The correct posture of Kuai Chuan's face

Chapter 73 The Difficulty of the Xun Family

Chapter 73 The Difficulty of the Xun Family (15)

"Let's put this aside for now, and we'll talk about it after the Demon Race is resolved." Rong Xi said after thinking for a while.

After making a decision, the group prepared to find a place to rest.

Walking on the street, they are quite eye-catching. Both men and women have excellent looks, and there is a sense of mystery between their gestures and gestures.

"That..." Qiao Ran suddenly said while walking.

Everyone looked at her together.

Qiao Ran felt a little uncomfortable being watched by so many eyes, she bit the bullet and said:

"I just want to ask if you have any money on you?"


"Money?" Leng Ruozhu frowned, "What is that?"


Rong Xi coughed awkwardly, and then said:

"Do any of you have money?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison. The Kunlun Sect seldom came out once a year, and the monks traded directly with spirit stones. To be honest, they almost forgot what money looks like.

Feng Beiye looked indifferent, completely indifferent to the plight of having no money at this time.

Just as Rongxi directed everyone to take out the valuable gold, silver and jewelry, people from the Qiao family suddenly came.

Qiao Yi cupped his hands at the Kunlun Sect's group and asked:
"Where are you guys planning to go?"

Several families already knew about the fact that they were kicked out by members of the Kunlun Sect, but it was difficult to tell them face to face.

They are not as ignorant as the Xun family.

Knowing that Feng Beiye and others were kicked out, Qiao Yi was a little happy, because the Xun family would offend the Kunlun Sect, and they would also have the opportunity to get close to the Kunlun Sect.

Rong Xi slightly curved his lips, and replied with a flawless smile, "Patriarch Qiao, we are looking for a place to rest."

They don't care about letting others know that they were kicked out by the Xun family. It's not a shame for them. They are not from the Xun family, but they are disciples of the Kunlun sect, and this status will not change.

Rong Xi said that, if Patriarch Qiao is smart, then they would not have to worry about raising money.

Qiao Yi was overjoyed, but on his face he invited calmly:

"If you don't dislike it, would you like to come to my house to rest?"

The head of the Luo family, who came a step late, just heard what Qiao Yi said. Luo Tianming secretly thought that Qiao Yi, the old fox, came really fast. He accelerated and came to Qiao Yi's side, and said with a smile on his face:

"Yo, what a coincidence, I met a few of you here."

Qiao Yi secretly glared at him, isn't this making trouble?Seeing that it was about to succeed, what did this old bastard suddenly come out for? !

Luo Tianming raised his eyebrows at him and smiled provocatively, Qiao Yi was so angry that he wanted to punch him.

Seeing the two people fighting quietly, Rong Xi was a little amused.

The smile on Rongxi's face remained, "Patriarch Luo."

"I don't know why these distinguished guests are here?" Luo Tianming asked knowingly.

"I wanted to find a place to rest, but I didn't expect to meet Patriarch Qiao here by chance, so we chatted for a while." Rong Xi explained slowly.

"That's right... Since you guys want to find a place to rest, why don't you come to my house?" Luo Tianming said with a smile.

Qiao Yi glared at Luo Tianming, and scolded him countless times in his heart, saying why this person is so shameless.

But after knowing each other for so many years, he already knew that he was such a person.

Rong Xi also replied with a smile: "No, Patriarch Qiao has kindly invited you just now, thank you Patriarch Luo for your kindness."

 Take a bubble to prove I'm alive
(End of this chapter)

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