Chapter 110

in the dark night.

The night shrouded a narrow alleyway, and the invisible darkness squirmed in the dirty corners.The rain had just stopped a few hours ago. The wet alley was dirty and had a nauseous smell, and the whole alley stinks.

The pickup truck dragging a long cargo box was parked outside the alley, and the huge wheels ran over the pale yellow water and splashed a little water.Two stubbled men jumped out of the car seat, one on the left and the other on the right, one wearing a peaked cap and the other with a slippery bald head.They came to the back of the car and opened the compartment.Dire street lights projected into the cargo box, illuminating several skinny young men.They wore dirty leather jackets, and two of them had patched jeans. They looked pitiful, but their eyes showed the determination of a trapped beast determined to fight to the death.

The young people didn't say much, and jumped down with the two men.A group of people walked quickly into the depths of the alley, and came to a dilapidated wooden door that did not know how old it was.The stone door frame is full of potholes and cracks, and the walls on both sides are full of colorful graffiti. According to the covered wall dust and traces of peeling off, it seems that it has been a long time.

The leading man took out a bunch of keys, and the moment the wooden door opened, a gust of thick ash seemed to engulf everyone.The man at the back walked in with a black suitcase, and the young people followed suit one after another.

The man in the peaked cap squatted down and laid the suitcase flat on the ground.The box was opened, and there was a gun-shaped syringe lying flat inside, and a row of test tubes neatly arranged, with light blue reagents lying inside.At the same time, another man lowered the rolling gate at the door, making a loud "cracking" noise.

The man in the peaked cap inserted the reagent into the syringe, turned to the young couple and said, "Are you sure you've thought about it? It's your last chance, you still have time to regret it."

No one spoke, but they all expressed determination with their eyes.

The man in the cap nodded and didn't ask any more questions.The young people rolled up their sleeves one by one and lined up for the men to inject the medicine into their arms, just like queuing up for injections in a hospital.

Three minutes later, the first person had an attack—he convulsed in pain, rolled twice on the ground, and then fell silent.The same was true for the young people who followed. Everyone experienced a painful struggle, leaving bloody scratches on the walls and the ground, and the whole process took less than a minute.

In the end, everyone fell down.These young people fell to the ground in a haphazard manner, each looking more miserable than the other.

The two men looked at each other.

"Did you see anything?"

"I didn't see anything."

"It shouldn't be." The bald man scratched his bald head, "Something should happen."

The man in the cap snorted, "It's a squib, sorry. Let's get back in the car now, and we'll start from scratch."

Speaking of which, the change happened suddenly.Those young people who fell to the ground suddenly twitched one after another as if they were flashing back, painfully like patients suffering from convulsions.It was as if a burning meteorite had been stuffed under their skin. The flames penetrated through the skin, and the structures and blood vessels under the skin were clearly illuminated, as clear as a fluorescent lamp in the dark.

The temperature in the room rose rapidly, and it instantly became like a burning oven. The young people who had been injected began to howl one after another. It was hard to imagine what kind of pain it was to make such a tragic howl. .

The two men looked at each other, nodded, put away their suitcases and exited the room, locking the roller shutter door.They cleaned up all the traces around them, and walked away from the alley side by side.A moment later, the truck drove away with a roar, the bleak lights were reflected on a pool of light yellow sewage, and the howling sound from the old house was still heard endlessly.

Early in the morning, at Eric's house.

Ruiwen stood by the dining table, staring at the plate of fragrant omelet rice on the table and asked, "This is?"

"Omelet rice." Eric came out after washing his hands in the kitchen, and threw the apron on the back of the chair with a smile on his face. "Haven't you eaten?"

"No, it's not." Raven sized him up for a moment, then asked tentatively, "Uh, are you okay?"

Eric shrugged with a smile: "What can I do? As you can see, I'm fine. What, don't you like to eat?"

"No, I just didn't expect you to be in the mood to do this."

"Because I heard that you are coming, of course you have to entertain me, and you don't look like you will cook me breakfast."

Ruiwen wanted to say something else, but after thinking about it, he sat down first, picked up a spoon, took a sip, and nodded slightly: "Mmm, it's delicious."

Eric smiled: "Of course, I just came up with a new formula, guess what I put in it this time?"

Raven stared at him for a moment, put down the spoon, and said softly, "You better stop being aggressive. I'm just talking to make sure you're okay."

Eric paused for a moment, then smiled again: "Are you concerned about me? I'm very touched, but I'm really fine."

"No, you have, I can tell." Raven said, "Don't you want to talk about it? About your father?"

"About suddenly discovering that my father may actually be a super criminal against humanity? I'm not completely unaware of this possibility, okay?"

Although he said so, he still retracted a little of the smile on his face intentionally or unintentionally.

Dr. Charlotte has not been seen since.S.H.I.E.L.D. did the finishing work for him and cleared the war zone, but neither the guy who claimed to be Patrick Charlotte nor Dr. Anthony Ivo had been quiet for two days.

But it won't be long, Eric has this premonition, something will happen soon.

"The 'Daddy's an asshole' aspect, I think I can kind of get it," Raven said. "Believe it or not, if you knew half the bad things my dad did, you'd get it."

"Believe it or not, I think I know." Eric said half-jokingly, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Life hasn't changed much, has it? I still go to school, and I still occasionally The nosy things that have to be taken care of are nothing more than an extra evil daddy on the schedule to be defeated, that's all."

Raven sighed softly.She felt that she already knew Eric, and sometimes he was quite stubborn. Of course, she would not believe that Eric was really indifferent as he showed, but he obviously would not want to talk about it.

Sometimes when she hoped that she could help him, she always felt so powerless for no reason, as if he deliberately refused to let others help him.

Seeming to see what she was thinking, Eric smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't put on such an expression." He smiled, "Don't worry, I'm really fine. Besides, as I said, that guy is not my father, and no matter who he is or anything. I will take him down."

(End of this chapter)

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