The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 71 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 71 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (13)

Feng Beiye's expression relaxed, and before he knew it, his palms were covered with sweat.

Qiao Ran turned around in a daze, saw the corpse lying on the ground and the sword stuck on the corpse, and realized how dangerous she was just now, and couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Qiao Ran was about to pull out the sword, but she pulled out the sword by herself and flew back into Feng Beiye's hand.

With this negligence, Qiao Ran didn't dare to be careless again, and Feng Beiye, who had regained the sword, quickly dealt with the remaining four people and returned to Qiao Ran.

"Brother, are you alright?" Qiao Ran asked hastily.

Feng Beiye didn't speak, but looked at Qiao Ran carefully, and said after seeing that she was safe and sound:
"These demons will definitely attack other people, we have to join them quickly."

Qiao Ran nodded, but suddenly heard a silver bell-like laughter next to her ear.

"Tsk, Feng Beiye of the Kunlun Sect really lives up to its reputation."

A seductive woman in black suddenly stood on the wall and said with a smile.

The woman's appearance is beautiful and charming, her skin is as white as snow, her purple eyes are full of charm, her uneven figure is wrapped in a long black dress, and her bright red lips curl up in an enchanting curve.

The first time she saw this woman, a name popped into Qiao Ran's mind:
Oriental love.

The saint of the demon clan, second only to Rongxi's second heroine, a woman who is enchanting but ruthless in the novel.

Dongfang Qing glanced at Qiao Ran who was shrinking behind Feng Beiye, curled her lips and turned her gaze back to Feng Beiye without interest.

Her purple eyes lit up slightly, she licked her red lips, hooked her lips and said:
"Tsk, such a peerless man is really reluctant."

Feng Beiye frowned calmly, not showing it on his face, but he was extremely impatient in his heart.

Dongfangqing said again: "As long as you abandon your meridians and follow me, I will spare your life, how about it?"

As soon as the words fell, a sword shadow flew over. Dongfang Qing squinted her eyes and tilted her head slightly. The blade of the sword brushed her face, leaving a bright red bloodstain on her fair face.

Dongfangqing's face turned cold instantly, she reached out to wipe the blood on her face, said "I don't know what's good" and disappeared in place.

The sword returned to Feng Beiye's hand, and Feng Beiye put it away expressionlessly.

"Brother, what kind of sword is this?"

It looks so cool, and I don't know what her natal magic weapon will be like in the future.


Qiao Ran let out an "oh" and didn't speak again.

Not long after, people from the Kunlun Sect came over, and Rong Xi said that they felt Feng Beiye's power, so they rushed over here.

"These people...are demons?" Rong Xi asked with a frown as he looked at the pile of corpses lying on the ground.

Feng Beiye lowered her eyes, her voice could not detect any emotion:
"Probably... yeah."

Gu Lingyun raised his eyebrows, a little dissatisfied with this answer, he said: "What do you mean, maybe? The devilish energy in these people is so obvious, can't you even distinguish the devilish energy?"

Feng Beiye had no intention of arguing with him, closed his eyes and leaned against the wall to fall asleep.

Rong Xi looked at the corpses thoughtfully, then turned to look at Xuanyuan Miao, who shrank his neck in fear.

Rong Xi frowned, then shifted his gaze to Gu Lingyun, and said:
"Junior Brother Gu, go and see those corpses."

Gu Lingyun pointed at himself in disbelief, and said:
"You let me go? Don't you? Besides, what's so interesting about these corpses."

 Two updates (????`)
(End of this chapter)

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