90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 11 Be a well-dressed woman, clothing can enrich a woman's life

Chapter 11 Be a well-dressed woman, clothing can enrich a woman's life (1)
Feminine temperament is inseparable from appearance, no matter how full the connotation, no matter how substantial the background is, it needs to rely on the appearance.

Therefore, women must know how to dress themselves up.The specific manifestations are: understand your appearance type, know the advantages and disadvantages of your appearance, and then find the hairstyle that suits you, decide what color clothes to wear, and what clothes to match on what occasions, etc.These are the basic qualities that a temperamental woman must possess.

In short, dressing up is a knowledge that women must study for a lifetime.

As a woman you have to be delicate
I have to show my cards to you, I plagiarized the following part of the text, but I had to plagiarize, not because I can’t write articles of the same level, nor because I’m lazy, but because I really don’t have such experience, and this article It's really convincing.It comes from the hand of Yang Lan, the goddess of temperament, and many girls need to listen to this kind of cultivation.

In the winter of 1995, if I couldn't find a job, returning to China was almost the only option.

But I was rejected again.Thinking of the interviewer's expression, I really want to go crazy.She even said that my image did not match my resume and refused to continue asking me questions.I looked down at my attire, and it was obvious that I was despised by her because of my attire.I swear I can use my ability to make her take back her contempt for me.But I didn't get a chance to show my abilities.

My landlord Mrs. Selina is a very demanding middle-aged woman.She stipulated that I must turn off the lights before twelve o'clock to go to bed, stipulated that I must come out of the bathroom within 10 minutes, stipulated that if I was not fully dressed, I was not allowed to enter her living room, and I was not allowed to cook Chinese food in her beautiful kitchen. Made it a rule that I wear lipstick when she has guests over!

I really hate the dignity of a so-called British woman like Selina.But by all accounts, Serena is the best homestay host.

I don't see what's good about her.For example, when I failed many interviews and came back, there would be no food in the kitchen.And if I went upstairs and made noise, she would stand in the bedroom door and berate me very loudly.

I just finished washing my hair, sitting on the bed and reading the job information in the newspaper while eating the bread rolls I brought back.This is very against Selina's principles.She rushed forward, grabbed my bread and newspaper, and yelled in English: "You Chinese girl with no quality! Get out of my house!"

So with my hair loose, I wrapped a coat over my pajamas and rushed out the door.

For 25 years, I have been invincible all the way with a very beautiful record and ability.No one said I have no quality.

Our family is not poor, but my mom has taught me for 25 years that ability is what counts.I can't understand how judging by appearances is a just word here.This is simply an insult to my outlook on life of 25 years!
I stormed into a cafe angrily.It was too cold.I am also very hungry.

There were actually a lot of people in the cafe.The waiter led me to an empty seat with a strange look in his eyes.That was the only vacant seat in the cafe.Opposite me is an old English lady.She looks more refined than Serena, as dignified and refined as Queen Elizabeth.I instinctively put away my sneakers under my loose pajama pants.Then I saw her legs with stockings under her skirt and beautiful high heels, which are still very attractive at her age.

In many fine dining restaurants in Europe, disheveled clothing is denied entry.I think the reason I got in was probably because I was wearing an expensive coat.I couldn't help but temporarily put away my anger and said, "Give me a cup of hot coffee. Thank you."

After the waiter walked away, the old lady on the opposite side did not look at me, but took a note from the side and handed it to me. It was a very beautiful handwritten English: "The bathroom is at your left rear corner." I looked up Look at her, she is drinking coffee in a very elegant posture, without even looking at me.My embarrassment is indescribable.For the first time, I felt that I should not be respected.

My hair was blown all over the place and I even had a bit of bread crumbs next to my nose!While my coat was of excellent texture, my pajama bottoms lined it very well.For the first time, I looked down on myself a little bit.Dressed like this, how much I disrespect myself, that others think I don't respect them either.I thought of my everyday casual clothes when I went to the interview in the afternoon. That should also be a disrespect for a senior manager position, right?

When I returned to my seat, the old lady had already left.The note left on the dining table covered with a soft checked tablecloth has another beautiful handwritten English sentence: "As a woman, you must be refined. This is the dignity of a woman."

I walked out of the cafe as if fleeing.Selina was sitting in the living room waiting for me. As soon as she saw me, she told me that I didn't come back until 10:[-], so I had to help her clean the lawn tomorrow.I said yes to her and apologized to her.

I found that Selina taught me many of the same useful things: going to bed before twelve o'clock can make me feel refreshed the next day, dressing neatly and beautifully makes others respect me first, wearing high heels and using lipstick makes me more gentlemanly With the help of my resume, I began to feel that my self-confidence is very sufficient and confident. I no longer want others to look at my resume to judge whether I am capable or not.

My last interview was for marketing for a major cosmetics company.My well-groomed attire adds to my performance.The delicate and capable female boss said to me: "You are very good. You are welcome to join."

I didn't expect that my boss was the old English lady I met in the cafe.She is very famous and is the sales queen of this makeup brand!
I said to her, "Thank you very much."

Is really very grateful to her.Thank you very much for her sentence: As a woman, you must be delicate-although she did not recognize me.

Yes.No one is obligated to discover your inner excellence through the scruffy appearance that even you don't care about.You must be delicate, this is the dignity of a woman.I will always remember it later!
To be honest, before reading this article by Yang Lan, I only knew that dressing is very important, but I really didn't expect that dressing can directly affect a person's career prospects.It is precisely because I realize the seriousness of this problem that I regard dressing as a science, study hard, and study with great concentration. This is how I achieved the results of improving my temperament in this chapter.

A pretty face does not necessarily produce rice, but beautiful clothes must be productive

Sociologist Joanne Finkelstein once said: "When we meet a stranger who seems mysterious and inaccessible, in the absence of any other way, we always tend to judge his identity by clothes and appearance. .Clothing is often seen as an indicator of an individual's social status and moral character, whether real or artificial."

In real life, the twists and turns or promotions of countless people's careers have proved this point.Including my current leader.

My leader is a woman who is good at dressing. In terms of academic qualifications and business ability, many people may rank ahead of her, but with the ability to dress, many people are left behind by her.Moreover, her dressing ability is the cornerstone of her business ability.Her ability to dress is so superb that no matter what occasion she attends, just by her attire, she will be firmly on top of others in terms of aura, and she will easily take the initiative in the negotiation.

A few years ago, Xiaohui was the business manager of a small company, and now she is the office director of the group head office.

That year, the company was restructured, several small businesses merged, the chairman of the board was changed, and the general manager was also changed.Before the meeting between the new boss and middle-level cadres, Xiaohui dressed up very carefully.

She chose a short white shirt with fan sleeves.The little shirt is exquisite in shape and of high quality, matched with an irregular blue-and-white checkered skirt and a pair of black high-heeled shoes. It is both dignified and elegant, simple and elegant, and looks slender, which just makes up for her short stature.When she went to the resort to play, she changed into a floral dress with eight open skirts, just like a lotus flower blooming.Not only is it novel and fashionable, but it is also guaranteed to be unique, because it is her own design referring to fashion magazines.

Later, when she became the director of the office and got acquainted with several bosses, Xiaohui asked modestly: "How did you 'follow' me?" Several big leaders said humorously: "You know why we picked you ?Because on the day we met, you were the most pleasing to the eye, covering up the limelight of others." Later, several sisters also said: "Do you still remember the day at the resort? The dress you wore, let a few of us ponder It’s been a long time.” Although it’s a few jokes, it’s enough to show that a decent attire makes a very impressive first impression.

Then a small incident happened during the recruitment process, which made Xiaohui realize the importance of dressing.There was a recent college student who was introduced by an important client and promised to work in their company, but failed in the end.Because although from the resume, she has an English proficiency level of eight majors, and her academic performance is not bad; but looking at the photos, she looks plain and unremarkable, so she was passed out.In the fierce job hunting competition, Xiao Hui was really worried that this ordinary-looking girl would encounter another setback.But when I met her later, my first impression was completely unexpected: this well-dressed, tall, and elegant girl was completely different from the one in the photo. Xiaohui said, "You are such a beauty."She smiled shyly, and said that the public relations department of a big hotel hired her, and the working environment and treatment were good.Xiaohui regretted making such a hasty decision at the beginning. Although this girl looks ordinary, she knows how to dress up. The dress matches her figure and temperament, and her overall image looks very classy.If I didn't use photos to pick people, she must be my right-hand man.

It can be seen that decent clothing is very important for ordinary employees and leaders of enterprises and institutions.The more you are a leader, the more you should pay attention to your own image.A leader with charismatic personality must also be admired in the external image. This external image not only represents the external temperament of leading cadres, but also reflects their internal qualities.

But many people don't quite understand that social etiquette includes personal dress etiquette.The reason for this is that they do not regard personal attire as a social behavior.In other words, in their view, since it is personal attire, of course it is purely one's own business and has nothing to do with others.This understanding is obviously wrong.The correct understanding is: a beautiful face does not necessarily produce rice, and beautiful clothing must be productive.

Dress well and make yourself dignified
The pursuit of beauty is a common feature of women, but there are always many women who dress themselves up too much because of their desire for beauty.The reason why they say this is because they may be youthful but want to imitate others’ dignity and maturity, and they are mature and charming but insist on making some hip-hop mix-and-match like little girls.

Obviously this kind of beauty is very inappropriate, and although their wishes are good, it will make people feel off-putting.

Irene, who has worked in a foreign bank for 10 years, is a lovely person. She has a proud figure that a woman dreams of, and a charming, enthusiastic, and cheerful personality of a Hunan girl. She has very good popularity in the workplace, and more importantly Yes, Irene is dedicated to her work and is loved and welcomed by her colleagues.

The 36-year-old Erin is very aware of the "special weapon" she has. She shows her sexy charm at work all the time.Every day, she wears clothes that accentuate her sexy figure. The tight jeans tightly wrap her high and plump buttocks, and the elastic tights barely cover her protruding breasts.For 10 years after graduating from university, she walked in and out of the bank's gate every day.All my colleagues back then have already been promoted or moved to other banks. Irene is still in the position she was in when she first came in. She is still a customer service specialist without any promotion.10 years of working experience in this bank did not add any valuable background to her career, and the resume she sent to the headhunting company was not heard, and Irene, who was almost 40 years old, had to work in this bank that did not give herself any chance. The bank and this hopeless assistant position continued to hang out.

Why is it that a woman who is so attractive, popular and not bad at work can't get into a management position in 10 years?Although Mr. Chen, the director of Irene's department, is not dissatisfied with her work ability and appreciates her work ability, he has never thought of promoting Irene, and the novices who have just been in this department for less than two years have already changed Became Erin's project manager.No matter how busy Sir Chen was, he would not let Irene represent his department to attend any meetings, but would rather let a newcomer who had just graduated for half a year go instead.Mr Chen said: "I can't see how we can get respect from others when she represents my department. Her sexiness will always attract too much attention, and that's not what we expect, what we need is positive. attention. I can’t imagine how she can sit behind a manager’s desk dressed like that.”

No one could honestly tell this veteran employee what was keeping her from being promoted and gaining the complete trust of her colleagues and superiors.As Mr. Chen said: "Men like sexy women, but they can't promote them!" Irene's sexy made her pay the price of 15 years of stagnant career.

In the business world, the message of a successful image is trust and authority, which are just enough to be destroyed by sexiness.In commercial image design, the first warning for women is that clothing that emphasizes women's sexuality is the number one killer of undermining trust and professionalism.Canadian image designer Helen Browner said: "The shorter the skirt, the less power; the lower the neckline, the less power." It may be difficult for us to find a female president of a company wearing a skirt two inches above the knee that attracts people's attention Or plunging bodysuits sitting behind the president's desk.

In fact, level-headed women will find that the chances of going from a "Cinderella" to a princess on the basis of sex appeal are slim, whether it's the partner of the world's preeminent male leader or the female authority behind the corporate president's desk, rarely relying on A woman's sensuality comes to succeed.Whether it is Nancy Reagan, Mrs. Kennedy Jacqueline Kennedy, or the female president of Hewlett-Packard, they all show the world a decent, credible, and dignified image.

How should modern women dress appropriately to add points to their temperament?Simply put, the TOP principle of dressing must be followed.

TOP is the abbreviation of three English words, which represent time (Time), occasion (Occasion) and place (Place), that is, the dress should be coordinated with the time, occasion and place at that time.

time principle
Dress codes for different times of day are especially important for women.A good dark suit or tunic for the men will do the trick, while the women's wardrobe will change with time.When working during the day, ladies should wear formal suits to reflect their professionalism; when attending receptions at night, they should add some decorations, such as a pair of high-heeled shoes, shiny accessories, and a beautiful silk scarf.The choice of clothing should also be suitable for the characteristics of the season and climate, and keep pace with the trend.

occasion principle
Dress in harmony with the occasion.When talking with customers, attending formal meetings, etc., the dress should be solemn and elegant; when listening to a concert or watching a ballet, you should wear a formal dress; when attending a formal banquet, you should wear a traditional Chinese cheongsam or a Western long skirt evening dress; For parties, outings and other occasions, the dress should be light and comfortable.Just imagine, if everyone wears casual clothes, you will look out of place if you wear a dress; similarly, if you wear casual clothes to attend a formal banquet, it will not be disrespectful to the host of the banquet, but you will also feel embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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