Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 118 Super Agent

Chapter 118 Super Agent
"My God!" Maya exclaimed, "it's a bazooka! They have bazookas!"

Natasha frowned slightly, but said calmly, "Calm down. Hold tight."

There was only a bang from behind the car, and the sound of "whoosh" piercing through the air was instantly lost in the sound of hunting wind, and the thick black tail smoke of the rocket drew a beautiful arc in the air.In an instant, Natasha slammed into the direction, and the hand brake and foot brake were activated at the same time. Under the super-high-speed inertia, the car body suddenly turned sideways, dragging a long string of cat claws like scratching a glass bottle, which made people get goosebumps. Screaming, he turned sideways and slammed into the side of the road.

There was a deafening bang, and the powerful impact of the missed rockets shook the sports car violently, almost toppling over, and the broken stones rained down on the bulletproof glass.Amid Maya's screams, Natasha stepped on the accelerator again, and the sports car crashed through the fence on the side of the road like an arrow and rushed towards the field.

In the open and limited space of the expressway, they are almost live targets for rocket launchers, and it is really difficult to dodge them, so she chose to leave the runway, and the chances are greater in fields with more bunkers and more open freedom.

A black car followed closely and crashed out, while the driver of the other car lost his balance the moment he left the expressway due to negligence, and suddenly rolled over.

The last one of the chasing soldiers was left. They are not off-road vehicles. They are quite strenuous to run on such a road. high dust.

Natasha's driving skills completely suppressed the pursuers, and the performance of the Aegis-modified sports car also had a slight advantage.But the problem is that they are not competing in a friendly and fair way now.

The black figure in the car behind leaned out again, holding up the dark bazooka.

"He's targeting us again!" Maya yelled, "Go figure it out!"

Without saying a word, Natasha shifted gears, applied the brakes, and stepped on the clutch skillfully. The sports car performed drifting stunts again. Huge smoke and dust rose from the rear of the car, like a thickly colored curtain covering the view of the pursuers.

The driver of the black sports car closed his pupils, and saw a red light suddenly flashed in the thick smoke and dust in front of him, and the steel-framed body rushed out, like a projectile roaring against the gust of wind.Natasha's face in the driver's seat was calm, her clear eyes were shining with a dangerous and deadly light, as if she carried the determination of a dead warrior.

Could it be that she wants to hurt both sides?
The driver of the black sports car had just thought of this, and the two cars had already approached the limit distance.But they didn't collide. The red sports car "chucked" sideways, bypassing the black car like a spinning top, and the body was thrown to the side of the black car.At some point, Natasha had rolled down the side window, and her arm wrapped in a tight black uniform stuck out, holding a delicate pistol.

The gunfire suddenly appeared, and three gunshots were fired, just at the moment when the two cars passed by in the opposite direction, they fired just right.The bullet pierced through the driver's forehead with extraordinary precision, and the out-of-control black car swayed from side to side like a wild horse at such a high speed, and finally the front wheel knocked on a gravel, and the body crashed over.After the red sports car spun another puff of smoke, it finally stopped, and the motor gasped in relief.

Maya leaned back on the seat, holding her chest and gasping for breath, still in shock.

Natasha opened the door and got out of the car, and carefully walked towards the black car with a gun in hand.There might be someone inside who is still conscious, and might be able to ask for the information she needs.

With a "bang", a door of the overturned black car was kicked from the inside and flew into the air, and fell to the ground after spinning twice.A hand stuck out, and the man in black got out of the car and landed on the ground in a half-squat.He raised his head, his eyes glowed like torches.His forehead was smashed to pieces in the collision just now, but now that the breach was burning with high-temperature flames, most of it had recovered.

is the ultimate creature.

The moment the man appeared, the temperature rose sharply, and Natasha backed away vigilantly, raising her gun and shooting without any explanation.The gunshots rang out again and again, and the bullets sank into the man's body with the sound of penetrating into the flesh, but they turned into a puddle of molten iron and fell to the ground almost as soon as they touched the skin.The hot creature grinned and approached step by step, leaving a hot red footprint with each step.

Natasha felt a little tricky.

Black Widow may be a super agent with extraordinary agent qualities and strong abilities, but she is only a human being after all, and has no means to hurt such inhuman creatures
Her eyes fell on the overturned black sports car behind the man.

Maybe not at all.

The man roared, and swung out a fist with hot wind.Natasha reacted quickly by squatting to avoid it, and then slid past the opponent's side before the opponent's next blow fell, causing the guy's aggressive fist to fall into the air immediately.

Natasha jumped onto the side of the black car like a slippery water snake, and the man turned around with his right leg and missed again.Natasha managed to flip over to the other side of the car, rolled twice on the ground, raised her gun, aimed at the fuel tank of the car and pulled the trigger.


The flames soared into the sky, and the scorching curtain instantly engulfed the fiery figure, as if a huge demon was lodging in the sea of ​​flames and baring its teeth and claws.Natasha fell to the ground with her head in her arms immediately after shooting, but her body was still lifted up by the shock wave at such a distance, and she flew several meters in the air before falling heavily to the ground.

She got up on a half-kneel, wiped the corners of her mouth with her cuff, and stared intently at the fire curtain while panting.

Sure enough, the figure still appeared.The man came through the sea of ​​flames, his skin was badly damaged, while enduring the burning of the flames, he released high heat and quickly repaired it. His distorted face was hideous and terrifying, and his destroyed facial features were bathed in the flames and reborn.

Natasha clenched her pistol tightly and subconsciously took two steps back.

Even she didn't move this time, she had no way to hurt this monster.

And at this moment, a blue afterimage fell from the sky, like a plummet falling vertically.Eric, who was wearing the super mode armor, crashed down with unparalleled potential energy, and landed right on top of the "Ultimate Creature".There was only a dull loud noise, and the fiery guy was deeply trampled into the ground without moving.

Eric looked at the burning black car wreckage and the red sports car full of bullet holes, then turned to Natasha and asked, "It's not too late, is it?"

Natasha breathed a sigh of relief, put away her pistol, and said, "It's too slow, did you come here by bullock cart?"

(End of this chapter)

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