90 days of cultivation temperament goddess

Chapter 18 Polite words and deeds are direct and effective proof of identity

Chapter 18 Polite words and deeds are direct and effective proof of identity (1)
Words and deeds are the most essential criteria for every woman's elegance. No matter how beautiful she is, how beautiful her makeup is, and how exquisite her accessories are, if her words are not up to standard, her behavior will be careless, and her expression will make her wink. People were surprised.

Therefore, to be a noble and elegant woman, the inner beauty is the most lingering and irresistible thing. The generous and decent words and deeds reflect the true beauty of a woman.

Words and deeds are elegant, this is how a goddess is made

I seldom watch TV, even less "You Are Not Disturbing".But because of a girl, I still watched it.Because everyone in the circle of friends is paying attention to this girl, saying that she is very elegant and a goddess.Out of curiosity, I'm going to take a look.

Just glanced at it, and thought about it until now. It seems that the charm of a good woman really lasts for a long time.

Her name is Luo Qi, a daughter of a wealthy Macau family.Hehe, forgive me for introducing her in such a straightforward sentence.As for how rich her actual background is, I didn't know it carefully.The information revealed on the program probably said that she was born into a wealthy family with a big business. She started running the family business at a young age, attended various celebrity parties, and mastered multiple languages. She was educated as a lady since she was a child. Putting his left hand on his right hand, he stands tall and graceful, even if he stands for several hours, he will never slack off in his movements; he is good at flower art, piano, painting, and woodcarving when he is in a bad mood. A delicate and beautiful screen; when the program crew went to shoot her bedroom, it was a palace-like house, and she was an elegant princess...

We have seen many princess-style women from wealthy families in film and television dramas, but Luo Qi appeared in front of us in a more realistic manner, answering questions on the show.Her graceful figure and elegant manner of speaking not only made many male guests admire, but even women couldn't help but fix their eyes on her.

I enjoyed listening to her talk when she answered questions.Other things may be given from the outside, but the impromptu question and answer can reveal a person's inner self-cultivation and wisdom.

Too many men came for her, and most of them came back with the lights out, until that Taiwanese man named Lin Hanqi let go of his arrogance, became courteous and graceful, made a comeback with grace, and finally succeeded in holding hands with her.

In many cases, a person's speech and behavior reflect a person's interests, hobbies, emotions, abilities, standards, and accomplishments.Therefore, these words and deeds are of great significance and cannot be ignored.Emerson once said: "A good figure is better than a beautiful face, and a graceful manner is better than a beautiful figure. The graceful manner is the best art, and it is more refreshing than any painting or sculpture. .”

In real life, a girl's words and deeds not only determine her temperament level, but also directly affect the success or failure of a matter.

Xiaojun is a beautiful girl who always wins a high rate of turning heads when she walks on the road, but she is hit and beaten to the ground on the way to apply for a job.Many employers expressed great enthusiasm after seeing her resume and photos, but they failed to pass the interview.

It turned out that Xiao Jun had a bad habit of talking loudly and eloquently as soon as he opened his mouth. He felt that the more he talked, the more he could express his ability.She always hopes that she can perform her best, and because she has been surrounded by praise from others since she was a child, Xiao Jun always feels that she has the right to be a beautiful woman, so she appears very arrogant and aggressive in front of the interviewer.

Xiaojun's inappropriate words and deeds in the interview finally led to her failure in job hunting. The reason is actually very simple, because the first impression she left on the employer was: superficial and superficial.Originally, her good looks impress Xiao Jun a lot, but it is a pity that she exposed her superficiality as soon as she opened her mouth.Just ask, who is willing to let a superficial vase do practical things?
Polite words and deeds are like a smooth spring breeze, which often blows the fruits of success, while vulgar words and bad manners will make communication obstacles.

Although women don't live for others to see, but when you are praised for your self-cultivation because of your calm and elegant demeanor, the fun really belongs to you.Luo Qi’s myth can continue to be staged on you, and Xiaojun’s tragedy can be avoided on you, as long as you can do the following.

make up your mind to change yourself
Changing behavior habits is not an easy task, and it is very difficult to do without the determination to "do it well".

Learn about etiquette
In modern social interactions, women's behavior is often magnified and gets more attention than men, so you must learn social etiquette.

Take professional courses
The effect of practicing casually by yourself is definitely not as good as the guidance of professionals. Spend a sum of money to go to classes and learn in a better atmosphere.

remind yourself anytime, anywhere
Women usually go through many occasions, and they have to remind themselves to pay attention to their words and deeds every moment. If they accidentally relax and show some indecent movements, all previous efforts will be wasted.

in the family too

Everyone in the family is their own, so some women show their most relaxed side unscrupulously, but parents, husbands and children all have aesthetic needs, you can't ignore this.

A woman who swears is ugly
A friend once told me an interesting experience of his own: One day when he was wandering in the park, he saw a very beautiful girl making a phone call alone in a pavilion in the park. To be polite, he sat down in a corner of the pavilion and waited for her to finish the call. Unexpectedly, the girl would burst out with foul language such as "××" and "×××" from time to time. My friend was sweating profusely, then turned and left. .

"Chaotianjiao" provokes anger

Yes, a girl who swears, no matter how beautiful and reasonable she is, will be bored and even hated.I have seen the tragic scenes of men and women fighting on the subway many times.The reasons are all the same: a man accidentally squeezes or steps on a girl, and the girl scolds when she comes up. Scolded, scolded and scolded, the man got angry and shot.To be honest, it hurts me to see the girl being beaten, but when I think about the swear words in her mouth that cursed the eight generations of her ancestors, I can't help feeling that she deserves it!When I think of a young, beautiful and well-dressed girl being knocked down by a man, my mood is very complicated. It is indeed wrong for a man to beat a woman, but the face of a girl is really ugly.Audrey Hepburn said: "Charming lips lie in kind and friendly language. On the contrary, an ugly mouth can speak vicious and cursing language."

For a woman, speaking freely is a kind of demeanor, laughing at a group of Confucians is a kind of state, and eloquent tongue is a kind of ability.The connotation of a woman needs to be reflected through conversation.The temperament of a woman can be completely seen at a glance the moment she speaks.Those "chaotianjiao" girls who speak badly and spit all over the sky, even if they are eloquent, are not welcome.

The process of swearing is the process of "self-immolation"
There are also people who justify the girl's swearing, and some people think that swearing is the satisfaction of the desire to attack.In this regard, American psychologist and swearing expert Dimonser Jay explained: "Swearing is a primitive instinct of human beings, and even a painkiller for the human soul, because swearing can make our brains free." Someone explained swearing Repression can be released, they insist, of all the cathartic avenues available to us, swearing is the easiest, quickest, and most direct.

There is nothing wrong with this, as an alternative to language, swear words have always been ubiquitous.We use swearing to express our anger, vent our emotions, resist hurt... while emphasizing our own existence and power.But this way of expression is really the most effective way to damage the temperament.

Do you know how powerful swearing can be?Russian scientists have confirmed the offensive effect of swear words: they scolded a glass of water with selected swear words, and then watered barley seeds with this water. As a result, the germination rate of the seeds was only 48%, while the germination rate of the seeds watered with spring water was 93%. .In the same way, every woman who swears and swears is tantamount to polluting herself with "poisonous water". You think you are scolding others, but in fact, you yourself are also victimized.From the brewing of bad emotions to the outbreak, this process is a process of "self-immolation".

Don't let bad words fly out of the room
Even so, whenever I miss a plane, lose my wallet, get stepped on by someone in the way, or just accidentally hit my big toe while walking, those vulgar and ugly swear words will still be blurted out.How to get rid of the bad habit of swearing?
There are two situations for girls to swear: one is to take swearing as a routine and become a habit; the other is to swear occasionally to vent their emotions when they can't bear it.

For the first type of girls, it is necessary to realize the harm of swearing and establish the determination to correct it.

For the second type of girl, it is to find a suitable outlet and replace it.There are too many ways to vent emotions, talk to close friends and lovers, face the wall and think about mistakes, talk to dolls, use pillows as punching bags, and so on.If you really can't help but want to swear, you lock the door and rage in the room, and then show yourself as a lady after you're done.Usually stars do this well, and you can follow suit.

Charming lips lie in a kind and elegant voice

Elegant conversation is a vent to release a woman's elegant and refined inner spiritual temperament and self-cultivation, so that a woman's charm can be fully released. It is a kind of energy and a kind of attraction.

Once on a plane, I happened to be sitting next to the emergency exit, and then I was able to sit still. A flight attendant walked up and explained how important this position was in a fast voice, and she must not mess with the handle buttons unless it was an emergency. .In fact, there is no need to remind passengers, of course they also understand the pros and cons.At the end, the stewardess actually asked: "Did you hear clearly?" In fact, I have no problem with all her previous expressions, but this question at the end makes people feel uncomfortable. I always feel that there is something wrong. Something is wrong.After thinking about it, I think she should ask: "Did I explain it clearly?" This way it won't appear so blunt.Although she has a young age in her twenties, exquisite facial features, a tall figure, and exquisite makeup, I think she is extremely ugly, just a vase that is neither eye-catching nor heart-warming.

Another time I was flying, because of the long distance, I wore a portable MP3 to listen to music, so I ignored the radio on the plane.After a while, a stewardess came up to me, smiled and pointed to my ear, and was talking to me.As I took off my earphones I heard her say, "The earphones can be taken off, please?" She didn't order "Please turn off electronic devices" as forcefully as the others!This time, it was my turn to feel ashamed.Although she is a bit old, with a slightly fat body and not very smooth skin, she has friendly eyes and beautiful words, and I think she is very beautiful.

The elegant voice and kind words have achieved the effect of "not seeing the person, just hearing the voice" to generate good feelings.So, how to cultivate a woman's elegant voice and elegant conversation?The following suggestions can be used for reference:

Gentle and soft
The ancients said: the reason is not the loudness.The gentle voice is sweet, like the music of high mountains and flowing water, it is wonderful; it is like the clear and crisp birdsong in the forest, it is sweet to the ear; it is like the fragrant wine, it is refreshing.The gentle voice is the most beautiful and melodious music in the world, which is intoxicating.

Elegant and decent
Elegant and decent speech should pay attention to the speed, tone and tone of speech, and the content of speech should pay attention to the occasion, and avoid talking and dancing in public.Women can use body language appropriately when speaking, but too much movement can be counterproductive.


A voice with emotion is like a ray of sunshine, touching people's feelings; a voice full of warmth is like a ray of spring breeze, warming people's minds.Give full play to the inherent tenderness of women to create a magnetic field where the voice is cadenced and hesitant to speak. In the magnetic field, the woman's sensibility will become a focus of attention and generate a strong magnetic force.

Whether it is a man or a woman, words with a sense of humor can make him or her popular.A man's sense of humor can be exaggerated and humorous; a woman's sense of humor is playful and witty, like jumping notes, playful and lively.It is far more enjoyable to be a funny woman than to be a dull, prim woman.

Women speak and behave gracefully, speak civilizedly, can listen to others' speech patiently, do not interrupt at will, and do not answer casually.The so-called "full loss, humility benefits", a capable and modest woman shows that she has good cultivation, and a cultivated woman can be respected by more people.

coquettish Didi
Women should not be too strong. If you encounter difficult things, give full play to the weak side of women, occasionally play childish temper, act like a baby moderately, ask a man with heroic spirit to help, not only can let the "hero" show his style, but also make you The difficulties are solved, killing two birds with one stone.Appropriate timing and moderate coquettishness are like the seasoning in the dish, making the dish more delicious.

Elegant taste
Elegance is a kind of art. A woman's voice may not be pleasant, but it must be artistic. Some women's hoarse voices can also create a magnetic field.Proper conversation is the expression of a woman's elegant demeanor and temperament.In addition to the content of a woman's speech, her posture, expression, speed of speech, and tone of speech all reflect an art.An elegant woman knows what to say and what not to say.Women who talk like shrews, babble, gossip, gossip, and vulgar women are just tiresome.

Smart and agile
It is generally not appropriate for a woman to speak aggressively, and she should not be aggressive with others, but it does not mean that women should swallow their anger and have no right to refute and justify.Women should give full play to their quick thinking, speak in an orderly manner, have courage and insight, and answer fluently, so that they are welcome everywhere.

Greetings and pleasantries cannot be omitted
Greetings and pleasantries are the direct contact at the beginning of meeting people, and it is the opportunity to form the first impression.We should cherish this opportunity in order to leave a good image to family members, colleagues, customers, friends or strangers.But greetings are not so simple. Whether you are visiting customers or meeting friends, only proper greetings can show the personal charm of women and convey friendly information to the other party.

order of greeting
In the rules of etiquette, the order of greetings is generally that the low-status, the young, and the late-entrants greet everyone first.In other words, in the workplace, people with low status should greet those with high status first. This is not flattery or flattery, but a basic courtesy; if you meet a customer, you should also take the initiative to greet the customer and express your respect to him If it is between colleagues, the younger ones should greet the older ones first; if it is a group meeting, those who enter later should greet those who have arrived first, and then everyone responds.

dos and don'ts for greeting
Enthusiasm is not enough for greetings and greetings. If you want to achieve the desired effect, you must pay attention to the following requirements, so that it is more in line with the etiquette norms and makes the person being greeted feel cordial and comfortable.

(1) Take the initiative to greet each other.Generally speaking, taking the initiative to greet will give the other party a warm feeling, and it will also take the initiative in the following conversation.Maybe friends who have had a little misunderstanding meet up and greet each other first, so that the previous suspicions can be cleared up.And greeting others first does not mean that your status is low, even if the leader greets employees first, it is a good way to encourage employees, and the leader who is approachable is obviously more loved by others.There are many ways to express recognition, trust and rewards to employees, and sincere and proactive greetings are one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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