Chapter 1 Preface
The most enduring beauty lies in temperament, not beauty
The first time I realized the problem of temperament was due to an encounter on the bus.

That was N years ago.I drove back to my hometown from the provincial capital.On the long-distance bus, there was a girl with dyed brown hair, in her twenties, young and beautiful, with a slender figure and fair skin.However, this girl makes people have an indescribable awkwardness in vision and feeling. I always feel that something is missing, but I don't know what is missing.

After she got off the bus, it was the hairy boy who sold the ticket that made it clear: "This girl is pretty, but she has no temperament! You see, her hair is dyed, she doesn't look like a good girl; and a few days ago I A 30-year-old woman in the magazine also has dyed hair, but she looks good no matter how she looks, not only is she not awkward, but it also sets off her temperament better."


After hearing what the young man said, I felt that my college aesthetics course was really wasted.As a sophomore in the Chinese Department of a prestigious university who loves beauty, she doesn't realize the importance of temperament to women.I feel stupid.

After returning to my hometown, I began to carefully study the relationship between beauty and temperament.The more I think about this problem, the more complicated it becomes, and the more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes.

My hometown is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and beauties have been born since ancient times, but for some reason, these women always feel that there is something lacking in them, whether it is the dim eyes and lack of spirituality, or the short-sightedness and dullness of the soul... Make them unable to compare with some metropolitan women.If one word can be used to describe what they lack - that is "temperament".

A woman's temperament is an external expression that combines appearance, manners, taste and connotation. It resides in the heart and is manifested in the form.Temperament includes innate components, but more is acquired; beauty is an important part of temperament, but beauty can never produce temperament.Among all the elements that constitute temperament, acquired elements account for a greater proportion, including culture, knowledge, manners, conversation, self-cultivation, connotation, etc., and are a comprehensive indicator of women.We often see some women who are amazing at first glance: "Ah, a stunning beauty." But the taste is dull when you touch it.Why?It just has no meaning.If beauty is not supported by connotation, it can be associated with frivolity, with ignorance, with vulgarity, and with ignorance.But temperament can't.We often think that a woman is always so noble or inviolable, always so noble and elegant, it must be temperament rather than beauty.A woman with temperament, even if she is not beautiful, is still radiant.

Therefore, women are not afraid of being old or ugly, but of losing their temperament.A woman does not need to use her beauty to please a man too much, because beauty is the most vulnerable to the erosion of time.From a physiological point of view, a woman's best time is around 20 years old, and once she is over 25 years old, she will start to decline.Men sometimes attach great importance to a woman's beauty, but it is often for fun and release, but for a woman's temperament, it is admiration and appreciation.Therefore, the most enduring charm of a woman lies in her temperament rather than her beauty, her self-cultivation rather than her appearance.Therefore, cultivating one's temperament and improving one's taste are what women should pursue first, and beauty comes second!
The development of temperament is a subtle process. Temperament is not something that can be achieved by deliberately dressing up, but needs experience.It not only requires years of careful carving and painstaking practice, but also practical training based on cultural connotation.There will be no temperament if you are illiterate; you will not have temperament without self-cultivation;And these are the edification of knowledge, the experience of education and the accumulation of connotation.

Temperament is definitely a thing that radiates from the inside out, and it needs to be cultivated from many aspects and over a long period of time, including education, taste, and acquired efforts.

At the same time, we have to admit that human thoughts are so wonderful, as long as you think and work hard, you will change yourself.If you are dissatisfied with your temperament, then you must work hard to enrich yourself, improve yourself, and let your temperament have a qualitative leap.As long as you persevere, one day, you will hear someone praise you: "Your temperament is really good!"

Women who feel that they are ordinary in appearance, and sisters who are not satisfied with their current charm, start to act now, as long as you work hard, you can see a brand new you with outstanding temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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