The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 69 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 69 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (11)

"Senior Feng."

Qiao Junyi was a little excited, and his face flushed slightly.

"Cough, cough, cough." Qiao Junyi, who was overexcited, coughed violently.


Qiao Ran reflexively looked at Feng Beiye, rubbed his chin, and thought about whether his senior brother looked to be in his twenties, could he actually be a thousand-year-old monster?

Feng Beiye felt Qiao Ran's weird gaze, and seeing her pensive look, guessed that she was thinking about something messy again, and gave her a cold look.

Qiao Ran instantly put on a smile all over his face and asked, "Brother, do you know each other?"

"I don't know." Feng Beiye said.

Qiao Junyi coughed a few times, and when he heard what Feng Beiye said, he smiled apologetically and said:
"Sorry, I was rude. I am Qiao Junyi from the Qiao family. I met Senior Feng outside the city gate today."

Qiao Ran couldn't help asking: "Then you should have seen me too, why did you recognize my senior brother?"

Although she also felt that this question shouldn't be asked, she really couldn't help it. She was standing next to her senior brother when she was at the gate of the city!

Qiao Junyi was silent for a while, and finally he could only say again:
"Feel sorry."

"..." Should she say it's okay?
So she really shouldn't ask this question, causing the atmosphere to become so awkward now.

"I wonder if the two of you would like to go to Qiao's house? The elders in the family really want to meet the seniors." Qiao Junyi invited with a smile.

"Okay, okay." It's just a chance to let him pay for the meal and find a place to live, which is the best of both worlds.

Feng Beiye glanced at Qiao Ran who seemed very happy, moved her lips and said two words:

"not good."


The smiles of Qiao Ran and Qiao Junyi froze at the same time, Qiao Junyi lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes covered the expression in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Qiao Ran felt that Feng Beiye was trying to tear her down all the time, senior brother, can you stop refuting her words like this.

"Since senior has no intention, then I won't force it." Qiao Junyi said, smiling a little forcedly.

Feng Beiye nodded slightly, and Qiao Ran, who was standing beside the tree, walked straight outside.

"Senior, your things."

When the two reached the door, Qiao Junyi suddenly stopped them.

Feng Beiye naturally knew that he was talking about the spirit stone, and said without looking back:
"Here it is for you, it's food money."

After walking out, Feng Beiye let go of Qiao Ran, and strode forward on his own.

Qiao Ran hurriedly followed, but he was walking too fast, so Qiao Ran could only trot after him.

"Brother, can you walk slowly, I can't keep up."

After jogging and chasing for a while, Qiao Ran finally couldn't help but said to Feng Beiye.

However, the latter seemed to be unknown and did not slow down at all.

Qiao Ran felt something was wrong, so she asked again:

"Brother, are you angry?"

The person in front paused for a moment, and replied in a slightly indifferent voice: "No."

Qiao Ran didn't think about it any more, and asked again, "Then where are we going now?"

"Wait for someone." Naturally, the other people who came with him were waiting.

[Ding, the hero's coolness is -500, and the host's points are +500. 】

A system notification sound suddenly entered Qiao Ran's mind.

Qiao Ran was a little confused, what's going on?She just ate a meal, why did the hero lose his coolness?
"What's going on? 038."

(End of this chapter)

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