90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 12 Be a well-dressed woman, clothing can enrich a woman's life

Chapter 12 Be a well-dressed woman, clothing can enrich a woman's life (2)
location principle
When receiving guests at home, you can wear comfortable and neat casual clothes; if you are visiting a company or unit, you can look professional in professional suits; when you go out, you must take into account local traditions and customs, such as going to churches or temples, etc. Overly revealing or short clothing.

If you don't have self-confidence, no beautiful clothes can make you beautiful
If you don't have confidence in dressing, then any kind of clothes won't look good on you.This is my experience from my own sister.

My sister is not fat, but like all middle-aged women, fat tends to accumulate in the waist and abdomen, but she always feels that she is short and has a "swimming ring" hanging around her waist, so she is extremely unconfident.Every time I take her shopping for clothes, she always pulls the top down when trying on it.In fact, a top that looks good when worn casually is always awkward on her body.Every time I bought clothes for her, she said she couldn't wear them because she was fat and not tall enough.But the same clothes also look good on my fat friend. I just bought them for her because I saw that they are similar in figure and temperament to her. But why is she always afraid to wear them?

I have been confused like this for two years, and finally discovered the secret when I accompanied her to buy clothes.She kept pulling down the hem of her clothes, and through her eyes and body language, I understood that the reason why she pulled down was to cover the "swimming ring" for fear of making a fool of herself.In fact, if you want to hide it, the more you cover it, the more conspicuous it will be.Don't drag, let the folds accumulate at the waist, be more casual, but very loose and chic.

And the reason why she dare not wear the clothes I bought for her is because she is afraid of looking fat.However, fat is fat, and it is very domineering to put on the upper body boldly and enjoy all this with great interest.In order to help her change, I suggested to her that when you put on this dress, you just think like this: I have an old girl who sends clothes all the way, how happy I am, do you have it?I am a fat woman, and I want to dress like a fat woman.

Under my counseling, my sister really has more temperament and has become an expert in dressing. She also led a group of sisters who were struggling to buy clothes to get rid of their bad habits and walk out of the shadow of inferiority.

Confident women wear the most beautiful clothes. People and clothes are interdependent. Clothes can enhance a person's temperament and enhance the self-confidence of the wearer. At the same time, they need to be supported by the wearer's temperament and self-confidence.No matter how expensive the clothes are for those who have no self-confidence, they will not help, and they will not be contagious.

If you have self-confidence, you can overwhelm everyone with your own aura even without fancy and expensive clothes.If you think my proposition is not authoritative enough, wouldn't it be more weighty if the same words came from the mouths of celebrities?
On March 2013, 3, Taiwan's popular actress Guo Caijie wore Chanel's 5 spring and summer ready-to-wear series and appeared in the 2013 autumn and winter Paris Fashion Week Chanel special show. When interviewed by Phoenix.com Fashion Channel about her way of dressing, the beauty said frankly: a confident woman Wear the most beautiful clothes.As for the relationship between self-confidence and clothing, Mainland actress Zhang Xinyi, who is now soaring in popularity, is more straightforward. She has always dressed well when talking about the relationship between fashion and art. She said: "Living with confidence and posture, a woman can Through myself, using myself as a carrier, I will pass on my confidence to everyone, so that others can understand what is self-confidence and what is beauty through myself, and that is the best."

So, how to improve your self-confidence in dressing?

Accept and believe in your body

I have asked several girlfriends if they dare to be naked in front of the man they like?A girlfriend who was dissatisfied with her breasts said: "I'm willing to show him a back view, but it's still a bit embarrassing for him to see the front view."

A girl who was dissatisfied with her legs said: "If I'm not allowed to stand up and just sit on the bed, half-naked is still fine. If I want to walk in the room, I have to pull a piece of clothing to cover my body."

Hey, I don't know what men think, anyway, I have always doubted that a woman who hates her body so much can have a high-quality life.

Before, I saw a movie "Nine Songs of Lust", in which there was a woman whose appearance was as flat as her breasts, but she enjoyed herself very much, enjoyed her life, and believed in her figure.That confidence is definitely better than shapewear.Thin women have the exquisiteness of thin women, fat women have the charm of fat women, what do you think?People who do not even accept their own body are not qualified to accept the admiration of others.

Have the courage to wear it for yourself
A few days ago I went to visit a divorced sister, she was still in the clothing business, she was dressed in sloppy clothes, I asked her why she was so sloppy, she said: "No one is looking, what are you wearing? "I am very sad for her. There is a saying that "a woman is the face of the one who pleases herself", which is true.But even if there is no one who pleases yourself, you must be tolerant of yourself. Wearing good clothes is a respect for yourself.Others need respect, and you need to respect yourself.

to wear the right clothes

Women's clothes and self-confidence complement each other. A confident woman can show her taste and charm in clothes, and wearing the right clothes can also enhance her self-confidence.

Ms. Li is an electronic engineer with excellent professional skills, but sometimes lacks self-confidence. She used to work in Canadian National Television, and her ability to solve technical problems earned her the reputation of "Miss Ability".

In order to develop her career, Ms. Li went to a company in the United States to apply for a job. Due to lack of self-confidence, she was nervous and hurried during the interview, and she lost a long-awaited job opportunity.

Soon, she received an interview notice from another company in the United States.Accepting the lesson from last time, this time, she asked her friend Maria to analyze the reasons for the failure.After listening to Ms. Li's account of the interview process, Maria asked: "Tell me, what is your greatest fear during the interview?" Ms. Li said: "I feel nervous and I don't have confidence." Maria asked: "You can answer almost 100% of all technical questions, you have this ability! What did you wear to the interview?" Ms. Li took out the clothes she wore during the interview, a gray bat shirt and a pair of black, fat Trousers, in Maria's opinion, wearing this outfit will only look like an aunt shopping for vegetables in the market. No wonder Miss Li feels unconfident!

Maria said: "This dress reminds you all the time, 'I am the same quality as my clothes'. Wearing this kind of clothes to an interview, no matter how confident you are, you will subconsciously show that you are out of your mind and lack confidence. No matter how good your skills are, your lack of confidence and this overdue outfit will leave people with a lot of questions: 'Is she a well-rounded person? Is she just lucky to answer all the questions correctly? Her Why doesn't her abilities match her looks?'"

According to Maria's design, Ms. Li tried to put on a lotus-colored suit and skirt.This suit skirt has a simple and smooth style, very decent tailoring, fine workmanship, excellent texture, and calm and generous colors.After putting on this suit, Miss Li's demeanor changed immediately. Her chest straightened up, her waist straightened, her head lifted up, her eyes lit up, and her facial expression radiated with confidence.She exclaimed: "My God! I feel more confident than ever!"

The next day, Ms. Li successfully won the job of the American company wearing this outfit.She excitedly reported to Maria: "Not only did they give me a job, but they also gave me an unexpected salary." After hiring her, her boss said: "From the moment you walk in, your appearance and confident demeanor are very impressive. Make me feel that you are up to the task, that you are what we expect from you."

You see, wearing the right clothes can bring more than self-confidence to women?There is still a lot of money and a bright future!
Let go of prejudice against color

Influenced by traditional ideas, Chinese women are generally reluctant to dress brightly when they are older, believing that only young people can wear brightly colored clothes.In fact, on the contrary, because young people have charming figures and youthful faces, wearing black, gray or coffee will only make them feel more elegant, quiet and refined.Because the complexion of middle-aged people is darker, so don’t dress too old-fashioned, otherwise you will look older. You can choose shrimp blue, bean green, golden yellow, purplish red, azure and other colors; some women with good skin tone and good temperament can also wear it boldly. Rose red, light yellow, sea blue, Indian red, light pink, light green and other colors; you can wear suits in these colors, or you can wear these colors with a black skirt or black trousers.

As long as you understand your body characteristics, dressing is not difficult
Confidence should not be blind. It should be based on objective cognition of oneself, understand one's own body characteristics, clarify one's own strengths and weaknesses in dressing, and be able to use clothing to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, so as to show the closest to perfect self.

Once, Ms. Yu Ximan, an international first-class artistic image consultant, was invited to explain how to dress and make up for the female ministers of the State Council and central government agencies.In the lecture, she commented that more than half of the female ministers were unqualified in dressing, and the main reason for the disqualification was that they did not understand their body shape at all.Ms. Yu Ximan believes that the so-called beautiful clothes are clothes that can highlight their physical advantages and make up for their disadvantages. No matter whether they are beautiful or not, every woman will have something more beautiful on her body. First look in the mirror constantly, and be sure to find out the three bright spots in yourself." "We build up confidence in the process of strengthening the bright spots, and also downplay the flaws."

Yes, no one's body is perfect, and one of the wisdoms of dressing lies in: coordinating the relationship between clothing style and body shape.Clothes just cover our body, and its design (including tailoring lines, clothing colors and details) can exaggerate, soften or balance the original body shape to "re-demarcate" or constitute our "desired" body proportions.For example, when a woman with a "gourd-shaped" figure with a narrow top and a wide bottom wears shoulder pads, the shoulder line is widened, making the "inverted trapezoid" from the shoulder to the waist line more pronounced, so that the waist and hips look automatic. Missing several inches!And when we wear high-waisted clothing, because the waistline is raised, it naturally produces the visual effect of long legs.

female body quintiles
What are your body characteristics and what body type are you?In the following cheats, the comparison will be based on the perfect body proportions recognized by all designers—that is, the proportions of Venus, the ancient Greek goddess of love. Human body types are summarized into five types: strawberry body, fresh Green loofah shape, peach shape, pear shape, Coca-Cola curve bottle shape, every beauty can find the type most similar to herself.

1. Strawberry Pretty Body
Strawberry-shaped women have broad shoulders, strong upper body and thin lower body, and inverted triangle lines.

2. Bright green loofah body beauty
The bright green loofah body shape is thin and thin, which belongs to the rectangular line - the curve difference between the chest, waist and buttocks is not very obvious.

3. Peach body beauty

The chest, waist and buttocks of the beautiful peach body are very round, and the difference in measurement ratio is not big, which belongs to the beauty of round lines.

4. Pear body beauty

The hip circumference of a beautiful pear body is larger than the bust circumference, and the hip width is also wider than the shoulders, showing the characteristics of triangular lines.

5. Coca-Cola curve bottle body beauty

Coca-Cola curve bottles have a beautiful figure with exquisite measurements and proportions, which is recognized as the most "standard" body shape.

Ladies, have you found your figure?Human body features are composed of geometric figures——from the front, head (ellipse) + neck (short cylinder) + shoulders to waist (inverted trapezoid) + waist to buttocks (positive trapezoid) + limbs (four from the side: chest (two semicircles protruding forward) + abdomen (small semicircle protruding forward) + buttocks (semicircle protruding backward).Everyone's geometric composition is different. Just imagine, if your torso is not the standard "inverted trapezoid + positive trapezoid", but straight, then you don't seem to have any waist curve; if the inverted trapezoid representing the upper body is small And the positive trapezoid representing the lower body is big, so if you think about it carefully, is it often said that the buttocks are big?
Dress according to body type
The following are the dressing rules we have carefully refined for beautiful women of various shapes.

1. Dressing rules for beautiful women with strawberries

Born with the style of a general, he can naturally prop up his clothes and wear a confident posture of a fashionable woman.

Strawberry-shaped women are more fortunate than others in that they can wear wider skirts, such as tutu skirts, or trousers or skirts with striking stripes, plaids, and printed patterns, without worrying about the hips appearing bigger.At the same time, you can use the color matching technique of top depth and bottom lightness to achieve a balanced ratio of "strong upper body and thin lower body".

Avoid any style that has the effect of widening the shoulders, such as large shoulder pads, epaulets, large ruffled collars, one-line collars, piping or pleating on the shoulders, puff sleeves and other tops.

2. Dressing rules for beautiful women with bright green loofah

The curves are rigid and soft, and the dress can be neutral or feminine, and there is a lot of room for creativity.

The beauties with a loofah body shape are unique. Under the premise that the clothes are not cut tightly and the fabric is not close to the body, they are not only suitable for "straight" tailoring, but also suitable for "waisted" tailoring.You can wear styles with widened shoulders, or even wear tutu skirts if your hips are not big, so that your waist will be relatively smaller and your curves will be highlighted.

Remind loofah body shapers: clothes that are too tight or close-fitting will make the straight lines fully visible. At this time, you can add a "second piece" for yourself, such as a tight-fitting knitted sweater plus a vest, shirt or coat, etc.

Although it is popular to lose weight now, beauties with a loofah figure may hope to make themselves more plump, so breast enlargement is inseparable.First of all, you can take some good food supplements. In addition, you also need some breast enhancement exercises. Of course, the way to save time and effort is to choose a good bra.

3. Dressing rules for beautiful women with peach body
Peach-shaped women are most suitable for curved line clothing with soft lines, such as round necks, lotus leaf collars, and fishtail skirts; jewelry with curved designs, such as leaf curves, butterflies, etc.; A style for rounded bodies.

In terms of fabrics, it is suitable for soft (but not close-fitting) textures with good drapability. Avoid heavy, hard or uneven fabrics.

It must be noted that although a peach-shaped beauty is suitable for soft and curved lines, the whole body should not be designed in a round shape, otherwise "adding a circle to a circle will make it more round".It is also not allowed to have a straight line or a rigid feeling all over the body. The contrast with the body is too strong, but it will produce an uncoordinated or anti-emphasis effect.In addition, be careful not to have a tight part of the whole body. "Even looseness" is an important dressing principle.

Healthy and skinny may be a woman's eternal dream, at least it is the dream of women now.Regarding fat and thin, women will never be the thinnest, only thinner.

4. Dressing rules for pear-shaped beauties
You are a standard oriental beauty, and your graceful appearance in a skirt is full of femininity.

Pear-shaped women can emphasize the eye-catching details on the upper body, such as excellent collar shape, contrasting color shirts and coats, eye-catching buttons or breast pockets, upper body prints, beautiful jewelry, etc. Create a "shifting focus, emphasizing" effect on the top, making the buttocks appear tighter.

Choosing fabrics that are soft but not close to the body and have good drapability can also make the buttocks and thighs feel thinner for the lower body, and a color scheme that is light on the top and deep on the bottom is ideal.

The styles that are best not to touch are: sleeves that make the shoulders look narrow, such as off-shoulder sleeves, dolman sleeves, etc.; any complicated designs near the hips, such as contrasting colors or large pockets, piping; Hard oblique skirts or A-line skirts, etc.In addition, if the waist is very thin and there is too much contrast with the hips, please avoid wearing a belt that is too wide or too tight, so as not to make the hips look bigger.

In fact, the biggest problem with this figure is that the buttocks are too big. In addition to solving it by dressing, we also need to make a fundamental change-thin buttocks!

(End of this chapter)

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