Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 111 The Theft Virus

Chapter 111 The Theft Virus
New York, Coney Island.

If someone looks down from the sky at this moment, they must be shocked by this spectacular scene - the endless sea of ​​people floods the entire street in front of the white cube building, and the atmosphere is as hot as if the air is ignited. It is reminiscent of fanatical fans besieging a star who is about to come out at the entrance of the hotel, except that their target today is not a rock star, but the famous Tony Stark. Well, maybe the difference is not very big.

In the past, Tony Stark would have chosen any of his garage of luxury cars to make his grand debut in front of cheers and flashing cameras, but he hasn't been the same since last year.

He is even more arrogant now.


Someone shouted first, and all eyes and cameras turned to the blue sky.A black spot appeared on the blue sky, zoomed in rapidly in everyone's field of vision, and swirled towards it with brilliant tail flames playing stunts.Iron Man stepped on the flames, nimbly doing somersaults and other difficult moves, and swooped down. The fanatical crowd consciously gave way to an open space. The steel body crashed down like a rocket, and a circle of transparent yellow dust burst out from under the jet boots. .

People cheered and surrounded the figure of Iron Man. He waved his hand skillfully to the camera like a big-name star, and then the back of the armor split apart, and Tony Stark in a suit came out of the armor. Then they closed up and locked in place in a posture of standing at attention, like a soldier on guard.

Tony entered the building and went straight to the top floor under the leadership of relevant personnel.The cameras and photographers were already ready, and a middle-aged man in a shirt came forward with a kind smile and shook hands with Tony.

"John Pillinger, Mr. Stark," he introduced himself.

Tony nodded: "Hello, Mr. Pirin, I like the documentary you made."

"Thank you, you are very nice."

After shaking hands, Tony raised his wrist, glanced at his watch, and said, "Sorry, I'm short on time, Mr. Piringer, so why don't we hurry up and start, can you say the title of the movie again?"

"Ghosts of the Twentieth Century, Mister Stark."

"Okay." Piringer gestured towards the photographer, "Then let's start shooting with simple questions, Mr. Stark. Is it fair to define yourself as an arms dealer?"

"I don't think so." Tony thought for a while, then added, "Well, I don't deny it either."

"But you design to sell weapons."

"I did design a lot of weapons for the US military."

"I remember your genius invention, and the masses remember your 'shower bomb', each of which can send out hundreds of smart micro-bombs, right?"

"That's right, that was my early work, designed to blow up airfields and convoys."

"Then maybe you'll be interested in these pictures."

Piringer leaned forward, pulled out a dozen photos from the folder, and pushed them along the table in front of Tony.Tony picked up the photo and glanced at it, frowning.

It was a photo from a reporter in the war field. The picture vividly depicted the miserable situation of innocent people under the flames of war. The interweaving of flames and blood constituted a lifelike picture scroll, which was vividly displayed in front of them through the hands of the photographer. , through the photos, it seems that you can vaguely smell the choking smoke.

"Each small bomb has the power of three explosives. The last batch of bombs that were dropped may have thousands of them. 80% of them were scattered all over the theater and have not been recovered. At least half of them did not detonate on the spot." Pirin Greg Daw, "Their timers were broken in the war, and they were thrown all over the battlefield, and even children could pick them up everywhere, and you know what happened to that."

Tony frowned and thought for a moment, then threw the photo on the table.

"I've stopped making weapons a long time ago." Tony said, "What exactly are you trying to express, Mr. Piringer?"

"Then let me ask you straight." Piringer said, paused, and deliberately emphasized his tone, "How many weapons have given you the inspiration to develop 'Iron Man'?"

He stared into Tony's eyes, as if looking into his soul.

Austin, Texas.

"Yes, our plans have been leaked and we have lost a sample. I am also sorry sir, we are working on it now, but we have to refer you to General Fisher No Killian he is busy right now exist."

The voice of a woman talking on the phone came from outside the wall. Aldrich Killian held a cigarette in his mouth, folded his arms around his chest, and stared at the computer screen in a daze through the lingering smoke in front of him.

A document was opened on the computer screen, and the cursor was still flashing at the position of the last word. It seemed that he had just finished typing.

"They know that the Extremis virus has been leaked, the management is in chaos, and everyone is helpless." The document reads, "Maya Hansen just lost her temper again, and she has not been happy these days. It is only time for the thief to be caught Problems, but what has happened cannot be changed. It was our mistake and it had to be corrected, and I had to."

Carefully read the document several times, until the cigarette burned out, Killian crushed it in the ashtray, and pressed the print button on the keyboard.The printer screamed "buzzing" and spit out the printed content in a moment.

Killian took out the document paper blankly and scanned it, then threw it on the table.Then he opened a drawer on one side, took out a black pistol, opened the safety with a "click", and put his finger on the bridge of his nose.

At the last moment, he revealed a strange smile.


Loud gunshots resounded through the entire floor.

The crisp sound of high heels colliding with the floor quickly approached, and the black-haired woman in a white coat pushed open the door and quickly entered the room.She is Maya Hansen, the person in charge here and the developer of the Extremis virus in "Iron Man 3".

And Aldrich Killian—the final boss of the original "Iron Man 3"—is lying on his desk at this moment, holding a pistol in his hand, a big hole was punched out in the back of his head, and a pool of blood spread Flowed from the table to the floor.

Maya Hansen covered her mouth, but she didn't cry out.She picked up the document paper next to the printer and glanced at it, her pupils shrank in surprise.

There were more footsteps outside.

"Dr. Hansen? We heard gunshots. What happened over there?"

Maya walked out of Killian's office and raised the documents in her hand.

"Killian committed suicide, but he confessed that he stole the Extremis virus." Maya said with a gloomy face, "The virus is not in his hands now, he gave it to someone else. I hope the situation will not become as I thought. That's bad."

(Thank you again for your recommendations and rewards!)

(End of this chapter)

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