90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 10 Be an Intellectual Self, A Woman Who Has Poems and Books in Her Belly Doesn’t Scribble

Chapter 10 Be an Intellectual Self, A Woman Who Has Poems and Books in Her Belly Doesn’t Scribble (3)
When other people sing opera, they only focus on singing, but she also does many things that seem to have nothing to do with singing in order to sing well.In order to improve her cultural skills, she gave up singing and spent 3 years studying in the postgraduate class for outstanding Chinese Peking Opera young actors.There, she eagerly studied Chinese cultural history, drama history and other literary theories. She read all the four famous works of Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan opera and other literary works. It is true that "if you want to learn poetry, your kung fu lies outside poetry".After time honing, she went boating in the sea of ​​art, comprehending the true meaning of art and the principles of life.She performed the traditional operas "June Snow", "Suolin Nang" and "Chen Sanliang" vividly. In 2009, he won the Plum Blossom Award, the highest honor in Chinese opera performing arts.

On the stage, she carefully shapes the tragic characters of Cheng Pai style, and in life, she tries her best to be a colorful self.In life, Liu Guijuan has a wide range of hobbies and is willing to accept new things.In the 20s, when electronic computers first entered the family, Liu Guijuan was already a computer fan in the "80" era when the application was still relying on command mode. It’s a thick pile of notes. Many people think computers are too difficult, but I’m just interested in it.” Later, when participating in an opera performance, the college students who were hired to operate the computer to type subtitles and playlists were overwhelmed, and Liu Guijuan went to the battle in person. Helping the team successfully complete these behind-the-scenes work surprised the crew.

Liu Guijuan's biggest interest in daily life is reading. She pays attention to culture and art, current affairs, politics, and medical science.She often likes to write some essays, and she also created a column "Xiaojuan Commentary" in the newspaper during the Chinese Football League A, which was sought after by fans, and her articles were often included in publications such as "Tianjin Airlines".In recent years, Liu Guijuan has played Weibo again with great interest. "I feel that Weibo is like a diary. It is a record. I can express my emotions and perceptions of certain things anytime, anywhere without so much pressure and burden."Speaking of sports, Liu Guijuan was very excited, "I am very specialized in sports. I can swim and play tennis myself. Except for the rules of rugby and baseball, I don't know much about other sports such as the five major European football leagues, NBA, and F1. I will pay attention to racing, boxing and other events. I remember that during the Beijing Olympic Games, I watched the swimming competition of 'Flying Fish' Phelps in the Water Cube, enjoyed the basketball game in Wukesong, witnessed the football finals in the Bird's Nest, and even more in tennis. I have been on the scene since the first three games, and I've been 'soaking' in the stadium almost every day. I am very happy. For a while, I really wanted to be a sports commentator."

Traveling and collecting folk songs are also major interests of Liu Guijuan.Over the years, I have walked into nature, read famous mountains and rivers, and appreciated different customs and customs around the world. This kind of beauty is an experience of different charms, and it is a deep understanding.She laughed and said that she would even learn about details such as the bus companies in some places. "I am also fascinated by history and archaeology. In short, while maintaining the advancement of my career, I like to study extensively from the bottom of my heart, so that I can live a fulfilling life. Learn more about what I am interested in, and my life is rich and exciting. "she says.

Liu Guijuan has a large number of young fans. She often communicates with her fans on the big and small things in life, making many young friends feel the atmosphere of the times besides the high-level education and ethics of opera actors on the stage.

Liu Guijuan likes everything related to culture, and it is this strong thirst for knowledge that makes her life full and colorful.She always maintains a peaceful mind and a young heart; her enthusiasm for art, audiences, work, and life keeps her youthful and energetic on and off the stage.

Compared with Liu Guijuan's passion for new things and love for life, young people nowadays are simply too pitiful, suffering from premature aging.I know some post-80s girls who don’t start businesses, travel, accept new things, and bring positive energy to people around them. They hang on QQ all day long, check WeChat, browse Taobao, and take monthly subscriptions. salary, doing work that does not count traffic.Repeating yesterday's life in the same way, doing things that 80-year-olds can do, waiting for the beautiful things to fall from the sky, everyone is shouting "old, old".

Why is this?It is a mistake for such a person to have youth.I suddenly remembered what a senior said: It is not age that makes us old, but lack of passion.It is the lack of passion that first makes us lose our young and fresh heart, and then our appearance also ages.

In fact, all things have passion, and it is more beautiful and elegant because of passion: flowers are the passion of plants, wind is the passion of air, sunlight is the passion of morning, waves are the passion of rivers, thunder and lightning are the passion of clouds, galloping horses It's the passion of the grassland... As the spirit of all things, how can there be no passion?
That being the case, those ladies who are in their prime or want to regain their youth, what are you waiting for?

have romantic feelings
Romance is full of vitality. Many 20-year-olds don’t know what romance is, but poets who are over half a century old are saying: "Even if you live to be a hundred years old, you are still a youth!" It can be seen that romance is not the patent of young people, but those who The weapon of the young at heart.

Writing poems, painting, sketching, should you also have some hobbies like this to cultivate your own romantic feelings.

wear beautiful clothes
Angel Amelie.As a woman who loves beauty, once you lose your enthusiasm for buying clothes, this sign is not good, it means that your heart is beginning to age.Therefore, if you want to keep your youth fresh, don't stop packing yourself and your dreams with beautiful clothes.

socialize with young people
Listen to their songs, read their favorite books, sometimes join their sports, feel their passion, being with them, you feel like you are one of them.

stay motivated

Choose the right sports and be a dynamic girl!Participating in regular exercise, especially fitness, can help us stay youthful and refreshed, and after we do more and more exercise, youth comes uninvited.The more you do it, the more noticeable the effect will be.If you can't learn Jolin Tsai's hotness, you can learn a little slower pace, swimming, horse riding, yoga, meditation... There is always one that suits you.

Read Lingxiu's poems and be a poetic and picturesque woman
If we say that a woman who likes to read is beautiful.Well, women who often read poetry are more beautiful.By reading and savoring poems, women can be cultivated, with a spirit of beauty between their brows and eyes.

My cousin is such a person.She is like a fairy floating out of the Tang and Song Dynasties, a little melancholy, a little deep, a little reserved, she has many notebooks with plastic skins, they are very beautiful, full of poems and songs, every capital can be recited .

She is reserved and quiet, her facial features are not particularly beautiful, but her temperament is noble and elegant, and she has a different kind of beauty.I remember when I was in junior high school, I peeked at her love letter, and the boy who chased her wrote in the letter: A poetic woman like you is still charming even at 80 years old, and I still love you.

The cousin has retired now and has become a grandmother. She is still the most popular guest and judge for any cultural activities in the unit.He is also invited by the local Veteran Cadre Association.The cousin not only understands poetry, but also writes poems by herself. She often publishes some essays on the Internet and has countless fans.

Reading poetry is not only for beauty, but also for mental health. "People often ask me, what's the use of reading classical poetry? I tell everyone, the biggest benefit is to keep our soul alive!" This is what Ye Jiaying, director of the Institute of Chinese Classical Culture of Nankai University, said.This statement is very true, and my cousin often said that reciting poems made her quiet.Poetry is the natural expression of spirituality and the random spread of leisure.The process of reading poetry is a process of slowly accumulating in the heart, which can make you become more and more quiet, and quietly think about your own life value.

Reading poetry can not only improve your own aesthetic taste, but also allow you to perceive the world more keenly and face our lives more sincerely.Over time, you will have more charm and agility than other women.

Women, please take a classic poem on a warm afternoon or a quiet night, open the long-lost pages, and experience the freshness of the soul with a lazy and joyful emotion.

The simplest "white hair floats in green water, anthurium touches the clear waves" looks so clear and quiet now!This is the nature and beauty that we have neglected for too long. The pure white goose floats frivolously on the quiet water, and occasionally sticks its head into the water to find small fish to eat. It must be surrounded by green mountains and green trees. Isn’t this a fairyland on earth?

"Why cut the candles in the west window together, but talk about the rainy night in Bashan", is it our thoughts when we are separated from the one we love for a short time?We miss each other alone, and look forward to the moment when we meet again. At that time, excitement, excitement, and long-awaited grievances will all come to our hearts, and we will hug each other and talk about waiting for that rainy night.

"One rain, the pond's water surface is flat, and the lightly polished mirror shines on the eaves", what was the state of mind when I was alone?A middle-aged woman's heart is like still water, who else can blow the ripples in her heart?

"People say that the setting sun is the end of the world, but looking at the end of the world is not a guest", what kind of sadness is it!A person's life is full of unimaginable time and space transitions, and he does not know when he is standing in a strange place again, people, things, and things are like dreams.

"Sunrise in the east and rain in the west, Tao is ruthless but affectionate", after all, it is still a woman's heart, and there is endless tenderness hidden under the appearance of "ruthless", but since the ages, our "passion" has always been misunderstood by people who don't understand Worry, pain and happiness!

"I don't want to fight for the spring, and I will be jealous of the crowd. The pieces will be turned into mud and dust, and only the fragrance will remain the same." Who said that women are not as good as men?When a woman is strong, she will naturally have an arrogance that will not give in to the wind and rain.In life, the persistence of weak women is often more admirable!A woman with self-respect and self-improvement is like a plum blossom in early spring. Even in adversity, she is still "fragrant as ever"!

Perhaps, we can only taste the superficial surface of the poems, but this is enough. Many worries are reflected in the poems, and many bewilderment finds a peaceful reason in the faint artistic conception.Ladies, those blurred faces when frowning and crescent-browed, holding poems in hand are already extremely beautiful.

Of course, reading poetry is also particular. First of all, we must distinguish the types of poetry.From the perspective of time, poetry can be divided into ancient poetry and modern poetry, and according to subject matter, it can be divided into poetry of expressing ambition, poetry of feeling, and poetry of describing scenery.Find out the types of poetry, and better understand the writing techniques and emotions expressed in poetry.

In addition, we must learn to compare, first of all, we must learn to compare styles, because poets have different personalities and experiences, and the styles of poems are also different.Some poems are vigorous, unrestrained, and elegant; some poems are gorgeous, graceful, and fresh.Through comparison, we can quickly grasp the different styles of different poets, and connect the common features of their works at once, which is more conducive to our understanding of poems.The second is to compare ideas.For example, Du Fu’s "Song of Thatched Cottages Broken by the Autumn Wind" is a well-known work of worrying about the country and the people. In it, "There are tens of thousands of mansions, which shelter the poor and the poor in the world. They are all happy, and they are as safe as a mountain. Woohoo! When Seeing this house suddenly in front of my eyes, my hut is enough to suffer from freezing to death alone!" It shows the poet's broad spiritual realm.And Bai Juyi sighed in "The New Silk Jacket Is Feeling and Singing": "The people are so cold and hopeless, and there is no feeling for being alone in the warmth. I am thinking about the pain of farming and mulberry in my heart, and I can hear the sound of hunger and cold in my ears. Qiu grows ten thousand feet, and build Luoyang City with the king?" These few lines are similar to "Songs That Thatched Houses Are Broken by the Autumn Wind", but if you compare them carefully, Du Fu's poems are written about the hunger and coldness of oneself and sympathy for others, and he would rather suffer himself and benefit others ; Bai Juyi's poems write about being full and warm but pity others for hunger and cold, hoping to benefit yourself and others.Comparing the two, Du Fu's poems have a higher intention.

(End of this chapter)

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