90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 17 Decorating the house is a man's business, "makeup" repairing oneself is a

Chapter 17 Decorating the house is a man's business, "makeup" repairing oneself is a woman's business (3)
How to take care of your hair?You should always pay attention to the following points:
Keep hair clean

Hair expresses a person's life situation and mood.Clean, well-groomed hair will make you look refreshed and energized, while dirty hair will give the impression of slovenliness and decadence.Therefore, regardless of whether there are social activities or not, you should be diligent in grooming your hair on weekdays, especially in summer, and you should wash it in time.If a woman is unkempt, sweaty, oily, and dandruff can be seen everywhere, it will damage her personal image.

Pay attention to clean up the dandruff on the shoulders and backs of the clothes at any time, especially when wearing dark clothes.

regular care
With the desired hairstyle and hair color, you also need to consider regular trimming and hair coloring and other care issues. Many people often ignore this point, which compromises the quality of the hair.Under the normal growth rate of hair, new hair of 4 to 6 cm will grow in 1 to 2 weeks. At this time, the color of the new hair root part is different from other parts, which requires re-dyeing.

Pruning regularly
Trimming your hair regularly will not only prevent split ends, but also keep your hair looking silky and shiny.At the same time, no matter how satisfactory your hairstyle was at the beginning, after a period of growth, the hairstyle will change.So, regular trims are a must if you want to keep your hair looking its best all the time.

maintain hair health
Generally speaking, a person's hair is thick and shiny, the skin must be crystal clear and elastic, and the body must be less sick.To maintain the health of your hair, you should do the following:
(1) Comb your hair frequently to prevent hair loss.It is best to comb your hair with a wooden comb or a horn comb, and the method of combing your hair should be correct.

(2) Change the hairline.Avoid hairline areas that become dry due to long-term sun exposure, resulting in thinning hair.

(3) Reduce dandruff.Choose the right shampoo, wash your hair every day, and massage your scalp often.

(4) Prevent bifurcation.Try to avoid using a hair dryer, especially when the hair is wet; if necessary, dry the hair as much as possible before blow-drying, and apply a layer of conditioner on it; use a soft wide-tooth comb to comb from the scalp to the ends , which brings the natural oils in the scalp to the ends of the hair, preventing split ends.

(5) Improve gloss.There are many reasons for dry and dull hair, such as malnutrition, genetic factors, chemical damage, sun exposure, long-term smoking, lack of sleep, etc. Therefore, you need to develop good living habits in daily life to maintain hair health.If your hair is not shiny, you need to choose some hairdressing products that can increase the luster of your hair, such as brightening water.When you do this, radiance and vitality will appear on your face.

A person's messy hair can make others unacceptable and uncomfortable.Therefore, before going out, before going to work, after taking off your headscarf or hat, and when you come home from get off work, whenever necessary, you should consciously comb your hair to keep it neat.But remember, when talking with people, don't comb your hair, so as to avoid residual hair and dandruff flying all over the place.The length of hair should be moderate, avoid disheveled hair.

Hairdressing is natural

Hairdressing should not only be beautiful and generous, but also natural, and it should not be overly carved or out of date.Before deciding to perm, consider whether it is suitable for your hair quality, age, and occupation; if your hair color is not ideal, or your hair turns gray, you can use hair dye to improve it, but you must not dye your hair brightly.

Excessively fancy and exaggerated hair accessories should not be worn on the hair.

Do not blow hair with a hot hair dryer more than 3 times a week, otherwise it will make the hair too dry and cause split ends.Use as little wax and oil as possible, and avoid overly scented hair styling products.

The most beautiful makeup is a smile
For a woman who really smiles, smiling is by no means a "simple lip movement, not related to happiness" as it is said on the Internet, it is a noble temperament.Because a smile contains the knowledge, upbringing, character and mentality of a wise man, it needs a good spiritual realm and ideological temperament as a source.Therefore, a smile is the most touching expression of a woman, and a woman who can smile is the most beautiful.

There is a French couple who opened a psychological counseling clinic, which is crowded with customers every day, and the appointment number is often queued for several months.A friend asked the couple why they were so popular.The wife said that it is actually very simple. The main job of the couple is to let every consultant who comes to the door often practice a homework: to find reasons to smile.For example, when the elevator door is about to close, someone presses the button to let you rush; you receive a letter from a distant friend; someone praises your new hairstyle; Lights up; the cleaner stops the broom a few steps away from you instead of making you run to avoid the dust.Such details of life can be used as a reason to smile, because this is the gift that life gives you.Those who do as the couple do find it easy to find a dozen reasons to smile almost every day.As time goes by, the emotional rift between husband and wife begins to heal; the tense relationship with the boss or colleagues tends to ease; people who have a bad life will also look forward to a new sun tomorrow.All in all, the smiles they gave have yielded unexpected results.

One summer, in Palaka, the old city of Athens, the capital of Greece, due to the high temperature during the day, many tourists came out for activities after nightfall. This is the busiest time in Palaka.

A tourist store owner who was smoking a cigarette and attracting customers at the door saw a group of tourists approaching and wanted to shake off his cigarette butt to greet the guests in desperation. Unexpectedly, the cigarette butt just threw it on the arm of a young man next to him.The young man's skin was immediately scalded into a big blister, which made him jump up and down in pain.

Seeing this, the boss spit out a series of "I'm sorry", and then gave the young man a very bright Greek smile. While smiling, he recited the quotations of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates: "In this world, nothing but sunshine, Air, water and smiles, what more do we need?"

The young man didn't know if Socrates said this sentence, but he felt that the pain in his arm and the futility in his heart were resolved by the smile in front of him, so he walked into the boss's shop with a smile and bought a lot of beautiful postcards .

Smile is a precious wealth of human beings, a sign of self-confidence, and an expression of politeness. A smile has the power to shock people.Every outstanding TV host, public relations lady, salesperson, and political cadre has the ability to smile at the right time.

Smiling is the magic weapon of communication and interpersonal relationship.A sincere smile will shorten the distance between people and make people lift their spiritual guard.If we smile at others, as long as he doesn't have a deep hatred with you, then he will return a warm expression.And if we show him displeasure, even for a moment, it will make him dissatisfied with us, either inwardly or outwardly.

Smile is also the best weapon to disarm others.The people you are dealing with will inevitably lose their temper, some are mean and critical, some are rude, some are aggressive, and some have already had a bad relationship with you.Dealing with these people, a decent smile is often more effective than eloquence.When dealing with other people's nonsense, if you keep smiling, you can stabilize the situation.Use a smile to alleviate the other party's stimulation, and use a smile to resolve the other party's offensive, so as to brake with stillness, overcome rigidity with softness, and get out of the predicament.

Smile is still a kind of temperament.Even though you dress modestly, you always keep smiling, neither flattering the big ones nor arrogant to the little ones.It's an inscrutable gesture that others will hold in awe of you.Your smile should be full of energy, expressing sincerity from the smiling eyes, no one likes a smile that is "smiling on the skin", your smile must come from the heart.

Smiling can also improve the efficiency of work, especially some work that requires cooperation.Your smile will be regarded as praise and encouragement by your colleagues, so he will be in a happy mood because of this, and will cooperate with you more actively.Your tacit understanding will be the premise of creating high efficiency.And if you always keep a straight face, others will automatically alienate you, lose communication and collaboration, and your work will easily get into trouble.

It can be seen that smiling brings infinite benefits to women. Smiling is the most beautiful expression of human beings, and it is a universal language that can be mastered without learning.If everyone is good at using this Esperanto and making smiles a link in interpersonal relationships, the world will definitely be more beautiful.

Here are the specific ways to smile, for your reference or operation:

Sit or stand.Slightly close your eyes, and silently recite "smile in your heart with a good mood", so that you can smile spontaneously, first from your heart, and then spread between your brows and face, all with a deep smile.Then, pay attention to this spontaneous smile and make it last for a certain period of time.At the same time, carefully understand: from the inside to the outside, from the top to the bottom, from the eyebrows, around the heart to the difference between the inside and outside of the belly button, all in a comfortable smile.As long as you persist in this subtle feeling, you are doing it right.

If you can't even control your weight, what else can you control?

It has to be said that it is quite a sad thing for a beautiful woman to lose her exquisite figure.

At night, everything is quiet, like a silent woman, speechless and dumb.All living and non-living species are silent in the quiet and peaceful night. Occasionally, one or two calls of kittens and puppies are heard from a distance, which adds a bit of vitality to the city full of dark fragrance.

"That's great!" The woman breathed a sigh of relief, as if she wanted to completely dispel the suffocation accumulated for many days.She likes to drink freshly squeezed juice and boiled water, which are natural and unmodified, like a woman's plain face, fresh but straightforward.However, for her who is relatively inert, if she wants to squeeze a glass of juice by herself, it is better to buy the fruit and wash it, and eat it with the core.Every time she ate fruit with the skin, her mother always laughed and said that she was a black African mother, fat, strong and carefree, not at all like an oriental woman, let alone a petite woman from Jiangnan.It made her feel sore and uncomfortable.

Back then, it was because I wanted a baby too much, went to the doctor in a hurry, and took hormones for 6 years, which caused my body to be so out of shape!I remember that on the university campus, she was 1.66 meters tall and weighed only 48 kilograms. Whether she was wearing a cheongsam or fashion, she was a beautiful scenery wherever she stood.There are many people chasing her.But at that time, she was as arrogant as a white swan, and no one could think about it.

But now, despite taking advantage of my medical studies, I have formulated a lot of weight loss plans for myself, and I have tried N kinds of methods, but they all ran aground due to the physical pain caused by my own congenital deficiencies.Looking at the beautiful cheongsam that I once wore in the box, I feel sad, wondering if I will have the opportunity to relive the elegance of that year in my life.

It's hard to forget a day a few years ago, when a former suitor came to visit her home, the first thing he saw her was full of doubts: Is this you?Is that you?Haven't seen it for a few years, has it really changed that much?A series of questions deeply pricked the woman's fragile heart.

The woman thinks, maybe after a few years, if she really loses weight, what will happen?After all, age is not forgiving. Although it is plumper than before, smooth and tender skin is rare among people of the same age.Is it too uneconomical to make your skin rough and wrinkled in order to lose weight?

The night was already deep, and the flashing neon lights in the distance made the night a bit more noisy and charming.Night is a glass of wine, pour a cup, drink less and get drunk.Looking at the son who was smiling brightly in his sleep, and thinking of the suitor who had not returned from the dinner party, the woman's heart throbbed inexplicably: The woman who participated in the business dinner party with him should be like me many years ago!

Women, it's better to be thinner.

Although there are thousands of ways for a woman to attract attention, an exquisite body curve is the surest one.From Dunhuang frescoes to modern aesthetics, from ancient Rome to today, graceful and beautiful body curves have always been the focus of art.

Many women gain weight after marriage or after giving birth. Many women use this as an excuse. Whenever a man says she is fat, she retorts half coquettishly and half sarcasticly: It’s all to cook for you and give birth to a son for you. I have been reduced to this, if I hadn't paid so much for my marriage, I would still be a fair lady now.

Hehe, these women are purely making excuses for their broken jars, and they are shirking responsibility.Don't you see, there are many women who are still fair and fair after marriage and childbirth.In the fashion world, there are such a group of trendy girls called DISCO——Discerning (superior discrimination ability), Increasing years (has passed the youthful years), Stylish (enough taste), Comfortably Off (on hand ample).They are over 35 years old and have experienced the era of popular disco dance halls.They're not desperate bachelorettes or desperate housewives, they've got great bodies, and they're all the rage in the fashion world.They are no longer youthful, but live a wonderful and energetic life; although they are all old, and even many of them have become mothers, they still pursue perfection in their bodies; they seem to be a little indifferent to dressing, but to The clothes are elegantly pursued, showing a superhuman temperament.Perhaps this is the potential charm and beauty of DISCO girls.

How are they so thin?
They take thinness as their belief

Women, cherishing their figure is not to please men, but to respect life and a restrained attitude towards life. People with this attitude will not easily become fat.As a living person, if you can't even control your weight, what can you control?Establish a life attitude of temperance and caring for your body as soon as possible, and you can lose weight too.

Scientific diet and reasonable exercise
Control your mouth, eat and drink scientifically, mobilize your limbs, and exercise rationally, and you will definitely lose weight.I have a relative in a small mountain village in Wan'an, Jiangxi. Can you believe that there is no fat person there?There really isn't a single fat guy.The traffic there is inconvenient, and you have to walk to go out, and you have to go up the mountain to chop firewood, and then pick it off. The women there are all very thin and healthy.

Eat more vegetarians and eat less meat
She is 31 years old, 158 cm tall, and weighed 120 catties two years ago, but now she is only 90 catties. Her appearance is not inferior because she is thin, but more beautiful and more temperamental.Her secret is to eat more vegetarian food and less meat.Later, I learned that other beauties who lost weight in a healthy way also lost weight by focusing on vegetarianism.Note: It is a preference for vegetarian food, not only vegetarian food.

For a long time, regarding weight loss, I want to tell you a few taboos:
(1) Avoid starving to lose weight

At the beginning of this summer, I was walking in the small garden. I met a neighbor from the previous building. She lost more than 10 catties at once. I asked her how she lost weight. A fat lady next to her told me: She is purely hungry. Lean. In less than three months, just in autumn, I ran into this neighbor downstairs again. She was sallow and emaciated. It was only after I asked her that she had anorexia, a problem with her digestive system, and her health was extremely poor.These are the consequences of starving to lose weight.

(2) Do not take diet pills
Taking diet pills is the most commonly used method for female stars to lose weight. A few years ago, Thai diet pills were popular in the entertainment industry. The effect is miraculous, and they can lose 10 kilograms within a month.After taking it, many artists found that in addition to reducing their appetite, their spirits have also deteriorated, and sometimes they feel sleepy but can't fall asleep.Later, reports revealed that these are illegal diet pills, and taking them for a long time may even kill them, and the stars were too scared to take them anymore.As soon as the medicine was stopped, individual weights bounced back like blowing up balloons.Therefore, it is not recommended to take weight-loss pills to lose weight. First, it will damage the body, and second, it is very easy to rebound.

In short, in the process of losing weight, the most important thing is to rely on your own willpower. Exercise more while eating less is the most effective method. It is better to use less heresy.

(End of this chapter)

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