The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 72 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 72 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (14)

"I'll go." Leng Ruozhu said.

As she spoke, she went straight to one of the corpses and pulled off the mask on the corpse's face.

The man had lost his breath, his face was pale, his cheeks were slightly sunken, and his lips were dark purple.

Leng Ruozhu frowned, stretched out a slender hand to open the eyelids of the corpse, the pupils were indeed the purple that demons should have, and they were slightly dizzy at this time.

Leng Ruozhu stood up and said indifferently:

"These people are indeed demons."

Qiao Ran wasn't very clear about these things, after all, the original book followed Xuanyuan Miao's perspective, and in the early stage, Xuanyuan Miao was basically a background board, but only gradually emerged after encountering opportunities.

Then there are all kinds of slaps and confiscation of the harem, there is no such thing as suspenseful.

After Leng Ruozhu finished speaking, he took out a small bottle from his body, opened the bottle, tilted the bottle body, and the transparent liquid inside slowly flowed out and fell on the corpse. The corpse made a sizzling sound and turned into a puddle of pus.

Leng Ruozhu distributed the medicine to other disciples and asked them to dispose of the rest of the corpses in this way.

"The people of the Demon Race obviously already knew about our arrival. I don't know whether this ambush is to get rid of Senior Brother Feng or just a test. If it's the latter, then I'm afraid they have other plans."

After handling the corpse, Rong Xi said slowly.

"Testing? Isn't it? If this is a trial, it would be too scary. Among the 30 people, five are in the middle stage of Golden Core, two are in the early stage of Golden Core, and the rest are all in the late stage of Foundation Establishment or at the peak of Foundation Establishment. Test, how strong is the demon clan?"

Gu Lingyun's words cast a cloud of gloom on the hearts of the people present. This time, they had a total of sixteen people, except for Feng Beiye who was in the Nascent Soul stage, Rongxi who was in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and Gu Lingyun and Leng Ruozhu who were not in the middle stage. In the middle stage of Jindan, as for Xuanyuanmiao... even in the eyes of these ordinary inner disciples, he is just a person who has not yet established a foundation, but has a good mother.

From the looks of it, coming here this time is probably more ominous than good.

There was a loud bang above his head, and Qiao Ran raised his head, only to see that the original blue sky had been replaced by layers of thick dark clouds, with faint electric lights jumping in it.

It's going to rain.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ran was overwhelmed with depression, just like this weather.

Perhaps, it will be fine after it rains, but I don't know if they can find shelter from the rain...

Feng Beiye said: "It's okay to be careful, take a rest today, let someone go and find out tomorrow, what other women in this city were born in the cloudy time of the cloudy moon and cloudy day."

Everyone had no objection to Feng Beiye's words.

At this time, Gu Lingyun suddenly asked:

"But I don't understand. How did you offend the Xun family and drive us out?"

Qiao Ran stood up weakly and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Gu Lingyun looked at her differently, with suspicion on his face, he said:

"Huh? Isn't it? You are so timid and dare to cause trouble?"


Then, Qiao Ran told the whole story of what happened.

After hearing the whole story, Gu Lingyun was the first to explode:
"How dare a small Xun family be so rampant? How dare you bully our Kunlun sect members! See if I don't kill them!"

After finishing speaking, he really looked like he was looking for trouble with a murderous look.

Rong Xi rubbed his forehead with a slight headache. Among these few people, Feng Beiye and Leng Ruozhu were just two boring gourds, Qiao Ran was useless, and Xuanyuan Miao... don't mention it.

The only one left, Gu Lingyun, was all sorts of restless.

(End of this chapter)

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