Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 121 Desperate

Chapter 121 Desperate
On the highway, on the speeding red sports car.

Natasha rolled down the side window again, and the sports car sped forward against the wind, sprinting fearlessly against the violent airflow.

"Where are we going now?" Maya asked loudly in the back seat.

"Go to Stark's house."

"What are you going there for?"

Natasha didn't reply directly, but instead asked: "It's almost time for you to talk about the desperate situation."

"I thought I told you what it was."

"More details." Natasha said solemnly, her tone was closer to an order.

Maya thought for a while and explained: "Extremis virus. It is something similar to super soldier serum, but it is different from serum. It is a bioelectric technology. The virus is included in the transfer fluid and stored in billions of nanotubes. Just like the original Super Soldier Serum, it only takes one shot to take effect."

"It will turn people into super soldiers. We have just seen this." Natasha said, "But what I am concerned about now is-what will happen to the people who were injected before that? Is there any risk?"

"Of course, the Extremis virus is not yet perfect. It will crack the repair center of the human body - the place where our brain is in charge of the entire body structure map. When we are injured, that part of the brain will allow the body to repair the wound. The Extremis virus affects the human body The principle is to transform the restoration center."

Maya stopped and thought for a while, and after contemplating her words, she continued: "In the first stage, the human body essentially becomes a big wound, the human body system structure is replaced by the menopause system, and the brain judges that something is wrong with the body. .Then the virus will order the body to transport nutrients intravenously to keep the injected person alive. In the next two or three days, the injected person will be covered with scabs and unconscious."

She took a deep breath.

"As you can imagine, it's brutal. The virus uses nutrients and the body to make better body parts."

"Indeed, that's too bad." Natasha said.

"Wait. Did someone inject Extremis?" Maya asked.

"Stark," Natasha replied, "he's dying."

Maya was startled: "That's really too bad."

Natasha slammed on the accelerator, the motor roared louder, and the sports car galloped out cheering like a wild horse.

Stark's home.

Eric has long had the idea of ​​visiting Stark's residence. The unique building by the water in the movie left a deep impression on him, but he never thought that his first visit would be in With the dying master by the arm.

"Verification passed, welcome back, sir." When passing through the security door of the laboratory, Jarvis's friendly and gentle voice sounded, "But your physical condition is not optimistic, sir."

"Thank you, Old Jia," Tony said feebly as Eric carried him on his shoulders, as if his bones had been pulled out, "I noticed that too."

Eric had already removed his armor when he landed at the Stark house. He followed Tony's instructions all the way to the laboratory and threw him on the sofa.

"Okay, your lab, here we are." Eric said, "What now?"

Tony raised his hand with difficulty, pointing in the direction of the glass case displaying Iron Man's armor, looking like a dying man.

"My... armor, and the briefcase over there."

Eric followed the direction of his fingers to find a red and gold briefcase with a combination dial on the opening, apparently a set of folding armor.

"New armor?" Eric frowned, "I don't think your new armor can save you."

"This is a new model. I was inspired by studying your armor." Tony said with difficulty, "Your armor is directly connected to the nervous system. Consciousness and responsiveness, so I also tried to develop a new type of armor built through neural links."

He took a breath and continued: "That fire-breathing boy arrogantly told me that the Extremis virus he injected me would act on my nervous system and destroy my nerve repair center. create a huge load."

Eric reacted: "If your nerves are linked to the armor's system, you hope that the armor can share it for you."

Tony nodded: "In theory, this set of armor can increase my personal reaction ability and improve my combat awareness. At the same time, it should also be able to share the burden on my nervous system. However, it has not been tested. It is completely Made of memory metal, electrification can help it form quickly, the molecular structure will make it indestructible, and the internal structure will be compressed to about 90%, which is harder, faster and lighter than all my armors now. If it can help If I survive this disaster successfully."

".I will become one with the armor."

Ten years ago.

The flames of war seemed to have descended on this small town suddenly, and the town was on fire overnight.Buildings were pulled down, people died one after another, and the smell of gunpowder smoke permeated everywhere. The thick smoke covered the sky and swallowed up the last ray of hope.

And the aftermath of the nightmare is not over yet, and the people who survived the hellish two-hour battle have not had time to be happy, and a small half of them unfortunately died in the aftermath of the explosion.These new gadgets dropped by the U.S. military seem to be called "shower bombs". Countless unexploded explosives are scattered throughout the town like landmines, and everyone is within its claws.

"anyone there!?"

A boy's hysterical cries echoed across the empty block, his voice tinged with despair.

"Anyone, please! Help me!" he cried. "My sister...she's under here!"

The boy's hands were already soaked in blood. He followed a faint sound from his sister in the depths of the ruins, and dug desperately to reach this step, but a huge boulder below blocked them like a moat.

He hated himself for not being born stronger, so maybe he wouldn't be as helpless as he is now.

"Ginny, listen, you gotta hold on! Can you hear me?"

No more reply.The already crumbling ruins collapsed mercilessly, and tons of rubble poured into the deep pit like a countercurrent, swallowing the boy's desperate cries.

A piece of missile shrapnel rolled down to the boy's feet, and he picked it up absentmindedly, with the words "STARK" printed on it.

More than ten years later, at this moment.


Killian's shout brought the young man back to his senses.

"Yes, boss."

Years have made his body grow, but for Myron, he is still stuck in the dark day more than ten years ago.Since then, he has been dead, leaving only a walking corpse, driven by the thirst for revenge.

And now, all the people traveling with him on this gunship are similar to him, and everyone has the same purpose.

"Don't get distracted, focus," Killian said, "We've found them. Maya Hansen—the woman who can turn us into perfect creatures—seems to be heading towards Stark's house, killing two birds with one stone. Are you all ready?"

"Yes, sir." Myron said with firm eyes, "It's been ready for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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