Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 108 The Third Battle Armor

Chapter 108 The Third Battle Armor

Sometimes people may have this feeling - like a stereo playing a looping buzzing in the head, the whole brain is buzzing until the ears, usually after the head is hit hard by a blunt object There will be symptoms like Eric is doing now.

It's just that this level is not something that ordinary people have the opportunity to experience.

The power of the fist in the Beta armor super mode is really exaggerated. Just one punch smashed the green light shield that Eric raised in front of him. Dazzling and intense sparks came out, leaving behind trails of more than ten meters long.

After the impact force was double buffered by the external energy layer and the helmet, Eric's mind was still a little dizzy, and every cell in his aching body seemed to protest loudly and wanted to go on strike, but it was not time to rest yet.A black shadow jumped up a dozen steps away, leaped up several floors and fell towards Eric's position.

Eric raised his head and stared at the figure, stood up with one fist on the ground, and the armor quickly began to switch.

"Complete, super mode is online."


This is the sound of a fist falling in the air being suddenly caught by the palm, and a terrifying air wave rolls out, blowing the stones and glass shards on the road flying in all directions.

The terrible pressure forced Eric to half-kneel on the ground involuntarily, his knees sank deeply into the ground, and the road collapsed under the load.


Butch in the Beta armor shouted again, his right leg kicked up, and a kick hit him head-on. Eric groaned and retreated violently again, smashing a glass cabinet on the side of the street and falling into a storefront. A huge crater had been knocked into the plaster wall.The shopkeeper and his wife hugged each other tightly, squatting behind the counter and shivering.

Butch kicked his feet, and the milky white air circle exploded, and he chased after him again.Eric watched this extremely fast afterimage accelerate and approach through the monitor, his pupils closed, and he rolled sideways against the wall like a conditioned reflex, Butch punched into the wall and pulled back his arm belt. Half the wall fell down.

Eric's figure turned around, and his right foot kicked back into Butch's arms. The strength of the storm surged out of the boots like waves, and he kicked Butch out of the store with ease. A swirling shard of glass.

Eric waved to the trembling shopkeeper and his wife, said "sorry", and then continued to rush in the direction of Butch.

Butch, who had fallen headfirst by the sidewalk, got up, saw Eric rushing, and pulled up the street lamp on one side of the sidewalk, and swept it like a long stick.Eric, who was sprinting, was slammed by the long stick to the outside of a residential building on one side, and fell down with two air-conditioning plug-ins.

Butch strode forward, roaring and raised the lamppost high in his hand, like an executioner preparing to drop a guillotine.

"The output power is 20%, and the charging is complete."

When Erik landed and rolled, the energy of the armor was quickly filled, and the energy entered the eyepiece.The moment Butch approached, he suddenly raised his head, and the laser beams roared out from his eyes. The hot red rays hit the lamppost in Butch's hand, instantly melting the front end of it into a puddle of molten iron.When he swung the stick empty, only the second half was left in his hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Eric kicked right in the middle of the golden "S" on the opponent's chest, kicking him into the air, and "boomed" into the wall on the third floor of the opposite building, sandwiching He fell back to the ground in embarrassment among the gravel.

When Butch got up again, he seemed a little annoyed.He groaned vaguely in his throat, and then he kicked the rear of a black car on the side of the road violently. Spinning in the air, he quickly approached Eric.

Eric jumped up and threw his leg in a spin. The force of his leg immediately counteracted the inertia of the car, causing it to turn around and fly sideways, like a Frisbee inserted into a building on one side.

But the moment he was distracted from dealing with these, Butch flew up like a hungry tiger, grabbed Eric by the throat and slammed him to the ground. The moment Eric's back hit the ground violently, a huge The crack spread like a ripple.

"I have to prove myself to Dr. Ivo!" Butch spoke for the first time since the battle, and his voice was closer to the roar of an angry beast unleashed, "I have to defeat you, only in this way can I prove myself to him the value of!"

The powerful grip penetrated the armor and acted on Eric's throat, making him almost suffocate.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The fiery energy quickly flowed through the limbs and bones of the Beta armor, ignited the "S" mark on the chest, and charged into the eyepiece. The fierce flames seemed to overflow from the eyes, and Eri had not yet been released. Ke felt the terrifying temperature.


Butch shouted loudly, and the thermal vision that was close to the face was released, and came towards Eric's face.The heat vision ray with extreme output, even the powerful defense of the super mode armor is absolutely difficult to withstand.

Eric raised his left arm in front of him, and the fiery rays washed over the arm armor like a torrent, scorching the inside of the arm armor extremely hot, the outer metal was so hot that it almost deformed, and the parts melted at a speed visible to the naked eye up.

If this continues, it won't be long before the arm and the armor will be vaporized.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Enduring the terrible pain in his arm, Eric gritted his teeth, and the energy of the same extreme power lit up the "S" on his chest, as if echoing the shining mark on the opponent's chest.The fire-colored energy filled the red boots of the Alpha armor, and the feet seemed to be ignited by the high-heat energy.

Eric curled up, his legs were bent in front of his chest, he kicked out suddenly with a loud shout, and kicked the opponent's chest hard with his feet together.An astonishing amount of energy exploded on Beta's armor in an instant, pushing him away from Eric and rolling to the ground in embarrassment.

Erik was almost numb to his left hand, and it was as hot as an oven inside the armor.He stood up panting, barely straightening his legs.But that Butch's condition was obviously worse. He tried to stand up, but after trying several times, he could only half-kneel on the ground. The indestructible armor plate on his chest was sunken, leaving two deep shoe marks .

The outcome is clear at a glance.

"I lost." He said calmly.

Eric took a breath, walked forward slowly, and said, "This is meaningless at all, our battle."

Butch shook his head slowly.

"You don't understand, of course you don't understand," he said. "From the moment I stepped on the battlefield, I only had the option to win. And now."

He didn't say any more, just smiled miserably.

Eric's face changed: "What did you do?"

"Within 30 seconds, Beta's armor will self-destruct." Butch said coldly, "At least everything within a radius of three kilometers will be reduced to ashes."

"Stop it for me." Eric grabbed him up.

"That's impossible." He sneered, "The program has been set up like this long ago, and the only way you want to stop it is to..."

Having said that, his words came to an abrupt end, like a record that was cut off midway.

Even with the armor-enhanced super dynamic vision, Eric couldn't see the process clearly. When he reacted, the core of Beta's armor chest had been pierced by a black hand, and the palm of his hand was dripping bright red. The blood and electric current sizzled, and with the destruction of the core, the eyepiece on the helmet went out as if dead.

As if teleporting, the black warrior appeared behind Butch, and easily pierced Butch's chest with one hand.His eyepiece is in the shape of an "Ω", and the white stripes on his chest form an "S"-shaped armor, emitting a faint light.

Armored Armor Omega!

(End of this chapter)

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