Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 101 Speed ​​Showdown

Chapter 101 Speed ​​Showdown

New York, Broadway.

On the busy street, two afterimages that should not belong to the road suddenly broke into the traffic flow, and the golden lightning flashed through the gaps in the traffic flow, like a gust of hot wind blowing from the car window .

Departing from the Rex Building in New York, Eric and the men in the Beta Armor armor entered the speed mode, and rushed here after running through dozens of blocks side by side. The simulated Speed ​​Force energies released by the Alpha and Beta battleframes staggered and interacted with each other at such a close distance, the fields of the Speed ​​Force field collided violently, as if invisible electric sparks melted in the speeding airflow.

There were two deafening explosions in succession, and the milky white air waves exploded continuously. It was the explosions when the two broke through the sound barrier one after another.All the glass along the way of the lightning was shattered, the vehicles parked on both sides of the street were scrambling to scream, and the siren sounded like waves one after another.

After running through Broadway Street, the milky white sound cone dragging lightning climbed vertically along an old-fashioned residential building.Seen from the outside, two afterimages flashed behind the windows of each floor of the old house one after the other, and the air waves stirred up as they passed by shattered every window.


Eric made an inadvertent move, lagging behind a little, and hit the man's back with a powerful kick in the middle of his chest.The body under the super speed inertia smashed down the old wooden door of a family, and slammed across the living room like a cannonball and hit the whitewashed wall with most of the paint peeled off.Dust fell like rain, the walls trembled violently, and the ceiling seemed to be collapsing.

Fortunately, there was no one in the living room, only a man and a woman, two children under the age of ten, carefully crouched behind the bedroom door and watched the uninvited guests who broke into the house.

The man wearing the Beta armor came in hot pursuit. He seemed to be riding a golden whirlwind, and the invisible afterimage roared and flashed.Eric moved his footsteps and moved sideways at a high speed. After the opponent's metal fist punched through the afterimage left by him, he slammed into the old wall, leaving a deep hole.

Taking advantage of the rigidity of his punch, Eric kicked forward, and the leg strength reinforced by the armor immediately kicked the Beta armor flying horizontally, shooting through the glass of the balcony with a "clang" and crushing the balcony guardrail. fell down.

Eric breathed a sigh of relief temporarily, and waved to the two children who were peeping from behind: "When the parents come back, tell them, sorry for breaking your door."

After speaking, he flashed his figure and rushed down from the balcony.

The man who fell to the ground climbed out of the deep pit created by the fall. The impact of the landing was buffered by the armor and did not suffer any damage. He moved his joints and looked at Eric who flashed in front of him like a teleportation, There was a soft snort in his throat.

Eric squeezed his fist again, arched his body slightly, like a cheetah preparing to pounce.

The divine speed energy fields released each other, the currents staggered, and the world stood still.The two stood motionless in place, like two dead wood stakes, patiently waiting for an opportunity.The dust floating in the air was suspended and fixed, and even the slight air current stopped flowing, and the fleeing crowd kept running and became the fixed background.

The lightning flashed, and the bursting air waves were like stones thrown into the water, causing snow-white sprays.Eric took the lead, within a distance of less than ten steps, he flashed in front of the man in the Beta armor in a negligibly short time, and punched like a cannonball.

Unsurprisingly, the opponent disappeared in place with a wrong figure. When Eric punched through the phantom left behind, the Beta armor had already flashed behind him, and a whip kick brought the afterimage fiercely. Drawn over.

Eric had already prepared for it, and deliberately left room for maneuver when he punched.However, he also swayed, and his whip kicked sharply across the afterimage of the Alpha armor, and Eric's body had also flashed to his side, and his fists struck like the wind.

The two of them fought and dismantled dozens of moves in such a fast manner. Every time their fists and feet collided, there was a crisp sound of metal collisions, and the collision sounds of fists and feet intersected into a series of ping-pong-pong, like a fast-paced Symphony.

Finally, after the dozens of times they passed by, the two caught each other's flaws, turned around at the same time in tacit understanding, and blasted out their right fists.The metal iron fists that dragged the current hit each other on the armor plate on the chest of the other at the same time, and both of them were thrown upside down by the impact of the speeding fist. One crushed the front windshield of a car, and the other flew into the road. On the fire hydrant next to it, the water column seemed to be brewing and ready to gushe out, but was firmly imprisoned by the field of super speed and could not gushe out.

When Eric stood up again, the opponent had already stood up again and assumed a fighting stance.He felt a headache, this opponent was unprecedentedly difficult to deal with, it could be said that he was completely equal to him.And now his energy bar for simulating the speed force has bottomed out, and he doesn't know how long the opponent's high-speed gear can last.

We can only take a gamble, and strive to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

Making up his mind, Eric squeezed his fists and bowed down again.

Two afterimages rushed out again, and the fierce lightning intertwined again.But this time, Eric took the initiative to sell a loophole, and at the moment when the opponent punched and attacked, he cleverly and precisely grabbed the punch sideways, staggered the punch and moved behind the opponent.

"The output power is 100%, and the charging is complete."

The golden lightning surged suddenly, and the flashing current in the eyes of the Alpha battle armor raged wildly. The energy filled from the core all the way to the right foot of the armor, and Eric's right leg shone with dazzling golden light.

"The output power is 100%, and the charging is complete."

The turbid notification sound followed, but the surging speed energy also poured into the right leg of the Beta armor, and the current was raging, and the momentum was not weak at all.

So that's it, this guy's simulated speed force energy is almost exhausted, so he has the same calculation as me?Eric thought to himself.

That being the case, let's make a hard record!
The right legs of the two swept out together, and the current left a scorching light mark on the retina, and swept towards the other side's front door in an arc.


There was a dull loud noise, and the interlacing of electricity and light reached its peak in an instant. The extreme output of the two sets of battle armor directly collided through their legs, and the energy turned into a storm and expanded, and countless golden electric snakes danced in the air waves.

Eric lost feeling in his right leg in an instant, and his body flew upside down as if being pulled by an invisible thread.He felt that at least three cars were smashed through his back, and finally a heavy truck was knocked over on its side, and then rolled on the ground for two laps before barely stopping.

The speed mode is automatically canceled, and the armor changes back to the basic mode.He lay on the ground panting for a while before barely getting up, but his intuition told him that the condition of the person opposite him must not be much better than him.

It took Eric more than a minute to get up staggeringly, and by this time the Beta armor and the man had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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