Chapter 115 Killian

Tony Stark reluctantly opened his sleepy eyes, the eyelids almost as heavy as glued on.He heard someone calling his name.His brain was a little unconscious, his whole body was in constant pain, his waist was almost so painful that he couldn't straighten up, and it was quite difficult to breathe.

"What? Is it already morning?" He said in a daze, which drew a lot of men's laughter.

Tony finally opened his eyes.He found that this was not his exaggeratedly spacious bedroom, but a room made of blue bricks, with a flickering incandescent lamp hanging above the head.Several young men were guarding the two doors of the room, and their leader was staring at Tony with a faint smile.

This guy is clearly the leader of the gang.He was wearing a distinctly different white suit with a dark black tie.He looked about 40 to [-] years old, with a ruddy complexion and oily blond hair that made him look extraordinarily energetic.

It took Tony a few more seconds to make sure he didn't recognize the guy, plus he seemed to be strapped behind his back to a wooden chair now.

"I think I must have been hungover last night." Tony shook his head, "Okay, okay, you won, and you can ask for the money directly from Pepper, who is my secretary. Oh, remember to remind me that when I go back, I must Fire my chief bodyguard."

The man turned his head and winked at the others in the room: "Let me have a private chat with the 'respected' Mr. Stark."

He deliberately bit the word "respect" very hard, and there was a strong sense of sarcasm in his words.

Tony watched those black suits retreat one by one, leaving only the guy who was obviously the boss in front of him, and couldn't help muttering: "Excuse me, have we met?"

"The great Tony Stark has had countless travelers in his life, most of them are just tiny bugs, of course he won't bother to remember." The man said sarcastically, "Of course he won't remember the one in Switzerland in 1999." night."

"Sorry, I usually can't remember what I had for breakfast. But although I can't remember what she looked like, you are obviously not the modern girl who slept with me one night 20 years ago. Oh wait, you Is it her husband?"

The man frowned.

"My name is Aldrich Killian." Finally the man began to lose patience.

"You speak as if Nixon deserves to be remembered."

Killian couldn't hold back anymore, he suddenly stepped forward and pinched Tony's chin, his whole body from his arms to his face became red and hot.The blood vessels under the cheeks seemed to be boiling, and the flesh seemed to be unable to contain the raging fire in the body, which was about to erupt like a volcano at any moment.

"Wow. You. You can breathe fire. Well, you win"

Killian's eyes were burning hot: "That night in 1999, I met the great Tony Stark with dreams and expectations. Mr. Stark received me warmly and told me to wait for him for 5 minutes, 5 minutes Then we met on the top of the building. I was so stupid to believe it, I really thought that was the moment when my career took off. Guess what?"

"Well I unfortunately forgot that promise?" Tony asked cautiously.

"It turned out that the great Tony Stark didn't pay attention to me at all from the beginning to the end!" Killian stood up excitedly.

"If you just want my investment, we don't have to meet like this. Why don't you help me untie this stupid rope, and we sit down and have a good drink and talk about cooperation?"

Killian sneered.

"Here's the funny part - I don't want to invest now, Mister Stark. I killed myself not long ago, and I've been reborn since then. In a way, you've made what you are today My—" He moved closer again, "—I just want to pay you back."

At this time, on the highway.

The red convertible sports car gallops on the road at a speed far exceeding the speed limit, like a horse that has found its own plain, galloping indulgently along the road.The other cars on the highway were left behind when they were only a flash in the field of vision. They were like bicycles on the side of the road compared with this crazy sports car.

Natasha's wild driving style frightened Maya Hansen quite a bit, while Eric, who was familiar with it, sat calmly in the passenger seat against the whip-like airflow, as if sitting in a Just as natural on your own sofa.

"Driving like this...won't your driver's license be revoked?" Maya asked carefully.

Eric smiled: "Don't worry about this, she is not someone who cares about a driver's license. I even doubt whether she has a driver's license."

Maya couldn't help swallowing.Of course, she wasn't really worried about Natasha's driver's license, she was worried about her own life.

"Tell me about the current situation, doctor." Natasha held the steering wheel and asked, turning her head halfway, "How is the positioning?"

Maya nodded, lifted the lid of the laptop on her lap, and said: "The characteristic of Extremis Virus is that the host will release super-normal high temperature when the ability is activated. According to the experiment, the temperature is estimated to exceed [-] degrees. Temperature monitoring can be used to locate, but the premise is that the host has activated the ability."

She tapped on the keyboard of the laptop for a while, and a map with a bird's-eye view popped up on the screen, scanning the temperature of all corners of the United States.After a while, a large piece of it was covered in irregular red.

"The overall temperature in this area is abnormally high, and a heat signal similar to the Extremis virus was detected two days ago." Maya said, "But the range is still relatively wide, and I can't pinpoint it until the Extremis virus takes effect again. "

After a short pause, she asked worriedly, "Will Starktony be all right?"

"You guys know each other well?" Natasha asked.

"It doesn't count." Maya laughed at herself. "We lived together for a short time more than ten years ago. In Switzerland, of course he has forgotten me, and I shouldn't be surprised by that."

Eric laughed twice, really in Stark's style.

"But we are very similar." Maya said lightly, "I can see the change he is trying to make, he is a great person. If something happens to him because of my fault."

"Don't worry, ma'am, we will rescue him." Eric said, "I know him fairly well. Believe me, his fate is very serious."

At this moment, they were interrupted by a siren that sounded like a clang of bells, but it came from Maya's computer.

"Wait," Maya said loudly, "the response to the Extremis virus has been discovered!"

"Where is it?" asked Natasha.

"it's here!?"

Straight ahead of the highway, a figure in black stood fearlessly in the center.A fierce flame ignited under his iron cheeks, like a dragon that would melt his flesh and release the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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