Chapter 119

I don't know if it should be called luck, but there were only two ultimate creatures that raided them this time, and the others seemed to be just ordinary mercenaries, who were unconscious during the collision of the vehicle.After the last ultimate creature was stepped down from the sky by Eric and disappeared into the ground, Dr. Maya Hansen, who had been extremely nervous, finally relaxed a little. Ke and Natasha came.

A sound that sounded like an alarm clock stopped her, and she leaned back into the car, took out her laptop from the back seat, and lifted the screen.A map was displayed on the screen, and a red dot appeared in the red area covered by the original large area, flashing conspicuously on the screen.

"Found it!" Maya shouted, "The unique heat signal of the Extremis virus has appeared! The signal response is very strong, there should be multiple targets, most likely their stronghold."

"Very good, send me the coordinates." While Eric was speaking, the battle armor had started to switch modes, and it had switched to the green light mode in the blink of an eye. "I'll go first."

"Wait, if that is the enemy's stronghold, we are not sure what we are facing." Natasha retorted, "It is very dangerous to rush forward blindly without reason. Our mission here is mainly to investigate, Now that the goal has been achieved, we should report first and collect enough information before taking action."

"Then wait for the recycling of the BBQ Stark luxury package by the way, and it should be cooked by then." Eric didn't listen to her, and at this moment the person was already in the air, "Sorry, Miss Widow, but Stark As my friend, I can't just wait on the sidelines."

After he finished speaking, he turned around, turned into a dazzling green light and charged towards the sky at full speed, and disappeared into the air in an instant.

Tony Stark didn't know how long he had been in a coma. When he woke up again, he was still surrounded by green bricks, and he was sitting on a wooden chair with his hands handcuffed behind his back.He couldn't help but began to miss the soft leather sofa at home, at least not like the hard guy sitting on his buttocks.

He has no way of knowing how long he has been locked up. This dilapidated room doesn't even have a window for ventilation, and he can't even see the sunrise and sunset. If he just relies on his feelings, he feels that he has been locked up for at least a year. I was so bored that I started counting the cracks on the wall in front of me.

But this time when I woke up, the outside felt different.

There was a lot of noise outside the door, with hurried footsteps passing by and someone shouting from time to time, he couldn't help but wonder if he might be locked up next to an emergency room.Although he couldn't see what was going on outside, he could boldly guess that something had happened.

After a while, the door was pushed open. Before Aldrich Killian came in, he loudly explained something to the people outside. A robust young man followed behind him, and then he closed the door with a snap.

Tony said weakly: "Let me guess, have I been released after serving my sentence?"

"Almost." Unexpected response, Killian had a weird smile on his face.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, but why does it feel so weird to me?" Tony muttered, "It feels like a death row prisoner being dragged to the execution ground."

Killian smiled: "In comparison, I'm actually quite kind."

"It's kind of you to lock me up in this dark place. Should I send you a good person card?" Tony said, "By the way, what do you want? You just locked me here. Is it any good? Do you want money? Or technology? Or resources?”

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, Mr. Stark." Killian waved his hands again and again, "I said it - you made me who I am today, so I want to express my gratitude."

"Then you can choose a much more straightforward method, such as untying me and sending me out."

"Ha, I'll think about it...soon. But before that, there's something else."

Killian took out a syringe from the inside of his white suit. The light blue reagent dripped from the transparent needle tube, which looked crystal clear.

Tony raised his eyebrows: "Antibiotics are waived, and I am in good health."

"Your friends found out about this place," Killian said. "The SHIELD will be here to pick you up soon, so I guess we'll have to part ways here. It's a pity I haven't enjoyed our reunion enough yet. But Before parting, I want to give you a gift to express my gratitude."

Tony narrowed his eyes, staring at the reagent in the syringe.

"Remember how I said how we obtained such a powerful ability?" Killian pointed to the test tube proudly as if introducing the child's father, "Extremis virus, it endowed us with almost invincible recovery ability, supernormal We can even release a high temperature of over [-] degrees Celsius, even your armor can't withstand it, Tony."

"It sounds tempting, but I wonder what the price will be."

"The price, ha, of course." Killian said, "Only those who are chosen by Extremis can evolve, Tony. The Extremis virus makes us stronger, but before that we must go through the baptism of death, reborn from the inside out It will act on your nerves and completely destroy the center of your brain nerves that control the repair system of the body, and complete the body reconstruction on this basis. This process is painful and long. Many people die before they survive, and we The rest are chosen."

"So you must feel that you are very unusual." Tony said.

"It is you who made me achieve what I am today and gave me the opportunity to change the world, so I want to thank you. And this - Extremis Virus, is my thank you gift." Killian said, pulling down involuntarily. The skirt on Tony's shoulders, "Let's see if the great Tony Stark is worthy of God's blessing, and see if you are a useless turtle shrunk in an iron shell."

Tony tried to struggle, but to no avail.He watched helplessly as the needle of the syringe pierced into his flesh, and the cold liquid was pushed into his blood, which made his body tremble involuntarily.

"Enjoy it slowly, Tony!" Killian proudly threw the syringe at Tony's feet, as if he was sure that Tony would not be able to survive the side effects of Extremis.

In fact, he was right. Even these young men with strong bodies went through hellish pains to complete their transformation after being injected with the virus. Many of them failed to survive, and now they are so weak that they even Tony, who already needs to rely on the chest reactor to survive, has no chance of surviving.

Killian left the room in a happy mood, and quickly walked to the tarmac outside.The helicopter had already been launched, and the hurricane from the propellers stirred the corners of his white suit. His men had been waiting for a long time.

But at this moment, there was an explosion in the air like the sky being torn apart, and the green figure descended from the sky and landed on the tarmac with a crash.

(End of this chapter)

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