Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 116 The Ultimate Creature

Chapter 116 The Ultimate Creature

The brake pads burst out with a sharp and terrifying sound, and the screeching sound of the brakes almost pierced the eardrums. The sports car with a speed of more than 170 yards per hour drifted on the brakes like a frisbee, and the tires rubbed against the ground and screamed violently.

The man in black stands in the middle of the road like a dead log, and you never want to hit the accelerator just like that.His whole skin was like a red-hot meteorite, and the scalding flames radiated from under the skin, outlining the vertical and horizontal blood vessels and tendons on the skin, as if they were on fire.The figure of the man was distorted by the super high temperature, as if shrouded in an ethereal force field, and the soles of his leather shoes were also melting. Every time he took a step, the high temperature left shocking scars one after another on the asphalt road. Fusion printing.

If a speeding vehicle hits directly, it will turn into a gasoline bomb at a speed of nearly [-] yards per hour, right?

"'Ultimate Creature'." Dr. Maya Hansen, pale as if she had seen death, explained with trembling lips, "that's what we call people who have been injected with Extremis. Oh my god, the virus hasn't been tested yet , we can't even be sure that people who are injected with the virus will survive."

"It looks like he survived now," Eric said, pushing open the car door.

Maya said in surprise: "What are you going to do? That is no longer human, no one can fight him."

Eric didn't pay attention, he closed the car door after his footsteps fell, and said to Natasha in the driver's seat: "I'll fix him, you cover the doctor and go first, I'll catch up in a while."

Natasha nodded expressionlessly, and seemed to have no objection to his proposal.Immediately, she restarted the engine, turned the front of the car and continued to drive forward, completely ignoring the "ultimate creature".

Of course, men won't let them go so easily.He roared, the flames all over his body rose again, and he jumped out to intercept the starting sports car.

Of course Eric would not just watch from the sidelines, the moment the man jumped out, he also moved.The armor on the back unfolded quickly, and part of the power system covering the legs was activated while putting on the clothes, pushing Eric's figure to explode instantly, and pounced on the man who jumped into the air.The metal body jumped over the fence in the middle of the road as if wrapped in a ball of fire, and rolled onto the opposite road.

After landing on the ground and rolling in a circle, Eric bounced up and seized the opportunity.He strode forward to the opponent, and punched the man's cheek unreservedly. The iron fist hit him so that the left side of his face collapsed, as if a piece had been blown off.However, the damaged part does not reveal the flesh and blood under the skin, but the fiery tissue structure like lava in the earth's core, which is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing it with my own eyes is still kind of creepy.
The fist that hit the opponent's cheek felt as if it had been inserted into a high-temperature oven. This guy's body temperature was unbelievably high. Eric saw on the display of the opponent's chest that it seemed that a sun had been stuffed into the opponent's chest.He followed up with a sweeping leg, and slapped the man's waist fiercely. Taking advantage of the moment when the man was stiff, he punched the man's face again, and the bridge of the man's nose was crushed with tons of force, and his face was quite embarrassed.

But Eric knew that this was not enough. The self-healing ability of the "Ultimate Creature" was astonishing. Trauma with missing arms and legs was nothing to them. Only more deadly and difficult to recover serious injuries could work.

He continued to raise his fist, and threw another punch without giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

But this time, his arm was cut off halfway.The man stretched out his left hand like electricity, and precisely strangled Eric's wrist before hitting him with a punch.The super high temperature penetrated the armor, and Eric seemed to have almost lost consciousness in his right hand.The display in front of him indicated that the joints of the armor's wrists flickered frantically, reminding him of the severe damage there.

The temperature is so high that Iron Man's armor in the movie is torn apart by the "ultimate creature" with his bare hands like tofu.The temperature was so high that it interfered with the electromagnetic signal, causing the part of the armor that was exposed to high temperature to temporarily lose its response, as if it had crashed.

It's not just the armor, Eric felt that he was only pinched for such a moment, and his right hand seemed to lose consciousness.

The man then pinched his throat, the heat almost made it hard to breathe.He slammed Eric against the fence in the middle of the road, and the iron fence was so hot that it almost melted.

In just such a short time, his armor's wrists were almost useless. If it was longer, the consequences would be disastrous.Eric gritted his teeth, kicked his right foot, and kicked the opponent's lower abdomen with all his power.The figure of the man flew into the air like being hit by a shell, leaped across the road, and rolled down the weedy slope all the way. Everything along the way was melted by the high temperature, leaving a burning trail.

Eric let out a long sigh of relief and stood up. The armor shell on his wrist and throat had been melted away, and the parts were damaged badly, but they had begun to repair automatically.

But "Ultimate Creature" certainly won't be so easily defeated.Eric squeezed the wrist of his right fist, and chased after him.

On the other hand, after getting rid of that "ultimate creature", the red sports car continued to gallop along the high-speed road.Maya Hansen looked back from time to time to make sure that the guy who looked like a hell demon was not chasing her.

"Don't worry." Natasha comforted her, "You may not be able to tell from the outside, but that kid actually has two brushes, and he can handle it."

Maya is not convinced: "You don't know what the 'ultimate creature' can do."

"You don't know what his armor can do."

Natasha said, frowning slightly.At some point, a black car appeared on the road ahead, blocking in front of their sports car.Natasha tried to change lanes to overtake, but found that the left and right sides were also chased by the same black car at some point, and the rear of the car was also the same.

Four black sports cars, at the same desperate speed as theirs, surrounded them in a zigzag shape, like an iron cage trapping a beast.

Maya also noticed this situation, her face changed: "They are here again and they want to catch me!"

"Sit tight."

Natasha said coldly, and at the same time stepped on the accelerator. With a turn of the steering wheel, the sports car, which was already almost out of control, accelerated again. The motor roared to the limit. As soon as the gap in the side sports car came out, the moment it broke through the cage, the body scraped violently, and sparks splashed like rain!

(End of this chapter)

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