spirit stone in Qiao Ran's hand fell to the ground and rolled away.

Feng Beiye narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression slightly displeased, but he didn't make any movement.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and looked at the waiter in the shop. Although she was a little angry in her heart, she also understood that this matter was her fault, and she would naturally do the same if she met someone who ate the overlord's meal.

Qiao Ran glanced at the immobile Feng Beiye, rolled her eyes, and said suddenly:

"Then he stays here, can I go get the money?"

Since senior brother betrayed her so mercilessly, don't blame her for being unkind...

Ah bah, in fact, she saw a pharmacy outside, and it happened that she had some elixir, so it should... be able to sell for some money, right?
The waiter looked hesitantly at Feng Beiye, who drank his tea without changing his face, and a trace of fear rose in the waiter's heart for no reason.

But if he can't get the money, he can't pay the job either.

Thinking of this, the waiter gritted his teeth and said:

"Well, you..."

"Is this what you dropped?"

A clear male voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

Qiao Ran followed the source of the voice, and found that the speaker was a man.

The man was dressed in a blue robe, his black hair was tied high with a jade crown, his eyes were like stars, his nose was deep and tall, and he was handsome.

However, his complexion was extremely pale, and his cheeks were slightly flushed abnormally.

And, he's in a wheelchair.

What he held in his hand was the spirit stone that Joe had dyed before.

Qiao Ran regretted that such a Pianpian young man seemed to be ill and replied:
"its mine."

"It's just a piece of broken rock, you should pay the money quickly," the waiter urged impatiently.

Qiao Ran pursed her lips and didn't speak.

The young master holding the spirit stone suddenly asked:
"what happened?"

The waiter rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't it just that you don't pay for food, what? Is Mr. Qiao planning to meddle in your own business?"

Facing the shop waiter's attitude, Qiao Junyi was not angry, but said to Qiao Ran:
"I'll pay for it for you, how about you gift me this stone?"

His voice was clear and pleasant, like a spring breeze blowing through his heart.

If someone is willing to solve his urgent needs, and this person is so good-looking, Qiao Ran is naturally willing.

Just as she was about to agree, Feng Beiye stepped forward and said:

Qiao Ran looked at Feng Beiye in surprise, leaned over and asked in a low voice:
"Why, brother?"

Feng Beiye made a sound, and Qiao Junyi only noticed Feng Beiye at this moment. Before that, he put all his heart and soul on this spirit stone. Others didn't know the spirit stone, but he knew it.

(End of this chapter)

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