Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 103 The Night of Origin

Chapter 103 The Night of Origin
On the Aegis Mothership.

Dr. Ivo got what he wanted as he wished, and left the mothership swaggeringly, leaving a large group of robots to work for SHIELD.It took another half an hour for Aegis to finally subdue them all.

Nick Fury stood on the messy bridge, and the agents below were busy.Dr. Ivo escaped, but they also managed to capture a dozen nano-biological robots sent by Dr. Ivo. The current analysis of the researchers shows that the material of their shells is the same as that of the Armor of Armazar.Now there are multiple areas on the Aegis mothership waiting to be repaired, the malfunctioning air defense system has to be restarted, and the virus implanted by Dr. Ivo somehow has to be cleaned up.While cleaning up the mess, they had to keep trying to track down the whereabouts of the escaped Dr. Ivo.

Fury's swarthy face was stretched long, and his annoyance was written all over his face. No one on board who was a little smarter would choose to provoke the boss at this time.

But the trouble doesn't seem to be over yet.

"Sir! A flying object is approaching!" an agent yelled. "It's flying very fast and it's about to come."

Before finishing speaking, the floor of the bridge was violently penetrated with a "boom", as if a bullet emitting green light had shot into the command post, and Eric, who had switched to the green light mode, floated lightly in the air of the command post. The indifferent eyes looked directly at Fury through the eyepiece.

After being separated from Nightwing from the Lex Tower, Eric made a beeline to find Fury - the only person he knew who knew the truth.

All the agents immediately put down whatever they were doing, drew their guns and pointed at the green light source suspended in mid-air.

Fury waved his hand: "Put down your weapons, this kind of thing can't hurt him."

The agents looked at each other, and then put down their guns, but remained vigilant.

When Eric landed in front of Fury, Fury sighed and said: "If it's still about Ms. Charlotte's problem, let's talk another day. Today is not the time, kid. As you can see, today's troubles are gone Enough."

"I found the laboratory of the Alpha project." Eric said coldly.

Fury was obviously taken aback and asked, "How did you find it?"

"In the New York branch of the Lex Group, there is a laboratory called 'Alpha' hidden." Eric said lightly, "Ivo guided me there, and I found the research log left by my father there. It was also raided by an Almadra armor wearer code-named Beta."

"That's a system developed by Ivo himself. So it's all planned by him." Fury thought for a moment and said, "So you have learned the truth from the log?"

"No, only part of it. My father said that he planned to defect from the organization, and there will be no more. That's why I came here." Eric said every word, "Tell me the truth."

Fury looked directly at him for a moment, then turned away.

"Come with me, let's talk in another place." He said flatly, "Besides, taking off the armor and walking around in this fluorescent dress will make you look stupid."

15 years ago.

It happened that night, the last night Eric could remember seeing his parents.

"It's awake! Doctor!" Matt Augustine, who suddenly appeared at the door of Charlotte's house, panted, his face pale like a patient suffering from severe hypoxia, "We have moved it to a safe place, I am Come pick you up!"

Eric still vaguely remembered that his father jumped up excitedly like a child, grabbed the coat in front of the door, pulled his mother and ran outside.

Not long after they went out, rain fell from the gray sky, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a torrential rain, and the water flow seemed to be pouring down from the clouds.When Eric was three years old, he looked out the window at the misty rain curtain, and at that moment there was an ominous premonition in his heart that he might never see the two of them again.

Charlotte and his wife followed Augustine into a black car and braved the heavy rain. The headlights pierced the misty rain like two sharp knives.But the heavy rain did not dampen their excitement at all.

"Are you sure it's awake?" Dr. Charlotte asked for an unknown number of times.

"I'm sure, as sure as my surname is Augustine!" Augustine promised.

"But we haven't been able to wake it up for so long, why did it suddenly wake up?"

"I don't know." Augustine shrugged, "We speculate that a change in some environmental factor may have caused it to wake up."

"Has the data been extracted?" Ms. Charlotte also asked eagerly.

"No, not yet. It's not in a stable condition yet. That's why we desperately need you to get there."

With a sudden brake, the wheels came to a sudden stop after making a sharp noise on the extremely slippery ground washed by the rain. The three people got out of the car in a hurry before the car was stabilized and turned off, and rushed towards the research institute in the rain. Place.

If Eric could see this scene with his own eyes, he would be amazed that he was so familiar with this hidden underground research institute.This is exactly what he saw in the dream-like memory fragments several times. Although he has never been here in person, the strong and strange atmosphere and the smell of medicine in the air are deeply imprinted in his mind lingering.

When the three of them came in, the researchers were busy like ants on a hot pan, shouting urgently one after another.After noticing Dr. Charlotte coming in, the researcher who seemed to be in charge hurried up to greet him.

"I hear it's awake?" asked Dr. Charlotte. "How's it going?"

"Something went wrong." The researcher was sweating profusely, trembling uncontrollably with nervousness, "It's a little out of control. Our connection with the repository has been disconnected, and all monitoring methods have failed. We are now investigating the situation below. Completely out of control. We're not sure if it's gone berserk, if so"

"The situation will be extremely dangerous." Dr. Charlotte interjected, frowning and thinking.

After thinking for a moment, he decided: "You guys wait here, I'll go down and have a look in person. I'll restore the surveillance video equipment, and you will keep monitoring here."

"Are you going down alone?" Augustine's eyes widened. "No, that's too dangerous. If it really goes berserk."

"Then how many of us will die when we go down." Dr. Charlotte said seriously, "That's why I have to go alone. Don't waste time arguing, I'm the person in charge of the project, remember? Take it as an order."

Augustine stared at him with complicated expressions for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, then you must be careful."

Dr. Charlotte went down, everyone held their breath nervously, staring at the black surveillance screen motionless.

A few seconds later, the monitoring screen really resumed, showing the small back of Dr. Charlotte and the heavy alloy door panel with the words "dangerous" printed on it.

"The situation is confirmed and everything is normal."

The moment Dr. Charlotte's voice came back through the communication, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait!" Ms. Charlotte shouted, pointing to the danger warning sign flashing on the side of the alloy door panel in the monitor.

With a loud noise that was as heavy as shaking the earth, the whole building trembled, like a beast imprisoned in a cage waking up from a long sleep, beating hard on the cage in which it was held.A dent appeared on the thick alloy door panel.

Everyone's face changed, they knew that the worst had already happened.

Almajo woke up!

(End of this chapter)

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