The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 70 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 70 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (12)

038 explained: [Host, because you and Feng Beiye offended the Xun family, Xuanyuan Miao was kicked out. 】

Qiao Ran understood. She never expected that Xuanyuan Miao's comfort would be reduced so much. However, by doing this, the Xun family made it clear that they were going to have a falling out with the Kunlun sect members?
What is it that makes them so fearless?

After thinking a lot, when Qiao Ran came back to her senses, Feng Beiye had already gone a long way, so she hurried to catch up.

"Brother, wait for me, where are we going to wait for Senior Sister Rongxi and the others?"

Feng Beiye didn't speak, but suddenly stopped, with a sword in his hand.

The body of the sword is ice blue, exuding a cold air, faintly flickering with purple-black thunder and lightning, and there is a dragon coiled around the hilt, the dragon swallows clouds and mist as if it came alive.

"come over!"

Before Qiao Ran could react, she heard Feng Beiye's scolding.

Qiao Ran's heart felt cold, and a chill ran up her spine. She didn't care about anything else, and hurried to Feng Beiye's side.

Dozens of men in black suddenly descended from the sky, and the deep alley immediately became lively.

Qiao Ran hid behind Feng Beiye, grabbed Feng Beiye's clothes, and secretly looked at the men in black.

These men in black all wore ghost masks and held a pitch-black knife in their hands, exuding an evil aura all over their bodies.

"Brother...these people...?"

"They are members of the demon clan." Feng Beiye explained with a cold face.

Mozu? !
Qiao Ran wished she could faint right now. There are so many demons, can senior brother do it alone?
"038, 038, brother, can he beat these people?"

[Beat it. ] 038 said without hesitation.

Hearing that, Qiao Ran breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that there is no need to worry.

However, 038's next words made her heart ache again.

[The premise is without you. 】


So she's a liability?Although that seems to be true...

Feng Beiye tightened his grip on the sword in his hand, his whole body was like an arrow on a string ready to go.

"Don't run around."

Leaving these words to Qiao Ran, Feng Beiye raised his sword and went up, leaving the cowardly Qiao Ran behind.

Qiao Ran leaned against the corner, worrying about her own safety, while paying attention to Feng Beiye's situation.

She was terrified when she saw it, and she almost got hurt when she saw Feng Beiye several times.

A demon suddenly appeared from behind Feng Beiye, ready to attack him.

"Brother, be careful!" Qiao Ran couldn't help reminding.

Feng Beiye turned sideways slightly, avoiding the man's attack, pierced the throat of the man behind him with a backhand sword, and blood spattered.

Qiao Ran couldn't help covering her eyes, not daring to look at such a bloody scene.

These demons were no match for Feng Beiye at all, within half a cup of tea, there were only four demons left.

These demons are like machines, completely unaware of fear, the four of them raised their knives and rushed forward again.

Qiao Ran focused her attention on the situation over there, completely unaware that a demon lying on the ground behind her suddenly stood up and raised a knife at her.

Feng Beiye dealt with the remaining four people, glanced at Qiao Ran's side from the corner of his eye, and his eyes trembled.

He didn't want to entangle with them any more, he drew back his sword and threw it at the person behind Qiao Ran.

A sword shadow passed by Qiao Ran's neck, Qiao Ran only heard a burst of wind, and then a strand of hair was cut off and fell to the ground.

The sword pierced the man's heart accurately, and the knife he raised didn't have time to fall.

(End of this chapter)

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