Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 107 Green Lantern Showdown

Chapter 107 Green Lantern Showdown
The dull sound was like the loud sound of a cannonball being fired. It was the sound of Eric wearing armor being pierced through the wall of the already riddled research institute, and slammed into the yard like a football being volleyed vigorously. In the middle of a pile of debris.

The man named Butch, who was wearing the Beta-type Armor Armor, bent down and walked out from the hole that Eric's body smashed through, and approached at a leisurely pace. Like a Terminator.

He approached slowly, punching his face and following in a calm manner.Eric turned his head to avoid it, grabbed his wrist to restrain him, and said loudly: "Hey, are you so willing to listen to that guy and engage in this meaningless battle?"

As if he didn't hear it, this guy broke free from the restraint of his wrist, turned around and swept his legs.Erik raised his arms dully to block, the domineering legs pierced through the armor and made his arms numb for a while, and he couldn't help taking half a step back.

"You don't have to listen to Ivo." Eric said while accepting the move, "You are just a tool for him to prove his ability. You and your suit of armor are of no importance to him."

Butch still didn't seem to hear it, or more likely he did, but as Dr. Ivo's loyal dog, he didn't care at all.Butch took another step forward, raised his knee and slammed. After Eric slapped his palm to relieve the force of the impact, the opponent's calf immediately bounced up, as if on a spring.

Erik was hit by the blow, and was knocked back again, his back pierced through the barbed wire around the yard and rolled to the ground.

But this time, Butch was not as polite as he had been at the Rex Tower last time.He didn't wait for Eric to stand up, and took advantage of the situation to catch up, and stomped hard on his chest.

Eric's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He hugged the opponent's ankle with both hands, and twisted to one side. At the same time, his right leg also jumped up suddenly, kicking the toe behind the Beta armor, and Butch immediately lost his balance and fell to the ground. He fell to the ground and got up in a half-squat while rolling over.

Eric took advantage of the situation and bounced up, and kicked out after catching up.

"Complete, the green light mode is online."

At the same time as the low and turbid electronic sound fell, Butch's figure suddenly pulled up, and the sacred green light enveloped the whole body. The shape of the armor switched rapidly during the lift-off, and a floating green light was projected on the chest like a projection.With a light wave of his arm wearing the simulated light ring, a circle of swords and spears appeared out of nowhere in mid-air, and a single thought shot towards Eric on the ground.


Dozens of cold weapons converted from the energy of the green light shot out. The moment they hit, all the energy was released and exploded, forming a dense green halo, which engulfed Eric's figure in a curtain-like thick smoke .

"Complete, the green light mode is online."

A clear electronic sound sounded from the center of the smoke screen, and the ring-shaped shock wave exploded suddenly, and the thick smoke was blown away in the blink of an eye.A metal figure was standing in the center of the explosion with a burning green flame, and the symbol of the green light seemed to be burning blazingly.


The green air wave exploded behind Eric like a barrier, and he rose from the ground, rushing towards Butch in mid-air.Naturally, Butch did not show weakness, and after adjusting his direction, he swooped down to face Eric without fear.

There was a loud explosion that made people's ears ringing, and the dazzling green light almost illuminated the sky.Two staggered green meteors pierced the sky, hitting and rising to a height of [-] meters until they broke through the clouds.The green light flickers between the clouds, to the people on the ground, it is like green lightning brewing behind the clouds, like two giant dragons entangled endlessly between the clouds.

Eric had also driven the armor in green light mode to the limit. They collided with each other at a super high speed, and the high-altitude turbulence was like countless blades violently scraping across the energy layer around the two of them.Every time they staggered, the green light spots fell like drizzle, and instantly melted into the speeding turbulence.

They dived all the way back to the ground from above the clouds, and flew past between the cracks of the tall buildings. The blade-like airflow caused all the glass of the buildings on both sides to shatter. Only two scorching green marks were left on the retina.

They had the most violent collision in Times Square, their fists hit each other's cheeks, and the shocks from the rings pierced through their respective energy layers.Eric was so shocked that he shot through an electronic billboard at the bus stop, flew tens of meters away and hit a moving bus on the street. on the ground.Butch's body is embedded in an electronic billboard hanging high, and the images on the screen are constantly flashing.

But he was the first to adjust, and after getting out of the hole in the billboard, he jumped up and turned on his horsepower again, and a green light wrapped in an afterimage rushed towards Eric at full speed.When Eric struggled to get up from the back of the overturned bus, the other party was already firing like bullets.He raised his hand almost reflexively, the ring shone with light, and the green light turned into a huge spring boxing glove that bounced from bottom to top, precisely hitting Butch who was approaching fast.

Butch was thrown into the air, and after barely stopping his figure, he raised his fist again, and the green light flowing all over his body was dazzling like never before.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Eric didn't hesitate immediately, and chose to fill up the energy almost at the same time.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The two yelled in unison. Butch, who dived down in mid-air, looked like a painter quickly outlined the frame of an aircraft with a paintbrush. Halfway through the dive, his body was wrapped in the core of a Raptor fighter jet. With the green tail flame speeding up.On Eric's side, the rails were laid straight into the air, and his body was at the front of a train, rushing towards the dive fighter with a whining roar.

A Raptor fighter jet colliding with a sky-climbing train in Times Square will no doubt be headlined in tomorrow's New York Times.


The shining green light spread out, and the energy of the star point was like flying sparks.At the moment of the impact, Eric's head "buzzed" and there was only a green ocean in front of him, and then he fell to the ground drowsily, smashing out a huge human-shaped crater with a "bang".

But he couldn't breathe yet.

"Complete super mode is online."

Almost as soon as the deep voice sounded, a sharp afterimage flew out of the green light, rushing towards Eric with a heavy roar.

Instantly switch to super mode, with the help of powerful defense to absorb the impact of extreme output collisions.
I have to say that the guy named Butch is really skilled in armor operation.

Eric didn't have time to think, he raised his right arm, and a green round shield formed on his arm.Butch's super-mode fist hit the shield like an anti-tank cannon, causing him to fly into the air, and then slipped out of the ground again.

(End of this chapter)

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