Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 102 Ivo's Plan

Chapter 102 Ivo's Plan

Aegis, a floating carrier.

Without warning, the mothership was raided.Jumping off the white aircraft, white robots more than two meters high poured into the mothership one after another, and the bullets from the agents' pistols had no effect on them.

Fortunately, Aegis is not just a small pistol as a weapon. When the agents showed some laser weapons in their arsenal, the unscrupulous robots finally got a little restraint.

"Why didn't the air defense alarm respond!?" Deputy Commander Maria Hill asked while hiding on the bridge and shooting at the robots trying to break in.

"The air defense system is down." An agent in front of the console shouted back. "Someone broke in from the inside and turned off our sirens."


Fury frowned, and immediately tried to get in touch with Sharon in the interrogation room.However, Sharon was lying unconscious at the interrogation table at the moment, and the communication watch on her wrist screamed and did not respond.

Fury immediately realized that something happened there too.

"You stand here, and you will be in charge until I come back." After explaining to Hill, Fury lowered his body and turned around to leave through the back door of the bridge.

"Where are you going, Chief?" Hill asked.

"Go to Ivo." Fury left this sentence without looking back, "My intuition tells me that Ivo is the key."

At this moment, the mothership is in another place.

Aegis's Helicarrier, known by major forces like Hydra and AIM, has the most valuable things hidden on it, and it is probably the place with the most secrets in the world.In general, everyone likes to call it the safest place in the world.

Of course, that's just "theoretically," and it's just places like this that have the value of intruding.

Ivo has already taken off the white coat that made him look silly, and his waist is not so obscenely arched anymore.He walked through a corridor on the lower deck of the mothership with powerful steps, and he didn't look like the trembling old man from the outline at all.Explosions sounded in all directions one after another, and the ceiling at the top of the passage shook as if it was about to collapse at any moment, but the old man remained unmoved by it and continued to move forward calmly.

It's all completely planned.First, someone leaked information about him in Bludhaven to the local vigilante named Nightwing, and it just so happened that the anonymous person who leaked the information was himself.He expected that after he was robbed from AIM, S.H.I.E.L.D. would definitely get wind of it, and S.H.I.E.L.D., who was also interested in his research, would have a very high chance of "inviting" him to be a guest on the mothership.That's why he got the opportunity to disable the Aegis mothership's air defense system from the inside, and his nanobot team got the chance to break in.

Ivo thinks he is a smart person, and the world should not be in the hands of people with tougher fists, but in the hands of smart people.Just like him, and Dr. Charlotte, he came here to want the results of that person's research.

Dr. Charlotte may be dead, but not the precious data he left behind.Aegis has held the Alpha Armor for so long, although it has not been able to crack its genetic lock, but it has already done all the scans and analyzes that can be done, and the data related to this armor in the database is extremely perfect.

That's fine, it's exactly what Ivo wants.

"Sir, you are not allowed to visit this area. If you don't turn back, I will have to"

The artificial electronic female voice became smaller and smaller, and eventually it was too thin to be heard, and it sounded like falling asleep.The gate of the restricted area slid open in front of Dr. Ivo with a "crash", opening a road for him.

Ivo grinned: "That's right."

He walked in with strides, looked around casually, with a calm and unhurried attitude like a tourist who came to the Aegis Mothership for a day trip.

Ivo found the computer that stored the data he needed, and quickly displayed on the screen the multi-directional structural diagram of the Alpha armor and dense explanatory text.

"My development and design are better than your armor in every way, Dr. Charlotte." He murmured, "But there is... always a little difference, but it doesn't matter, I will find out soon What is it. Soon."

"Get out of the console, Dr. Ivo."

The voice came from the door.Dr. Ivo turned his head slowly, and saw that Director Fury had appeared in front of the door at some point, with a pistol pointed directly at the back of Ivo's bald head.

"Don't make me smash your round head," Fury threatened.

Not only did Ivo not panic at all, but he laughed softly.He turned his head as if he didn't notice Fury at all, and continued to fiddle with the console.

No, it's not that he didn't notice, it's that he didn't care at all.

Without hesitation, Fury pulled the trigger.But after all, he still had questions to ask Ivo, so he didn't start directly as he threatened.

Fury is a secret service leader, a super spy, and has the reputation of "the policeman among the policemen". He is still quite confident in his marksmanship.The first bullet hit Ivo's right knee just behind the knee joint, and he was sure he had hit it because he saw Ivo's short right leg flex slightly.

With a "ding dong", the bullet that was flattened by the violent squeeze fell to the ground and rolled twice.

Ivo turned his head sideways, his gaze was like an extremely dangerous poisonous snake.The old man's short body suddenly jumped up, and the amazing leg strength made him rush towards him. Fury felt like a flying eagle with spread wings swooped in front of him. He had no time to dodge, and only subconsciously fired two shots. They all bounced off Ivo's rock-solid flesh.

Ivo pressed his right palm on Fury's chest, and with a sudden force, the overwhelming force sent him flying upside down like a kite with a broken string. He was slammed against the wall by the huge force, and he fell down powerlessly, even breathing It was hard work.

"It may have broken a rib just now." Ivo returned to the console unhurriedly, took out his mobile device and began to download the data in the computer, "I advise you to stay still, Fury Director."

"So you are really eyeing the data of the Alpha system?" Fury gasped.

"Ha, to be precise, I'm just curious." Ivo said triumphantly, "Director Fury, I've already surpassed Dr. Charlotte, and I've completed a more excellent system—Armazo Armor Beta, with comprehensive performance. Suppressed Alpha's data. But... there's only one part I haven't figured out yet."

Fury frowned: "Which part?"

Ivo shrugged. "That's why I'm here—I have to figure out which part it is."

"You transformed your own body." Fury took a breath and said, "This is an incredible achievement. You can work for Aegis. Do you know the super soldier project?"

"Ah, I know, to create a soldier like Captain America for your use." Ivo smiled contemptuously, "Sorry, but I'm not interested. I did implant a virus into myself and gained unexpected enhanced abilities, but That was just an accident, just a part of the experiment. See, what you want most is just an insignificant part of my experiment, and what I want to create is far more powerful than human strengthening potions."

He smiled lightly.

"In short, you can look forward to it, Director."

After finishing speaking, he strode past Fury in a big stride, and left swaggeringly.

(ps Thank you for your recommendations and rewards, and we will continue to work hard in the future!)

(End of this chapter)

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