Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 109 Dr. Charlotte?

Chapter 109 Dr. Charlotte?
new work time.

The bustling square was deserted 10 minutes ago, leaving only burning ruins and overturned vehicles. Thick black smoke rose in the air.

Ten seconds ago, the guy named Butch in the Beta Armor was threatening that his armor would blow up everything within a three-kilometer radius within 30 seconds, but as everyone knew—everything was changing.

A soldier in black armor flashed suddenly, and the "Ω" eyepiece seemed to transmit a relaxed and playful yet fierce gaze.With his right hand, he easily pierced the energy core of the Beta armor, blood dripped from the black metal glove, and the life of the wearer was extinguished along with the core of the armor.

Eric frowned slightly as he looked at the newcomer.

This was Omega, the strongest and most complete set of Almazoro armor that Fury had described and Eric had seen in memory from nowhere.

The black warrior casually threw Butch aside, whose armor had been scrapped, and sneered: "Ivo can also imitate things of this level, and he still thinks how amazing he is. It's just ridiculous."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head slightly, and his eyes seemed to move towards Eric.

Right in front of Eric, the "Ω"-shaped eyepiece split from the middle, and Omega's visor was split in two, and opened towards the sides, revealing the face of the dresser inside.

Eric's pupils shrank suddenly.

That was Dr. Patrick Charlotte, as handsome and energetic as he remembered, with piercing and wise eyes, like a master who sees through everything in a chess game and predicts the enemy first.

"Hey, kid." Dr. Charlotte said with a smile that made people feel intimacy involuntarily, "Long time no see."


"It's me." He said with a smile, "Look, you've grown up so much."

After the shock, Eric's brain cooled down quickly, and he narrowed his eyes and looked at the face in the Omega armor for a moment.

"No, you're not him." Eric's voice cooled down, "You can't be him, you've barely aged after 15 years."

"Ha, quick response, kid." Dr. Charlotte laughed. "You're right, but there's a reason for that."

"My father should be dead."

"Augustin thought that, and I made him think so on purpose." Dr. Charlotte continued, "He thought I didn't know, but in fact I always knew—he was an undercover agent placed by SHIELD. Ha, the truth There was no accident at all, and everything that happened that night 15 years ago was part of the plan."

Eric was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted.

"It was you." He said, "That Yamojo robot didn't run away out of control at all. You arranged the accident. You let it out on purpose and killed everyone in the research institute."

"That's right. I let it kill me, by the way, so I could get rid of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the rest of the people who never stopped pestering me."

"Your head was burned off." Eric gritted his teeth and said, "That's impossible. How could you survive?"

"That's because I had abandoned the fragile human body at that time. But this is not the point. The point is that I am your father, Eric, the real thing, and I have been paying attention to you."

"Oh? Really?" Eric sneered, "I didn't even know you were alive until today—no, even now I can't confirm whether my father is alive or dead. If you are really him , then the way you express your concern is really unique."

"For some reason, I haven't seen you, it's just that the time is not ripe." Dr. Charlotte said, "But I have been paying attention to you for 15 years. Tell me, do you sometimes Will you see some memory fragments that obviously don't belong to you, but are impeccably real? Do you often have the illusion that your brain is shared with others, connected by invisible threads that cannot be cut off?"

Eric didn't answer, but the guy was telling the truth.

"That's the memory of the armor, Eric." Dr. Charlotte continued, "This is the proof that you are connected with Alpha's armor. Almazo's armor is directly driven by the vitality of the wearer, and the operation method is directly controlled by The nervous system of the wearer is connected, and this process is two-way. As the synchronization rate between you and the armor will gradually increase, you may see the scenes that you have experienced in the memory of the armor. For example, that night 15 years ago. I deliberately After letting out the news that I was still alive, those people found you as I expected, and Aegis gave you Alpha armor as I expected. Later, I manually locked your armor once, then It is also to stimulate your desire to fight, stimulate the synchronization rate between you and the armor to increase again, and help you become stronger."

He paused, smiled slightly, and said: "But you exceeded my expectations, Eric, you are simply a genius. Your synchronization rate with the armor is far higher than expected, and your combat talent is incredible. It is you The wealth of valuable data that has helped me collect has finally made it to this last step."

As he spoke, he held out a hand to Eric.

"Come on, boy, go back to where you belong," he said. "Join me as we take this final step. I'm going to accomplish the greatest thing that ever happened to man, and as my child you have right to participate in the process."

Eric was silent.

Listen to him and join him.Anyway, from the beginning, I just fought for my father's will, and I never thought about being a hero at all, did I?But now, the person who drove him to fight stood not far in front, smiling peacefully as in memory, and stretched out his hand to him.

Eric took a step involuntarily and walked forward slowly.

Accept him, listen to him.No matter what, at least my father is still alive, and I can be with him in the future.

The moment he approached Dr. Charlotte, Eric's pupils closed suddenly, and his murderous aura was instantly released.He raised his fist high, and slammed towards Dr. Charlotte's face with a howling wind.

There was a dull bang like thunder, and the air wave exploded, and a deep crack was formed on the ground centered on the two of them, and snow-white groundwater spewed out of the crack.

Dr. Charlotte firmly held Eric's astonishing fist in super mode with one hand, and gave an "oh" with great interest.

"I guess that counts as a refusal?"

"If you are really him, of course I have no reason to hesitate." Eric said coldly, "But unfortunately, you are not him. Patrick Charlotte died 15 years ago."

"It doesn't matter."

The face helmet of the Omega battle armor was closed again, his arm shook, almost not a level of arm strength flooded in like a flood, Eric was irresistibly knocked back to the side.

"It's a pity, but it doesn't matter." Dr. Charlotte said, "I will complete the final steps by myself, and it will be very fast."

After finishing speaking, Omega's battle armor exploded on the spot with a "boom", and sand and rocks flew on the ground in an instant.In the blink of an eye, the black afterimage dissipated into the sky, breaking through the clouds and disappearing without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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