90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 9 Be an Intellectual Self, A Woman Who Has Poems and Books in Her Belly Doesn’t Scribble

Chapter 9 Be an Intellectual Self, A Woman Who Has Poems and Books in Her Belly Doesn’t Scribble (2)
Jiang Hongdi loves beauty very much.Although she doesn't have much time to go out, she puts on light makeup every day, draws eyebrows, puts on lipstick, and combs her hair beautifully. She doesn't look like she is in her 40s at all.She said that disabled people also have the right to love beauty. They don’t have money to buy famous brands, but they must dress neatly. Disabled people should pay more attention to their appearance than ordinary people. It’s not for others to see, but to give themselves a good mood every day. .

Talking about her husband, Jiang Hongdi looked happy. Her husband is a healthy person, not only good-looking but also good-looking. When he was young, others introduced him to many people, but he just fell in love with Jiang Hongdi.After getting married, Jiang Hongdi asked her husband why he liked her.The husband said that once on the way to work, he saw her with a disabled leg struggling to lift the car up with her hands. The expression on her face attracted him deeply, but he was shy and dared not talk to her, and kept silently paying attention to her. .Finally on March 1991, 3, I mustered up the courage to send her a postcard to express my love.

Speaking of her son who is in the second year of high school, Jiang Hongdi looked proud. The son is very sensible. Knowing that his mother's legs and feet are not convenient, he has always been very good. Since he was in kindergarten, he has washed, made quilts, and gone to school by himself. Now his grades in the class are also among the best.The relationship between mother and child is very close, just like siblings, the son sees the fine wrinkles on his mother's face and reminds him to take care of it.

Jiang Hongdi said that her small family is very happy, but it is not all smooth sailing.Such as her husband's car accident, her own layoff, poor family, etc., these things that healthy women can't bear, she has experienced and endured them.Someone persuaded Jiang Hongdi to apply for subsistence allowances, but she refused. She felt that although she had a disability in her legs, she was still able to work.With the help of the community, she found a job of picking up and dropping off children. Her seriousness and responsibility have been recognized by her parents. She has been working for more than 4 years, and she plays woolen pants in her spare time, and her life is very fulfilling.

Do you know how much Jiang Hongdi loves life?When going out, she relies on a disabled car, and on short distances, she relies on crutches. The weight of her whole body rests on her armpits pressing against the crutches. It's okay in winter, but she often bleeds from friction in summer.Even so, Jiang Hongdi still likes to go out to play and make friends.When the community and the disabled people's federation organize cultural and sports activities, she will sing on stage; when organizing outings, she always registers first.

This disabled Jiangnan woman, her leisurely attitude towards life really makes us women with strong brains and well-developed limbs feel ashamed.You are better than her in life, luckier than her, materially richer than her, and physically sound than her, but are you happier than others?Is it more attractive than others?Is it more temperamental than others?

No one's life will be perfect. Anxiety, anxiety, disappointment... always come out of Pandora's box quietly, waiting for an opportunity to occupy our comfortable heart.Are you in the mortal world being messed up?But a woman with temperament will accept them calmly, cleverly put them away, temporarily "live elsewhere", and kill a beautiful carbine when she is calm and clear.

For intellectual women, their creed in life is always: life abuses me thousands of times, and I love life like first love.Therefore, they always live poetically.Even if she is busy with work, she can still take a break from her busy schedule to let go of her mood in a timely manner: the grass under the window finally got out; the ink dripping on the paper looks like a puppy; the colors of the sunset are unpredictable, and I can’t think of which colors come from Harmony; when the snowflakes fall down there is no order at all, and they change directions at will... As long as you really love life, life will kiss you with the brightest smile.

Don't tell everyone about your suffering and experience

Elegant women will never tell their sufferings and experiences to everyone.This is a sign of mental immaturity.

She was my best classmate in high school, my best partner in adolescence, and the precious daughter of the hospital director's family.Back then, she had a refined temperament, a slender figure, and beautiful features. She was the common goddess in the hearts of many boys in our school.I still remember her wearing a white silk dress and walking in the corridor.Really, she is Hua, and all the other girls in high school are Ye.Our leaf should be willing and convinced.She is inferior in appearance and temperament. It is also an honor to lose to such a beautiful girl.

We haven't been in touch since graduating from university. She stayed at a good institution in her hometown to work, and her husband is a doctor at the People's Hospital.

I really don't know how she found my contact information.Five years after we parted, I received a call from her. She was divorcing her husband and she was in a bad mood, so she wanted to hide from me.I welcome.

When I saw her, she was only 28 years old, but she looked like she was in her 30s, and her previous temperament was blurred.When she saw me, it was like catching a life-saving straw. She didn't even have a word of pleasantries, and she began to scold her husband and nurse for being ambiguous, her mother-in-law for being partial, her eldest sister for being overbearing, and her boss for being unreasonable.I sat face to face with her, and her spittle was flying in front of me.

Although I am a little disgusted, I still have more sympathy. After all, they are sisters who have gone through their youth together. Besides, she suffered misfortune. Three days and three nights.

I patiently persuaded and persuaded her to change herself, manage her marriage and work well.

She was still divorced, but later remarried for unknown reasons. After the remarriage, the relationship between husband and wife did not improve, but became more distant from each other.

Last year, when she heard that I went back and called me to ask me out, I couldn't recognize her anymore. She got divorced again and told me more about the ugliness of marriage and the ugliness of human nature.This is a big Chinese New Year, and my mood is also affected.Later, I heard from other classmates that everyone was afraid of her, because when we met, she would talk about how hateful her ex-husband was and how annoying her in-laws were.

In fact, what damaged her appearance and temperament was not time, nor being unkind to others, but her own complaints and complaints.Her downfall reminds me of the fable of a little monkey.

A little monkey, its belly was scratched by a branch, bleeding a lot.So when it saw a monkey friend, it opened the wound and said, "Look at my wound, it hurts so much!"

Every monkey who saw its wound comforted it, sympathized with it, and told it different ways to treat it.It continued to show its wounds to its friends and listened to their opinions.

Then it got infected and died.An old monkey said: "It hurt itself and died."

Yes, if it wraps up the wound on the stomach from the beginning, and does not show it to others, the wound will heal slowly, and there will be no later tragedy.

Intellectual women have always been masters at controlling their emotions, and they will never allow themselves to confide in anyone they meet.This is impolite and unrefined.They have a whole host of reasons against doing this:

1. Regarding your complaints, no matter how good a friend is, they will be annoyed if they hear too much.There is a limit to everything, and I often talk about grievances and sufferings, saying to everyone that this is too much, and everything will be counterproductive if it is too much.From a psychological point of view, the first time you listen to it, you will feel fresh, the second time you will feel stale, and the third time you will feel bored.

2. Bad emotions can be contagious, and everyone has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.Hearing happy things told by others brings joy, whereas telling sad stories makes the listener grieve along with them.In this era, everyone likes to absorb positive energy and hate negative energy.Always telling friends about thought rubbish will affect their mood.People have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. No matter how good your friends are to you, if you always "poison" them with bad emotions, after a long time, they will avoid you like the plague.

3. Talking too much won't help.In fact, in the eyes of friends, they sympathize with you after all, and may give you some comfort and advice, but the actual help is not necessarily great.In the eyes of strangers, those stories that make you tear your heart apart are just a free show for them to watch.Of course, most women only want others to listen to their complaints. Psychologically speaking, they need others to watch and care, and they don’t necessarily hope that the other party can solve the problem. Speaking out will help women’s health and prevent depression.But complaining can only be said to your good friends or relatives, it depends on the person.

4. Obsessing over it will damage your health.Always complaining to others, one's mentality is often in a kind of distress, anger hurts the liver, thinking hurts the spleen, and it is very detrimental to physical and mental health over time.Pain, if you say it once and review it once, the impression will only be deeper, more distressed and more unforgettable.

5. Excessive talking will damage your image.Modern women, especially urban white-collar workers, are trying to create a work image that is capable, steady, and capable of doing things with ease. This will give people a sense of trust and dependability, and bosses and customers will recognize it.Of course, this is a temperament that tends to be neutral. Complaining everywhere will lead to a disastrous failure in shaping this image. Complaining about difficulties is a manifestation of one's lack of ability and immature mentality.Moreover, modern people pay great attention to personal privacy, and generally do not want to mention how miserable they have been.

In life, there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things. I have been wronged and have bitterness in my heart. How to deal with it?The most important thing is self-comfort and self-adjustment. As the saying goes, "A hero turns his own way." Life is not perfect for those who do not experience suffering.A rich life itself contains grievances, depression and even a lot of misfortunes. People who are smooth sailing are often superficial.A life of pain and misfortune is not a kind of precious spiritual wealth!We should have enough courage to face the bad luck of life with a smile. Only those who are not afraid of suffering can enjoy the infinite scenery of life.

Keep exploring, keep the passion of first love for new things
Intellectual women have a young heart.

Some people say that she is like Shi Xiangyun in "A Dream of Red Mansions", smart and sharp, with a bit of a chivalrous style;She is Cheng Pai Qingyi of the Tianjin Youth Peking Opera Troupe and Liu Guijuan, a national first-class actress.

48-year-old Liu Guijuan is full of joy and loves life. She is as young as a cheering swallow, and her artistic life is everlasting and full of vitality. In 2013, she sang "Unforgettable Tonight" with Li Guyi on the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Snake, and her elegant temperament once again conquered us.All this stems from her high freshness of new things.

Speaking of Peking Opera actors, many people may think that as long as they can sing well and practice somersaults well, they can be a good actor.But Liu Guijuan doesn't think so. She keeps learning and maintains a high interest in new things, so her artistic life has always been so fresh, and her appearance has always been young.

(End of this chapter)

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